Monday, 30 October 2017

Wexford Global Strategien Handel Begrenzt

Ein disziplinierter Investmentansatz Das Know-how und die Überzeugung differenzierte Anlageideen Orox Capital Management, LLC ist ein Dallas-basiertes Private-Equity-Unternehmen mit Fokus auf opportunistische Schuldeninvestitionen, darunter unterbewertete mittelständische Wertpapiere. Unsere Firma Orox Capital bietet einen einzigartigen und disziplinierten Investmentansatz, der Investoren gewährt Zugang zu der bedeutenden Chance im beunruhigten Mittelmarkt. Wir investieren opportunistisch in besondere Situationen, darunter unterbewertete und beunruhigte mittelständische Schulden von US-Unternehmen. Die Gründungspartner Mark Martinson und Bryan Korngut haben für die Mehrheit der vergangenen 9 Jahre an mehreren Institutionen zusammengearbeitet, bevor sie Orox Capital gegründet haben. Unser Name ldquoOroxrdquo ist eine Kombination der Wurzelwörter ldquoOrientrdquo und ldquoOccidentrdquo aus den lateinischen Begriffen für Ost und West abgeleitet. Die Verknüpfung des Ostens und des Westens ist ein allumfassendes Bestreben und Emblematik unseres Geschäfts ndash, den gesamten Markt für Investitionsideen zu werben, um keinen Stein in unserem Sorgfaltprozess zu verlassen, um in die attraktivste Position in der Kapitalstruktur zu investieren. Wir sind fundamentale Tief-Investoren mit einem Schwerpunkt auf langfristige Renditen Wir streben die Chancen an, den Anlegern ein einzigartiges Engagement in einem Nischenmarkt in einer Strategie zu bieten, die ein vorteilhaftes Risiko-Risiko hat. Wir versuchen, in Unternehmen zu investieren, die eine helfende Hand benötigen . Wir wollen als Partner in unserem Prozess agieren, um durch Beispiel zu führen und die Liquidität zur Maximierung des Wertes zur Verfügung zu stellen. Das Unternehmen wird von einem zusammenhängenden Team geführt, das an drei Institutionen zusammengearbeitet hat und über 2 Milliarden in ähnlichen Strategien während ihrer Karriere investiert hat Das firmrsquos Management umfasst Einzelpersonen mit einer breiten Palette von Erfahrungen, darunter notleidende Investitionen, Private Equity, Investment Banking und andere Disziplinen Wir investieren im Auftrag einer vielfältigen Gruppe von Investoren, darunter einige der größten inländischen Institutionen und hochverdienende Privatpersonen Unsere Partner verpflichten sich Bedeutendes persönliches Kapital, um unsere Interessen mit denen unserer Investoren und den Managementteams unserer Portfoliounternehmen effektiv auszurichten. Wir sind bestrebt, Managementteams und Portfoliounternehmen in einer Weise zu entschädigen, die eine außergewöhnliche Wertschöpfung belohnt. Bryan Korngut Partner Herr Martinson gründete Orox Capital in der Herbst 2012 und ist der Firmrsquos Managing Partner und Chief Investment Officer. Vor der Gründung von Orox Capital war er als Senior Managing Director bei Courage Capital Management tätig und half, seinen Kreditstrategien-Fonds zu investieren, der sich auf notleidende und unterdurchschnittliche Situationen konzentrierte. Früher in seiner Karriere war Herr Martinson Direktor der Distressed Research bei Cantor Fitzgerald. Er war auch als Portfolio Manager in der Distressed and Special Situations Gruppe bei Highland Capital Management tätig und verwaltete ein Portfolio von über 5 Milliarden an Vermögenswerten und betreute ein Team von Portfolio - und Senior Portfolio Analysten. Darüber hinaus war Herr Martinson als Analyst mit Schwerpunkt auf notleidende und besondere Situation Investitionen bei Wexford Capital, ein Multi-Strategie und spezielle Situationen Hedge-Fonds. Er begann seine Karriere bei Merrill Lynch als Analyst im Bereich Investment Banking. Herr Martinson hat in den Vorständen von CCS Medical, Inc. und Solstice Neurosciences, Inc. serviert. Herr Martinson erhielt ein B. S. In Maschinenbau mit einem Minderjährigen in Wirtschaftswissenschaften von der University of Virginia, wo er war Mitglied der Menrsquos Uni Fußballmannschaft. Er ist ein engagiertes Mitglied der University of Virginia Alumni Community und ein aktiver Teilnehmer in der Kirche der Inkarnation in Dallas, TX. Herr Korngut ist Partner bei Orox Capital und hat sich bei der Gründung der Firma angeschlossen. Zu seinen Hauptaufgaben gehören die Ermittlung, Erforschung und Bewertung von Investitionsmöglichkeiten sowie die Durchführung von Transaktions Due Diligence und damit verbundenen Verhandlungen. Vor Orox Capital diente er als Vizepräsident von Credit Strategies bei Courage Capital Management und berichtete Herrn Martinson. Zu Beginn seiner Karriere arbeitete er im Investment Banking bei UBS Investment Bank und Morgan Stanley als Associate Director und Associate, wo er zahlreiche Unternehmen auf einer Vielzahl von Kapitalmärkten und MampA Transaktionen auf der ganzen Welt beriet. Er arbeitete auch bei Highland Capital Management in der Distressed and Special Situations Gruppe, wo er Herrn Martinson berichtete. Darüber hinaus war Herr Korngut als Analyst bei Falcon Fund tätig, einem wertorientierten Longshort-Hedgefonds. Er begann seine Karriere bei UBS als Analyst im Bereich Investment Banking. Herr Korngut ist auch in Japanisch beherrschen und hat Erfahrung in ganz Asien, einschließlich Zeit in Japan und Hongkong. Herr Korngut absolvierte Magna Cum Laude von der University of Texas in Dallas mit einem B. S. In Management Information Systems. OMalley Hayes Partner Chris Dusek Finanzdirektorin Frau Hayes kam im Frühjahr 2016 zu Orox Capital als Partnerin für Investitionsideengenerierung, Handel und Beschaffung. Frau Hayes hat 17 Jahre Erfahrung im Kreditmarkt, starke Marktbeziehungen und umfangreiche Kenntnisse der Leveraged Darlehen Märkte. Zuletzt war sie ein Principal bei H. I.G. Bayside, verantwortlich für den Handel, Beschaffung und Pflege von Seitenbeziehungen. Frau Hayes begann ihre Karriere bei Merrill Lynch, die an dem notleidenden Schuldenpult arbeitete und eine institutionelle Investorenbasis aus Banken, Versicherungsgesellschaften, Renten, CLOs, Hedgefonds und Private Equity Fonds verwaltete. Mit diesem umfassenden Netzwerk sammelte und handelte sie Bankkredite, Anleihen und Aktien von Unternehmen, die von neuem Thema bis hin zu gestressten, beunruhigten und umstrukturierten Krediten reichen. Frau Hayes erhielt eine B. S. In Finance von der Bentley University, wo sie Summa Cum Laude absolvierte. Sie unterstützt aktiv die North Dallas Food Bank und wurde intensiv mit der Girl Scouts Organisation zusammengearbeitet, die mit ihren beiden Töchtern für die letzten Jahre arbeitet. Wenn sie nicht Zeit mit ihrer Familie verbringt, genießt sie, Golf zu spielen. Herr Dusek ist der Finanzdirektor von Orox Capital. Er dient als Firmrsquos Chief Financial Officer und ist verantwortlich für alle Finanz-, Steuer - und Compliance-Reporting-Funktionen. Herr Dusek hat über 20 Jahre Erfahrung in der Buchhaltung und Führungsrolle in der Private Equity-, Immobilien-und Corporate Retail-Felder. Zuletzt war er als Vizepräsident bei JPMorgan in Dallas tätig, wo er das Team von Private Equity und Real Estate Services leitete. Davor war Herr Dusek ein Senior Fund Controller bei Capital Analytics, einem Private Equity Fonds Administrator in Dallas. Darüber hinaus hat Herr Dusek Buchhaltung und Management-Positionen bei prominenten Dallas Unternehmen einschließlich Crow Holdings, LampB Realty Advisors und CompUSA. Herr Dusek absolvierte Magna Cum Laude von der Southwest Texas State University mit einem BBA in Buchhaltung. Er ist ein Certified Public Accountant lizenziert im Bundesstaat Texas und ist Mitglied des American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Er ist ein begeisterter Sport-Enthusiast und genießt es, seine fünf Kinder-Veranstaltungen mit seiner Frau von 20 Jahren zu besuchen. Mark Martinson Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter Herr Martinson gründete im Herbst 2012 Orox Capital und ist der Firmrsquos Managing Partner und Chief Investment Officer. Vor der Gründung von Orox Capital war er als Senior Managing Director bei Courage Capital Management tätig und half, seinen Kreditstrategien-Fonds zu investieren, der sich auf notleidende und unterdurchschnittliche Situationen konzentrierte. Früher in seiner Karriere war Herr Martinson Direktor der Distressed Research bei Cantor Fitzgerald. Er war auch als Portfolio Manager in der Distressed and Special Situations Gruppe bei Highland Capital Management tätig und verwaltete ein Portfolio von über 5 Milliarden an Vermögenswerten und betreute ein Team von Portfolio - und Senior Portfolio Analysten. Darüber hinaus war Herr Martinson als Analyst mit Schwerpunkt auf notleidende und besondere Situation Investitionen bei Wexford Capital, ein Multi-Strategie und spezielle Situationen Hedge-Fonds. Er begann seine Karriere bei Merrill Lynch als Analyst im Bereich Investment Banking. Herr Martinson hat in den Vorständen von CCS Medical, Inc. und Solstice Neurosciences, Inc. serviert. Herr Martinson erhielt ein B. S. In Maschinenbau mit einem Minderjährigen in Wirtschaftswissenschaften von der University of Virginia, wo er war Mitglied der Menrsquos Uni Fußballmannschaft. Er ist ein engagiertes Mitglied der University of Virginia Alumni Community und ein aktiver Teilnehmer in der Kirche der Inkarnation in Dallas, TX. Bryan Korngut Partner Herr Korngut ist Partner bei Orox Capital und hat sich bei der Gründung der Firma angeschlossen. Zu seinen Hauptaufgaben gehören die Ermittlung, Erforschung und Bewertung von Investitionsmöglichkeiten sowie die Durchführung von Transaktions Due Diligence und damit verbundenen Verhandlungen. Vor Orox Capital diente er als Vizepräsident von Credit Strategies bei Courage Capital Management und berichtete Herrn Martinson. Zu Beginn seiner Karriere arbeitete er im Investment Banking bei UBS Investment Bank und Morgan Stanley als Associate Director und Associate, wo er zahlreiche Unternehmen auf einer Vielzahl von Kapitalmärkten und MampA Transaktionen auf der ganzen Welt beriet. Er arbeitete auch bei Highland Capital Management in der Distressed and Special Situations Gruppe, wo er Herrn Martinson berichtete. Darüber hinaus war Herr Korngut als Analyst bei Falcon Fund tätig, einem wertorientierten Longshort-Hedgefonds. Er begann seine Karriere bei UBS als Analyst im Bereich Investment Banking. Herr Korngut ist auch in Japanisch beherrschen und hat Erfahrung in ganz Asien, einschließlich Zeit in Japan und Hongkong. Herr Korngut absolvierte Magna Cum Laude von der University of Texas in Dallas mit einem B. S. In Management Information Systems. OMalley Hayes Partner Frau Hayes kam im Frühjahr 2016 zu Orox Capital als Partnerin bei der Investitionsidee, dem Handel und dem Sourcing. Frau Hayes hat 17 Jahre Erfahrung im Kreditmarkt, starke Marktbeziehungen und umfangreiche Kenntnisse der Leveraged Darlehen Märkte. Zuletzt war sie ein Principal bei H. I.G. Bayside, verantwortlich für den Handel, Beschaffung und Pflege von Seitenbeziehungen. Frau Hayes begann ihre Karriere bei Merrill Lynch, die an dem notleidenden Schuldenpult arbeitete und eine institutionelle Investorenbasis aus Banken, Versicherungsgesellschaften, Renten, CLOs, Hedgefonds und Private Equity Fonds verwaltete. Mit diesem umfassenden Netzwerk sammelte und handelte sie Bankkredite, Anleihen und Aktien von Unternehmen, die von neuem Thema bis hin zu gestressten, beunruhigten und umstrukturierten Krediten reichen. Frau Hayes erhielt eine B. S. In Finance von der Bentley University, wo sie Summa Cum Laude absolvierte. Sie unterstützt aktiv die North Dallas Food Bank und wurde intensiv mit der Girl Scouts Organisation zusammengearbeitet, die mit ihren beiden Töchtern für die letzten Jahre arbeitet. Wenn sie nicht Zeit mit ihrer Familie verbringt, genießt sie, Golf zu spielen. Chris Dusek Finanzdirektor Herr Dusek ist der Finanzdirektor von Orox Capital. Er dient als Firmrsquos Chief Financial Officer und ist verantwortlich für alle Finanz-, Steuer - und Compliance-Reporting-Funktionen. Herr Dusek hat über 20 Jahre Erfahrung in der Buchhaltung und Führungsrolle in der Private Equity-, Immobilien-und Corporate Retail-Felder. Zuletzt war er als Vizepräsident bei JPMorgan in Dallas tätig, wo er das Team von Private Equity und Real Estate Services leitete. Davor war Herr Dusek ein Senior Fund Controller bei Capital Analytics, einem Private Equity Fonds Administrator in Dallas. Darüber hinaus hat Herr Dusek Buchhaltung und Management-Positionen bei prominenten Dallas Unternehmen einschließlich Crow Holdings, LampB Realty Advisors und CompUSA. Herr Dusek absolvierte Magna Cum Laude von der Southwest Texas State University mit einem BBA in Buchhaltung. Er ist ein Certified Public Accountant lizenziert im Bundesstaat Texas und ist Mitglied des American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Er ist ein begeisterter Sport-Enthusiast und genießt es, seine fünf Kinder-Veranstaltungen mit seiner Frau von 20 Jahren zu besuchen. Orox Capital wurde gegründet, um eine einmalige Chance im mittleren Markt zu nutzen. Wir füllen eine Leere für unsere Investoren, indem wir einen Nischenbereich des Marktes ansprechen, der nicht effizient von viel größeren Sondersituationen finanziert werden kann. Wir sind Partner Wir konzentrieren uns auf Unternehmen, die von einer helfenden Hand profitieren werden. Während unseres Investitionsprozesses verknüpfen wir mit dem Management, führen durch Beispiel und bieten Liquidität, die notwendig ist, um das Unternehmen zu realisieren, das wahres Potenzial ist. Wir zielen unter den Radarchancen mit einem Schwerpunkt auf tiefen Wert und langfristigen Renditen. Frau Hayes hat 17 Jahre damit verbracht, die innere Arbeit des Kreditmarktes zu navigieren und Zugang zu einem massiven Netzwerk von differenzierten Investitionsideen zu haben. Komplexe, beunruhigte Situationen Die Firmenfirmen verfügen über umfangreiche Erfahrung in der Lage, über die Kapitalstruktur in einzigartigen Situationen zu investieren, von traditionellen Konkursen bis hin zu Komplexe vorverpackte und vorab arrangierte Umstrukturierungen Advantageous RiskReturn Profil Wir investieren in die Sicherheitssicherheit, die das Instrument aussieht und sich wie heute schuldig fühlt, aber wie das Eigenkapital ist. Diese Art von Sondersituationen investieren kombiniert inhärenten Nachteilschutz mit dem Aufwärtspotenzial einer gut durchgeführten Buyout-Struktur Investitionskriterien Wir haben die Flexibilität, über ein breites Spektrum von Sektoren zu investieren, werden aber in der Regel Bereiche wie einzelne Drogen-Biotech-Unternehmen, Rohflächen vermeiden Entwicklungsabschlüsse oder große diversifizierte Finanzinstitute. Durch die Umsetzung eines flexiblen Mandats können wir auf eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten, unabhängig von der Industrie, Kapitalstruktur oder Art der Transaktion zu nutzen. Business Features Nutzungsbedingungen Rev. August 2014 Diese Nutzungsbedingungen (die ldquoTerms von Userdquo) sind ein Vertrag zwischen Sie und Orox Capital Management, LLC (ldquoOroxrdquo, ldquowerdquo oder ldquousrdquo). Orox ist der Betreiber und Gastgeber der Website durch orox (die ldquoSiterdquo) zugänglich. Verweise auf Orox beziehen sich hier auf Orox oder seine Tochtergesellschaften, Tochtergesellschaften und Beauftragten, die von Orox als angemessen erachtet werden. Jede Zugehörigkeit, die durch die Einbeziehung in die Definition von Orox hierin vorgeschlagen wird, dient ausschließlich der Einstufung in diese Nutzungsbedingungen und damit zusammenhängenden Richtlinien und beeinträchtigt keine interne Governance-Struktur solcher Einheiten. Einzelpersonen und Körperschaften, die Angestellte oder Vertragspartner eines autorisierten Auftraggebers von Orox (ldquoClientrdquo) sind, werden zusammen mit diesem Kunden hier zusammengefasst als ldquoUsersrdquo oder ldquoyou. rdquo. Solche Benutzer können die Website im Namen dieses Kunden rechtmäßig nutzen, aber Zugang zu Die Website eines anderen Kunden unter keinen Umständen ist streng verboten. DURCH DIE VERWENDUNG DER SITE, DIE SIE DURCH DIESE NUTZUNGSBEDINGUNGEN UND ALLE HAFTUNGSAUSSCHLÜSSE UND BEDINGUNGEN ZU BERÜCKSICHTIGEN, DIE IN DER WEBSITE ODER IN DER ZUKUNFT AUFGEFÜHRT WERDEN. WENN SIE DIESE NUTZUNGSBEDINGUNGEN NICHT EINVERSTANDEN KÖNNEN, STIMMEN SIE, DASS IHRE SELBST - UND AUSSCHLIESSLICHE ABHILFE IST, DIE WEBSITE ZU DISKONTINIEREN. WENN SIE DURCH LdquoBOOKMARKrdquo EIN BESONDERES PORTION DER WEBSITE UND DIESE BEDINGUNGEN DIESE NUTZUNGSBEDINGUNGEN VERBUNDEN KÖNNEN, IHNEN IHRE NUTZUNG DER WEBSITE DURCH DIESE NUTZUNGSBEDINGUNGEN. 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Any such intention or agreement is hereby expressly disclaimed unless otherwise specifically indicated. All e-mail sent to or from this domain is subject to archival, monitoring andor review by the compliance department and therefore subject to disclosure to someone other than the recipient. Irish Counsel to Deutsche Annington Immobilien SE on its refinancing of a c. euro4.3bn CMBS transaction involving German Residential Asset Note Distributor plc. The Quinn Group on all aspects of its euro1.3bn restructuring. Home Retail Group in relation to the restructuring of its Irish subsidiary, Homebase Ireland, via examinership. KPMG as examiner of the McWilliam Park Hotel. Ladbrokes in relation to its successful restructuring via examinership. Hypotheken Bank Frankfurt AG as a security agent and special servicer regarding enforcement of facilities relating to the Opera CMBS structure, and the receivers appointed over 14 companies within the structure. Irish Counsel to Deutsche Annington Immobilien SE on its refinancing of a c. euro4.3bn CMBS transaction involving German Residential Asset Note Distributor plc. Blackstone Group in relation to all aspects of the Debenhamsrsquo examinership. The Co-ordinating Committee of First Lien Lender Group in relation to eircomrsquos c. euro4bn financial restructuring via examinership. The Special Liquidators of IBRC - Irelandrsquos largest ever corporate insolvency. Part of the mandate has involved advising the Special Liquidators on the sale of the bankrsquos loan book which had a par value in excess of euro20bn. Johnson Controls Inc. on the spin-out of its Adient automotive business. Value Partners on the first Irish regulated UCITS to invest in China A Shares through the Shenzhen Hong Kong Stock Connect trading link. Sumitomo Corporation on its euro751m recommended takeover offer for Fyffes plc. Pfizer on its cancelled 160bn merger with Allergan plc. Todd Architects on all aspects of their corporate activity. MSO Group on all corporate matters. Invest Northern Ireland in relation to company and commercial law. Sysco Corporation on the acquisition of Crossgar Foodservice. SITA Suez on he disposal of its NI business to River Ridge Recycling Limited. A public housing authority on all aspects of construction and procurement disputes. An international retailer in High Court proceedings involving allegations of passing off, copyright and trademark infringement. The owner of one of Northern Irelands largest shopping centres in relation to a service charge dispute with a major retail tenant. A multinational technology company in relation to a challenge to the jurisdiction of the courts of Northern Ireland to hear claims relating to privacy, data protection and defamation. A firm of independent financial advisors in the defence of High Court proceedings concerning allegations of professional negligence. A bank in the defence of High Court proceedings commenced by a group of borrowers in relation to an interest rate hedging arrangement. Establishing New Regulated Firms: Advising on all aspects of engaging with the Central Bank and progressing authorisation applications. Complaints amp Litigation: Defending regulated firms before the Financial Services Ombudsman amp in court proceedings. Central Bank Administrative Sanctions Regime: Representing a range of regulated firms in enforcement processes relating to a range of issues. Themed Inspections amp Skilled Persons reports: Advising regulated firms in responding to a range of enquiries from the Central Bank at supervisory amp investigatory level. Regulatory Change amp Compliance Programmes: Advising on the implications of legislative and regulatory change, devising and providing compliance training amp implementing compliance programmes. Establishing New Regulated Firms: Advising on all aspects of engaging with the Central Bank and progressing authorisation applications. Complaints amp Litigation: Defending regulated firms before the Financial Services Ombudsman and in court proceedings including the designing of customer redress schemes and the management of multi-customer litigation. Central Bank Administrative Sanctions Regime: Representing a range of regulated firms in enforcement processes relating to a range of issues including prudential requirements, regulatory reporting, perimeter issues, consumer protection and conduct of business compliance issues. Central Bank Themed Inspections amp Skilled Persons reports: Advising regulated firms in responding to a range of enquiries from the Central Bank at supervisory and investigatory level. Regulatory Change amp Compliance Programmes: Advising on the implications of legislative and regulatory change, devising and providing compliance training and implementing compliance programmes including relating to anti-money laundering, anti-corruption, SME lending, mortgage credit and payment accounts. Establishing New Regulated Firms: Advising on all aspects of engaging with the Central Bank and progressing authorisation applications across a range of sectors including credit institutions, investment firms and payment services firms. XL Group plc in Commercial Court proceedings relating to the re-domiciliation of this multi-national insurance and reinsurance group from Ireland to Bermuda involving a scheme of arrangement between the company and its shareholders. Smith amp Nephew in defence of multi-plaintiff product liability claim for a number of Plaintiffs claiming damages in respect of metal on metal implants for hip replacements. Signature Capital in Commercial Court proceedings against Dunnes Stores concerning a commercial Shopping Centre in Galway. The Irish Stock Exchange p. l.c. in Commercial Court proceedings concerning the development of their HQ building. Irish Bank Resolution Corporation Limited (IBRC) (in Special Liquidation) in successfully defending a Commercial Court investment mis-selling claim and now defending the Supreme Court appeal by Mr John Spencer, due for hearing summer 2016. Motorola amp Nokia in defence of euro460m claim by Imagine Group in respect of the provision of equipment for a Wi-Max network in Ireland. Irish Distillers Pernod Ricard on the sale of Paddy Whiskey. Verizon Communications on its acquisition of FleetMatics Group for 2.4bn. Cardinal Carlyle on the investment in AA Ireland. Cairn Homes on its euro52m accelerated equity book build. Cairn Homes on its euro176m secondary equity capital raise by way of placing and open offer. Providence Resources on its euro65m secondary capital raise by way of placing and open offer. Citibank on the Crossborder merger of Citibank International and Citibank Europe. A number of large US and UK private equity firms with regard to tax work on hybrid structures and the set up of Private Foundations. Set up of sophisticated structures for US private equity funds to enable them to receive income from portfolio companies free of US withholding tax. Intermediate Capital Group plc on the establishment of a QIAIF holding investments through Irish Section 110 companies, allowing the fund to optimise the tax treatment of its investments. A number of managers in relation to the applicability of the European Venture Capital Fund Regulations ( EuVECA ). Oaktree Capital on the establishment of a qualifying investor alternative investment fund (QIAIF) focused on investment in Irish real estate. Clients include . Fortress, Alcentra, Apollo, Carlyle, Babson, ICG, MampG Prudential and Oaktree Capital Partners, Warburg Pincus, Bain Capital, Thomas H. Lee, Kelso Partners, Key Capital. Portfolio Advisors LLC on the establishment of an investment limited partnership QIAIF for a US private equity manager. A consortium of international private equity funds on the establishment of a QIAIF for the purpose of acquiring a portfolio of loans secured on real estate. Key Capital on the establishment of a QIAIF investing in private equity funds. Lothbury Investment Management Ltd in respect of its three property funds and the establishment of a non-UCITS management company. Intermediate Capital Group in relation to St Paulrsquos CLO IV a (euro435m CLO issuance). SVG Capital on the establishment of funds to invest in underlying private equity funds. Fountain Healthcare Partners Limited on the establishment of Fountain Healthcare Partners Fund I, L. P. and their second fund, Fountain Healthcare Partners Fund II, L. P. significant venture capital funds established to invest in the healthcare, pharmaceutical and life sciences sectors. Acision consortium led by Atlantic Bridge ventures in relation to a GBP pound265m financing of a private equity acquisition of the Logica CMG group. This was one of the largest information technologytelecommunications private equity buy-outs in Europe in 2007. A number of large US and UK private equity firms with regard to tax work on hybrid structures and the set up of Private Foundations. Various private equity houses (Magnetar, Mount Kellett, Och-Ziff, Ice Canyon) and investment managers on establishment and management of investment platforms using structured financing vehicles. Bord Gaacuteis EacuteireannSWS in relation to Commercial Court proceedings. Casa Cuervo SA in the acquisition of the Bushmills distillery including all environmental, regulatory and health and safety issues. Dalata Hotel Group plc in relation to planning advice. BDO as Administrators of a number of companies. KPMG as Special Liquidators OF IRBC. Deloitte in achieving a favourable settlement of High Court Bankruptcy Proceedings for a trustee in Bankruptcy. BDO as the Administrators of Valto Limited . Shanidar Limited . Quito Developments Limited . Ormeau Gas Limited and Acheson amp Glover Limited . Quinn Group on all aspects of its corporate restructuring of debt in the region of pound1.3bn. A Bank on the Scheme of Arrangement and administration of AssetCo Plc . Deloitte in achieving a favourable settlement of High Court Bankruptcy Proceedings for a trustee in Bankruptcy. PwC as Administrators of Carvill Group Limited . KPL Developments Limited . Fultons Fine Furnishings and the Taggart Group Limited . The parent company of Nortel Networks in relation to its restructuring. HNH as administrators of Jyrobike Limited . J ames Balfour amp Sons Limited, Versatile Foods Limited and Dime Property Management Company Limited . PJG Recovery as administrators of Zen Beauty Services Limited . McCrory Scaffolding Limited and CAB Plant Hire Limited. A Bank in the defence of High Court proceedings arising out of a loan sale. Santander UK plc in relation to various restructuring and insolvency matters. KBC Bank Ireland plc in relation to the enforcement of security over a hotel complex. Cavanagh Kelly as administrators of Colrain Developments and BampD Construction Limited . McCrory Scaffolding Limited and CAB Plant Hire Limited. Hudson Advisors in relation to the enforcement of security provided by a Northern Irish Property development company. GlaxoSmithKline in relation to a three-part inter-conditional transaction between GlaxoSmithKline and Novartis . which included a joint venture and asset purchase between the parties. Advice specifically related to the application on TUPE and its impact on the transaction. Poundland in relation to all their NI employment matters. The Irish Football Association on the TUPE implications of the National Stadium development. MACEstee Lauder in relation to the successful defence of contentious discrimination (age and ethnicity) Tribunal claims. Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce on the revision and introduction of new Terms and Conditions of Employment. Allstate NI on matters of Data Protection and the international lsquoSafe Harbourrsquo scheme rules. Aventas Group (Quinn) in reviewing the grouprsquos employment terms and conditions and key policy documents. Dalradian Gold Limited on corporate immigration matters. Northern Ireland Water in relation to their employee relations, both contentious and non-contentious. British Broadcasting Corporation on the application of both TUPE and the SPC Regulations in Northern Ireland. 3fivetwo Group in relation to its purchase of St Josephrsquos Hospital, Sligo and the application of TUPE. Jose Cuervo Group on the acquisition of the Old Bushmills Distillery and the provision of a workplace audit, and harmonisation of Terms and Conditions of Employment. Rentokil in relation to the streamlining of its Northern Ireland business. George Best Belfast City Airport advising on the terms and effect of a restricted share plan. Combined Insurance Company of America (CICA) on a class claim regarding employment status. Golf Holdings (WinemarkWine Inns) on contentious and non-contentious matters including the application of the National Minimum Wage. CME (Group) on recruitment and employment issues arising on first entry to the Northern Irish Market. HBOS in defending a complex trade union related Tribunal claim. Huhtamaki on the acquisition of Delta Print amp Packaging Limited. Northern Ireland Housing Executive on all aspects of procurement and construction law. Antrim amp Newtownabbey Borough Council on the procurement of a design, build, finance and operate (DBFO) contract for a new crematorium. NewRiver Retail in connection with a three-storey extension to one of Belfastrsquos largest shopping centres. The construction contract was based on the JCT 2011 Design and Build Contract with bespoke amendments. The McAvoy Group in relation to the contracts for the design and construction of nine schools in England. Sutton Services International in the successful enforcement of an adjudicatorrsquos decision. Ready Egg Products in relation to the design and build of a bespoke manufacturing and distribution facility in England. A consultant in the defence of separate High Court proceedings brought by the main contractor engaged to build a pound150M hospital facility. The proceedings were settled following mediation. The employer in an ICC arbitration of a multi-million pound dispute with the main contractor arising out of the design and construction of a sub-sea interconnector. Dalata Hotel Group on the drafting of documents for the design and construction of a 237-bedroom hotel in central Belfast. An insurer as bondsman in connection with four default bonds provided for construction projects in Great Britain. Euro Auctions on the acquisition of two new-build 10,670 sq ft. retail warehousing units and development land with planning permission for significant retail and industrial storage. The employer on the construction documents for the installation of an additional 3MW generator at an operational power plant. The contract terms were substantially in the form of the MF1 (revision 5). A consultant on the procurement process for the appointment of a contractor for a pound165M road scheme. The bespoke construction contract documents drew on both the NEC3 PSC and ECC forms . Iron Mountain on all aspects of the construction of a new 20,000 square foot storage facility. A housing association in connection with an adjudication commenced by a main contractor following termination of a contract for the construction of 31 apartments with basement parking. Belfast Harbour Commissioners in the procurement of a contractor for the operation of the VT3 container terminal operating services. Legal advisers in relation to the procurement of twelve different schools and colleges in Northern Ireland. Each project was procured through the UK private finance initiative. Ulster Bank on the pound16M project financing of the Ora More Wind Farm in County Fermanagh. Investec Bank on the pound80M project financing of a waste wood biomass power plant in Foyle Port. Irish Football Association on all aspects of the redevelopment of Windsor Park, the national stadium for football in Northern Ireland. Banah in relation to RampD collaborations, IP licensing and commercial contracts. Taggled in relation to the commercialisation of its technology. Vodafone in relation to brand protection advice. McDonalds in relation to enforcement of its intellectual property rights. Iconi Software in respect of the provision of software development services. British American Tobacco in relation to software procurement and other commercial agreements. SendMyBag on various commercial, IP and IT matters. James Leckey Design Limited on licensing agreements and the commercialisation of IP. A large managed services provider on the provision of outsourced call centre and related managed services. Aventas Group on various commercial and IP agreements. UTV Media plc on media and other commercial agreements. A large radio station in relation to commercial agreements for the proposed launch of a new radio station in the UK. Coca Cola GB amp Ireland in respect of media advertising campaigns for its products. Cardinal Analytics in relation to the commercialisation of its IP, including software licensing arrangements. An international aerospace company in respect of RampD collaboration arrangements. Allstate Northern Ireland in relation to a range of RampD collaborations, IT agreements and data privacy advices. Heineken on business process outsourcing arrangements, IP and data protection matters and other commercial agreements. The Old Bushmills Distillery Limited on its various commercial agreements. Irish Football Association in relation to the commercialisation and enforcement of its intellectual property rights. Neurovalens in relation to the protection and commercialisation of its technology. Aviva in relation to the sale of Aviva Health to Irish Life. Ladbrokes on its successful 2015 restructuring via examinership. EY as the receivers of companies within the Spencer Dock Development. Atlantic Home Care (a Grafton Group subsidiary) on its restructuring via examinership. The Co-ordinating Committee of First Lien Lender Group in relation to Eircom s financial restructuring. Irish Water on issues of planning and water law including advising on the c. euro500m Greater Dublin Drainage Scheme and the euro180m Ringsend Extension Project. Planning advice to DNB Bank . Banco Santander . BNP Paribas and SocGen in relation to the c. euro185m refinancing of the portfolio of in-construction wind farms at Knockacummer, Glentane II and KillHills wind farms (135MW). Planning advice to Nord LB . Rabobank and BBVA in relation to the euro160m financing of Cloosh Valley wind farm (108MW). Oweninny Power Limited (a joint venture between Bord na Moacutena and the ESB) in relation to the oral hearing relative to the proposed Oweninny Wind farm, Bellacorrick, Co. Mayo (the largest windfarm ever proposed in Ireland) and in relation to a subsequent RFI. The owners of a significant land bank on the implications of the designation of the Dublin Docklands areas as a Strategic Development Zone under the North Lotts and Grand Canal Dock SDZ Planning Scheme and the dissolution of the Dublin Docklands Development Authority (in particular the abolition of the Section 25 Certificate planning regime). Planning advice to the Dalata Hotel Group plc in the acquisition of the Moran Bewleys Group hotels. Planning advice to NAMA on the sale of a number of property portfolios. Heineken on issues of zoning in the revised Cork City Development Plan. Bewleys in relation to planning matters relative to the redevelopment of its Grafton Street premises. Brookfield in Commercial Court proceedings in relation to a dispute with vendor of lands, involving claims around contractual interpretation, rectification and service of contractual notices under an option agreement. A landowner on the implementation of a clean-up strategy for a closed down industrial facility. EPA licensed waste companies on the defence of civil ldquoclean uprdquo proceedings and criminal prosecutions. A large Manufacturing Company on the regulatory framework for use of recovered waste as an energy source. Pfizer Ireland on environmental matters including the environmental aspects of the sale of lands. A manufacturer in connection with environmental issues arising in respect of the decommissioning of its facility and preparation of the site for sale including dealing with drainage and potential contamination issues. An insurance company and several EPA licensed activities, on putting suitable financial provision in place for EPA compliance. Delaware Life in relation to a TUPE claim relating to an employee profit share scheme. Greatbatch on its acquisition of Lake Region Medical. Air Liquide on its acquisition of Baywater Healthcare Ireland. Irish Aviation Authority on a High Court Judicial Review regarding the suspension of an officer. RSA on employment matters a consequence of regulatory issues in its Irish business. Media inMotion and Retail inMotion on their acquisition by LSG Sky Chefs. CQS (UK) LLP . a London based hedge fund manager, on the establishment of a number of Irish QIAIF sub-funds using convertible bond and credit strategies and establishment of an Irish UCITS using a smart beta strategy. United Drug as its lead employment advisor on the multi-jurisdictional sale of its distributor business. UPS on employment matters. An Irish investment manager on the establishment of a UCITS ICAV platform with 9 sub-funds investing in model portfolios of ETFs. Irish Continental Group on its share incentive arrangements. The Coombe . Tallaght Hospital on employment advice. Ladbrokes on the employment aspects of their High Court examinership and major restructuring exercise. Telecity Group plc on SAYE plan issues on its takeover by Equinox. Horizon Pharma plc on its Irish share incentive arrangements. Ptsb on general employment advice. NOONAN on the employment aspects of its bid for a substantial suite of outsourced contracts with a financial institution. Johnson Controls Inc. on its merger with Tyco plc. Davidson Kempner on the establishment of its business in Ireland including all HR policies and contracts of employment. Esteacutee Lauder , River Island , Halfords and other retailers on employment issues. Various entities on obtaining authorisations from the Central Bank of Ireland including, investment firms, fund service providers, payment institutions and retail credit firms. Bank of America and Merrill Lynch on regulatory issues arising from BOAs acquisition of ML. IBRC (in Special Liquidation) on all aspect of employment law following the liquidation of the Bank by the Irish Government. Airbnb on employment matters. Guardian Assurance on the acquisition of Ark Life. Julius Baer on regulatory aspects of its acquisition of Merrill Lynchs Irish Wealth Management Business. SMBC as its lead employment advisor on the 7.2bn multi-jurisdictional acquisition of RBS Aerospace. Awarded Deal of the Year 2012 by Airfinance Journal. Deutsche Borse on Eurex Clearing Rules. The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment On the drafting of secondary legislation liberalising the postal services market. Various credit institutions on the application of the Deposit Guarantee Schemes Directive. A variety of hospitals on employment related matters. Various entities on obtaining authorisations from the Central Bank of Ireland including, investment firms, fund service providers, payment institutions and retail credit firms. Celestica on employment and IR aspects of its outsourcing agreement with Hewlett Packard. Special Liquidators of IBRC on regulatory aspects of the IBRC Liquidation. Quinn Group Limited on an ongoing basis in relation to company law, litigation and employment issues. Citibank Europe Plc on the regulatory aspects of the Merger into it of Citibank International Limited. ACC on the revocation of its banking license process and its replacement with an Investment Business Firm authorisation. Malin Corporation plc on its investment in Immunocore Ltd. KPMG on employment matters. Malin Corporation plc on its investment in Altan Pharma. Perrigo Company plc on its successful defence of a hostile takeover attempt by Mylan N. V. Spotify in relation to the acquisition of the Soundwave business. Air Lease Corporation on a joint venture with a co-investment vehicle arranged by Napier Park Global Capital (US) L. P. to invest and lease commercial aircraft. Travelport on its acquisition of the mobile travel platform developer, Mobile Travel Technologies. Echostar on its acquisition of Solaris Mobile. StepStone GmbHAxel Springer on the acquisition of Saongroup. Pfizer on its proposed 160bn merger with Allergan plc. Ongoing trustee andor administration services for a broad range of clients, including: Britvic plc, Horizon Pharma plc, Irish Continental Group, Deutsche Bank, Scottish amp Southern Energy and XL. Ongoing legal, tax and regulatory advice on share incentives for various companies, including: Icon plc, Royal Bank of Scotland, Imperial Tobacco plc, Pfizer, Johnson amp Johnson. International clients on share incentive issues following parent company migration to Ireland e. g. Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Eaton Corporation plc, Endo, Global Indemnity plc, Covidien plc and Mallinckrodt plc. Prothena Corporation plc on its new share incentive plan and awards following its successful listing on NASDAQ. Ryanair on its share option scheme. Scheme consolidations and amendments with a number of clients e. g. Kelloggs Company, XL Services UK Limited. Various clients on the establishment and roll-out of new Revenue approved or unapproved schemes e. g. Dalata Group Holdings plc, Britvic plc, Mondelez Inc. Ryanair Holdings plc. Nestleacute on the Irish share plan aspects of its acquisition of the Pfizer nutrition business in Ireland. Retrophin, Nelipak and SurveyMonkey on the extension of their existing plans into Ireland and amendments required for awards to be compliant with relevant Irish law. Telecity on their approved SAYE Scheme. Kleinwort Benson Investors Dublin in relation to their Irish Revenue APSS. Provident Financial on their approved SAYE scheme. Pepper on the Irish incentives aspects of its 1bn IPO on the Australian Stock Exchange. Cairn Homes on its share incentive arrangements. GenCell Biosystems on the share incentives aspects its acquisition by Becton, Dickinson and Company. Travelport Worldwide on the share incentives aspects on its acquisition of Mobile Travel Technologies. Malin plc on various share incentives advice. Endo on the incentives aspects of its 8bn acquisition of Par Pharmaceuticals. Medtronic Inc on the share incentive aspects of its 42.9bn acquisition of Covidien plc. Permanent tsb Finance on its disposal of the auto loan finance business. ACC BankRabobank on its restructuring of ACC Bank. Dalata Hotel Group on its euro160m secondary raise by way of placing and open offer. Hibernia REIT on its acquisition of its investment manager, WK Nowlan REIT Management. Advance Pitstop on the successful defence of an injunction taken by an employee whorsquos employment had been terminated. Monster Energy in relation to a challenge by a senior business leader to a redundancy dismissal. St. Jamesrsquo Hospital on injunction proceedings in relation to bringing an employee to disciplinary hearing. Prometric in relation to multiple unfair dismissal complaints arising from a large redundancy programme. St Jamesrsquo Hospital on an IR dispute including the imposition of pickets. AIB on injunction proceedings taken by a senior employee in the context of a disciplinary process. AirBnB on contentious employment disputes. Alexion on employment disputes. British Airways on a significant employment injunction. IBM on a High Court injunction to successfully restrain the use of unauthorized removal of confidential information by an employee. Loan sale advice and transaction work for various confidential financial investorbank clients. SafeCharge Card Services Limited on significant restructuring in their Irish business. Citigroup on ongoing changes to their operations. SMBCAC on establishing creative remuneration structures. Mondelez on effecting significant changes in their Irish business. XL Insurance on the employee participation aspect of its conversion to a European Limited Liability Company. Pyramid Hotels on the establishment of their Irish business. Avant Tarjeta regarding its purchase of the Irish MBNA business and subsequent fitness and probity project in connection with its application to become a regulated entity. Dalata on its IPO and purchase of the Moran-Bewley Hotel Group. Dalata on its IPO and purchase of the Moran-Bewley Hotel Group. Public sector pay policy to various hospitals and other State bodies . Compass Group in relation to the continued protection of its confidential and proprietary information. Britvic on the re-structuring of its Irish business. Accenture on the use of agency workers and contractors. Rabobank on significant changes to its Irish operations including complex TUPE advice and strategic advice on organisational changes. UDG on the euro407m sale of its pharmaceutical distribution businesses to global pharmaceutical wholesaler McKesson. Travelport on its acquisition of the mobile travel platform developer, Mobile Travel Technologies Limited. Credit Suisse AG on the disposal of Fortis Prime Fund Solution. Intermediate Capital Group (ICG) St Pauls CLO IV on St Pauls euro435m CLO issuance managed by Intermediate Capital Group. Jazz Pharmaceuticals on its 575m debt fund raising and 500m Convertible Loan Notes. Towers Watson on its merger with Willis Group. Permanent TSB on the first Irish issuance of Additional Tier 1 securities to facilitate its repurchase of CoCo bonds held by the Irish Government. Permanent tsb Group on its re-IPO by way of euro412m primary equity placing, euro98m secondary equity placing, and re-admission of all ordinary shares to trading on the main markets of the Irish and London Stock Exchanges, together with the euro400m buy back of Irish Government subscribed 2011 contingent capital notes. Hibernia REIT on its euro300m secondary equity capital raise by way of placing and open offer. Dalata on its euro455m reverse takeover of the Moran Bewley Hotel Group and associated equity raise. Perrigo on its acquisition of Omega Pharma and related 1bn equity offering. Cairn Homes on its euro400m IPO and admission to trading on main securities market of the London Stock Exchange. Medtronic on its 49bn acquisition of Covidien and the subsequent 105bn listing of a new Irish holding company (Medtronic plc) on the NYSE. Endo on its 2.3bn equity offering. Endo on its merger with Paladin under a newly formed Irish holding company, Endo International plc, which listed US2.7bn of its shares on both NASDAQ and TSX as a result of the transaction. Dalata Hotel Group plc in the successful and unconditional approval of the euro450m acquisition of the Bewley Moran Group. Malin Corporation on its euro42m private placement. Pozen on its proposed acquisition of Tribute Pharmaceuticals and setting up its Irish structure. Malin on its investment into 3D4Medical for 16.4m. Towers Watson on its merger with Willis Group. Air Liquide on its acquisition of Baywater Healthcare Ireland. Campbell Bewley Group on a number of acquisitions. Noonan on the acquisition of the RPS business and the Resource Group. AIG on its acquisition of Laya Healthcare. Endo International plc on its acquisition of Par Pharmaceutical Holdings, Inc for 8.05bn. Elix Aviation Capital on its establishment and portfolio financing. Goldman Sachs on a USD540m asset backed secured term loan transaction. CarVal Investors on the acquisition of Aergo Capital. DVB Bank SE on a USD650m aircraft securitisation transaction. ICBC Financial Leasing Co . Ltd. on a transaction to list US Ex-Im Bank backed notes on the Irish Stock Exchange in connection with the acquisition of two new Boeing 777 aircraft. ICBC Financial Leasing Co. Ltd. on a transaction to list US Ex-Im Bank backed notes on the Irish Stock Exchange in connection with the acquisition of two new Boeing 777 aircraft. ASL Aviation on the acquisition of Farnair Group. Online betting companies on new betting licence requirements following the enactment of legislation in 2015 Hotels including the Hilton Group . Jurys and Dalata in licensing and other issues. Hotels including the Hilton Group . Jurys and Dalata in licensing and other issues. Ervia in relation to various technology and outsourcing transactions including procurement of IT application support and development services, contact centre services, metering technology and meter data management services. Ervia in relation to various technology and outsourcing transactions including procurement of IT application support and development services, contact centre services, metering technology and meter data management services. Ervia in relation to various technology and outsourcing transactions. Permira on various Irish acquisitions including Creganna, ancestry and Arysta LifeSciences and the Green Isle Group. GECAS on the securitisation of various portfolios of aircraft engines. Advising on various life settlement proposals. Partner Re on various intra-group transfers of reinsurance business. Rabobank in relation to the outsourcing of part of the ACC Bank loan book to Capita. Irish Rail in relation to the IT systems integration project for the upgrade of its ticket distribution, revenue management and CRM systems as part of its Customer First Programme. Atlantic Bridge II Limited Partnership on the fundraising and establishment of its euro120m European Mid Market Technology Fund. Various industry sector representative bodies . CanWest on the euro265m sale of TV3 through an auction process involving various private equity bidders and ultimate sale to Doughty Hanson. Permira in respect of various investments and projects, including its acquisition of the Green Isle Group. Vance Street Capital on its acquisition of Eirtech Aviation. Permanent TSB on its restructuring plan to the European Commission and the State aid approval process. Various US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) investigations. Various private equity funds on the purchase of Irish loan portfolios. Vidara Therapeutics on the acquisition of Irish listed pharmaceutical company AGI Therapeutics and subsequently on its merger with Horizon Pharma and related inversion to Ireland. Senior Lenders to eircom in relation to its euro4bn examinership and financial restructuring. Various insurance and financial services companies on the implications of changes in EU law legislation. Irelandrsquos Referendum Commission on various Referenda including the Lisbon and Fiscal Stability Treaties. Joint lead managers on the market placement of the Statersquos euro1bn contingent capital notes issued by Bank of Ireland. Irish Life amp Permanent on its acquisition of Northern Rockrsquos Irish banking business. Bayer plc defending product liability claims relating to various pharmaceutical products and devices. Novartis in product liability claims relating to various agricultural products. Eaton Corporation on its 13bn acquisition of Cooper Industries and related corporate inversion into Ireland Jose Cuervo on the acquisition of the Old Bushmills Distillery. Acting for John Deere defending various product liability claims. eacutelan on the tax aspects of its successful sale to Perrigo Company. Various golf clubs on their establishment and operations. Endo International plc on its acquisition of Auxilium Pharmaceuticals in a cash and stock transaction valued at approximately 2.6bn. Various public sector contracting authorities on the outsourcingfacilities management associated with over 10 PPP projects in Ireland. Irish Distillers Pernod Ricard in relation to various contentious and non-contentious IP matters. Irish Distillers Pernod Ricard Bord Gaacuteis EacuteireannSWS in relation to Commercial Court proceedings in relation to a dispute with the land owner relative to a windfarm development site (involving claims around specific performance and a Section 160 planning junction). Bord na Moacutena, Panda Waste, Greenstar amp Access Waste on waste law compliance issues. Liquidators and receivers in relation to various licensed premises. The Campbell Bewley Group on its various operations. Receiver of Waterford Wedgwood receiver in relation to the environmental aspects of the sale of the Waterford and Dungarvan IPPC licensed sites. Several multinationals on issues associated with noise and odour nuisance from neighbouring and their own facilities. On the establishment and operation of various golf clubs. A large European asset manager on the redomiciliation of a number of different fund products from various offshore domiciles to Ireland. Brosna Joint Water Users on the acquisition by Waterways Ireland of water rights on the River Brosna. Biovail Technologies (Ireland) Ltd With regard to various aspects of their setting up of a wholesaling facility in Ireland. Fountain Healthcare Partners . a dedicated life sciences venture capital fund on its investments in various life sciences companies including Genable Technologies, Amarin, Opsona Therapeutics and Vivasure. Greener Ideas Limited on the impact of the N6 Dual Carriageway Road Scheme on the development of a proposed power generation plant. Highfield Hospital in relation to proceedings relating relative to the impact of the Dublin Port Tunnel works on its site. Baxter Healthcare on various regulatory aspects of the regulation of blood and blood products. The State Claims Agency Clinical Indemnity Scheme in the defence of clinical negligence claims against various hospitals. Nestleacute on the disposal of its ambient food business to Fruitfield Foods and on drafting various deeds of amendment and deeds of participation and arranging the necessary filings with the Pensions Board and the Revenue. A well known research company in product liability claims relating to various agricultural products. A large fashion retailer on a dispute arising from clientrsquos occupation as tenant of retail units where the planning was found to be legally deficient ndash judicial review, Section 160 planning injunction, specific performance proceedings. An agricultural company in defending various product liability claims. Heineken Ireland Limited on various sponsorship agreements Hg Capital on injunctive proceedings against a land owner who was preventing access to a windfarm development site involving claims relating to planning and property law issues. Indego on its defence as a notice party of judicial review proceedings in the Commerical Court, challenging the decision of An Bord Pleanaacutela to approve a euro40 million extension to the Square Shopping Centre, Tallaght. Various industry sector representative bodies. John Deere defending various product liability claims. A multinational corporation in respect of its aftercare obligations pursuant to an IPPC licence and related contractual obligations with the EPA and a third party including strategic advice in relation to avoidance of prosecution by the EPA. KraftCadbury in connection with complying with the EPAs requirements in connection with regulatory issues arising in connection with their IPPC licences for a number of their Irish facilities. Bank of Ireland in relation to various IT contracting arrangements. Bank of Ireland Various IT contracting arrangements. Nestle on its acquisition of Pfizers infants nutritional business including all issues arising in connection with the IPPC licence and financial provision. Various clients complaints to the European Commission and Competition Authority regarding alleged anti-competitive arrangements and practices. Casa Cuervo SA in the acquisition of the Bushmills distillery. Various national and international clients on all aspects of competition law including cartels, compliance and practices. IBM on the acquisition of various businesses. Environmental and Regulatory advice to Irish Water, Deloitte, Gerard Laboratories, ABN AMRO Bank, Irish Distillers, Pfizer, Bord na Moacutena, Panda Waste, Irish Cement, Providence and National Metal Recycling. Oneview Healthcare on its euro40m IPO and admission to the Official List of the Australian Securities Exchange. Various insurance and financial services companies on the implications of changes in EU law legislation (the preliminary ruling on 1 March 2011 of the Test Achats case). Jeffries LLC a s underwriter of Presbia plcs IPO on NASDAQ. Heineken in relation to various commercial agreements. The Consortium of Lenders proposing to fund the development and operation of a large-scale strategic waste facility. A multinational on putting in place an agreement relative to the shared use of waste water treatment facilities. Perrigo plcs acquisition of Omega Pharma NV. FundLogic SAS in relation to its Irish UCITS umbrella fund and the establishment of a range of structured and swap based UCITS products. FundLogic Global Solutions is a joint initiative between Morgan Stanleyrsquos investment bank and its investment management division. Intermediate Capital Group plc on the establishment of a qualifying investor alternative investment fund making use of the ldquosuper QIFrdquo structure, by holding investments through Irish section 110 companies, allowing the fund to optimise the tax treatment of its investments. DMS on its application for authorisation as an alternative investment fund manager under the AIFMD, additional application for authorisation as a UCITS management company (a ldquoSuper ManCordquo) and on its application to passport its AIFM services into Luxembourg. Hibernia REIT plc on its successful euro365m fundraising and launch in the last quarter of 2013 and its second round fundraising in Q3 3014. Van Eck Associates Corporation on the establishment and authorisation of their Irish UCITS management company and a physical ETF platform. Deutsche Bank AG on the establishment and authorisation of their Irish ETF platform and structuring of a broad range of ETF products, including swap based, physical replicating, smart beta and active ETFs. Irish Government on the sale of Bord Gaacuteis Energy. Special Liquidators of IBRC on all corporate aspects of the sale process in respect of the assets of IBRC. GenCell Biosystems on its acquisition by Becton, Dickinson and Company. Spar Group on its investment in the BWG Group. Dalata Hotel Group on its dual listing on the Irish and London Stock Exchanges (ESM and AIM) and its euro265m equity fundraising. XL Group plcs 4.2bn acquisition of Catlin Group. Tristan Capital Partners and The Lotus Group on the purchase of Junction One Outlet Shopping Centre in Antrim and The Outlet, Banbridge. Endo International plc on its acquisition of Auxilium Pharmaceuticals in a cash and stock transaction valued at approximately 2.6bn. Vance Street Capital on its acquisition of Eirtech Aviation. Accelrys, Inc on its acquisition of Qumas, from ACT Venture Capital, Delta Partners, General Catalyst Partners and Fidelity Growth Partners for a cash consideration of USD50m. Clanmil Housing Association as regards new site acquisitions and joint venture arrangements. C-RetailSuperDry, Asics UK, Lloyds Pharmacy, Jaeger, Screwfix, Goldsmiths and Manpower plc in relation to new leasehold acquisitions. Chicago Mercantile Exchange concerning the property aspects of its entry into Northern Ireland. DSV Air amp Sea in relation to all of its Irish property and logistics matters. Peninsula Hi-Tech Limited on lettings at Ulster Science and Technology Park. Natural World Products Limited as regards property acquisitions in Northern Ireland. ADC and HAS Airports Limited on property elements of the acquisition of Belfast International Airport. BDO as Administrators of Ormeau Gas Works. PWC as Administrators of Carvill Group Limited and KPL Contracts. KPMG as Administrators of Mar Properties Limited, Emlick amp Mitchell LLP and Planet Developments. Threadneedle Pensions Limited on commercial lettings in Northern Ireland. Investec Bank plc funding ERE Developments in respect of their development of a new pound81m 15MW Biomass CHP Energy plant at Londonderry Port. Capital Dynamics Holdings AG in respect of the acquisition of Dunmore Wind Farm (21 MW) and the subsequent commissioning of the wind farm. Greencoat UK Wind plc in relation to the acquisition of Bin Mountain wind farm (9MW) and Tappaghan wind farm (28.5MW). AMP Capital Investors as regards the acquisition of a majority stake in 10 wind farm projects across Ireland from Viridian Group. Platina Partners LLP in relation to the acquisition of Slieve Rushen Windfarm, the largest operational windfarm in Northern Ireland. Premier Foods Limited in respect of all its Northern Irish property work, including lettings and disposals Screwfix Direct entry into Northern Ireland and roll out of its first 6 stores in the province. Titanic Quarter Ltd investment sale of the Premier Inn at Titanic Quarter, Belfast. New River Retail acquisition of the Abbey Centre in Newtownabbey. Telefoacutenica on its euro850m sale of O2 Ireland to Threes Hutchison Whampoa and providing the related Irish tax advice. Lloyds TSB and St Pauls CLO II Limited amp Deutsche Bank and St Pauls CLO IV Limited as the Irish tax advisors to the respective arrangers and special purpose vehicles in connection with the issuances. Irish Property Unit Trust . a euro1bn Irish property fund, on the significant tax aspects of its conversion to a regulated fund vehicle. Hibernia REIT on the tax aspects of its euro385m IPO and listing on the official lists in Dublin and London. Oaktree Capital on the tax structuring and establishment of an Irish property acquisition and development vehicle through an umbrella qualifying investor fund. Hastings Funds Management on its acquisition of Phoenix Natural Gas. TDR Capital on the financing of its pound750m acquisition of David Lloyd Leisure involving a number of Irish subsidiaries. Highland Capital Partners on its acquisition of a majority stake in Advanced Manufacturing Control Systems. Medtronic, Inc on its 49bn acquisition of Covidien plc. The Employer in relation to the design and build of a bespoke manufacturing and distribution facility in England. The Main Contractor in relation to contracts for the design and construction of nine schools. Housing associations on procurement and contractual issues and disputes arising from significant building projects. A specialist subcontractor in the successful enforcement of an adjudicators decision. Joint Special Liquidators of IBRC . Bord Gaacuteis Eacuteireann in competition and energy regulatory proceedings before the High Court. DirectRoute Consortium, comprising an international and domestic sponsor group on the euro550m N17 Gort to Tuam Road PPP Project. One of the largest and most complex PPP transactions in the State over recent years. Funds managed by Apollo on the acquisition of MBNA Ireland. eacutelan on the sale of EDT to Alkermes Inc and Alkermes related corporate inversion into Ireland. Vidara Therapeutics on the acquisition of Irish listed pharmaceutical company AGI Therapeutics and subsequently on its proposed merger with Horizon Pharma and related inversion to Ireland. PWC as Administrators of a number of companies. Quinn Group on all aspects of its corporate restructuring. BDO as Administrators of Valto Limited (formerly CUSP). Deloitte as Administrators of Arkin Investments Limited and supervisors of a CVA for Crosslands Properties Limited. Oaktree in the defence of High Court injunction proceedings against enforcement. KPMG as Special Liquidators of IBRC which is currently the largest, most complex and cross-jurisdictional insolvency on the island of Ireland. Major lessors on the establishment, operation and financing of Irish leasing subsidiaries. HSBC Bank on the establishment of a Stgpound800m rail leasing program, including one of the first Irish structured leasing companies for rolling stock. Allied Irish Banks on the financing of the M. V. ldquoBallyhealyrdquo and the M. V. ldquoFinnforestrdquo. CDB on financing of ships. Private equity and alternative capital providers on the establishment, operation and financing of investment structures through Ireland. US, Japanese and Chinese lessors with establishing and financing aircraft and helicopter leasing platforms in Ireland. Lily OBriens Chocolates vendor on the sale to Carlyle Cardinal Irelands first private equity deal in Ireland. eacutelan on the defence of a 6.8bn takeover bid by Royalty Pharma. Irish Life Group on Great-West Lifecorsquos acquisition of the company from the Government of Ireland. Guardian Financial Services on its acquisition of Ark Life. Jazz Pharmaceuticals on its IPO on NASDAQ. Jazz Pharmaceuticals on the 390m secondary offering by certain shareholders and on a 200m share buyback programme on NASDAQ. Eaton Corporation on its 18bn IPO on NYSE. Prothena on its IPO on NASDAQ. eacutelan on its underwritten disposal of a 550m stake in Alkermes. Irish Continental Group on its fully subscribed euro111m Tender Offer Buy Back. eacutelan on its 1bn ldquoDutch Auctionrdquo tender offer share buyback. The Placing Agents and joint lead managers on Bank of Irelandrsquos euro537m placing in connection with the Irish Statersquos sale of its euro1.8bn preference share stake in the bank. Prothena on its 130m primary and secondary capital raising. Hibernia REIT on its euro385m IPO and listing on the official lists in Dublin and London. AIG on its sale of ILFC to AerCap. Dr. Peters Group on establishment of new aircraft fund for institutional investors listed on LSE in relation to Dreamliner aircraft for lease to Norwegian Air Shuttle. Helicopter lessors on Irish listed Ex-Im bond issuances. US, Japanese and Chinese lessors with establishing and financing aircraft and helicopter leasing platforms in Ireland in place of the existing line on lessors. Irish Property Unit Trust on the establishment and authorisation of IPUT plc, the first Irish internally managed alternative investment fund under the AIFM Regulations. The Hartford on the sale of its Irish life assurance subsidiary to Columbia Insurance Company. Insurance Ireland on drafting and negotiating with the Department of Justice amendments to Irish Equal Status legislation to address the Test Achats decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union. Other clients including Irish Life and Permanent on settlement of significant enforcement actions. Combined Insurance Company of Europe on settlement of multi-million euro enforcement action arising from sales practices. Alico Life International and other major insurers on settlement of multi-million euro financial services administrative enforcement actions arising from stock lending activities. A number of leading life assurers on sovereign annuity products. A significant number of leading insurers in the Irish market on compliance with the Test Achats decision. Allied Irish Banks on a travel insurance distribution arrangement with ACE. Prudential International Assurance plc on a significant outsourcing to Capita. Friends First in several significant Commercial Court proceedings. BMW on the intra-group transfer of the non-life insurance business of its Irish captive to its UK captive. Danica on the intra-group transfer of the life assurance business of its Irish life insurer to its Danish life insurer. XL Group on the conversion of its Irish reinsurer to an SE. Lloyds Banking Group on the intra-group transfer of the Irish life and non-life insurance businesses of Halifax to Lloyds UK insurance companies. RSA on the acquisition of the personal lines insurance business of Aoninsure. ie. The Special Liquidators of IBRC on insurance aspects of the liquidation. Guardian Financial Services on the acquisition of Ark Life. The Hartford on the sale of its Irish life assurance subsidiary, Hartford Life Limited to Columbia Insurance Company (a Berkshire Hathaway company). An Irish UCITS management company on its application to passport services to Luxembourg. A consortium of international investors on the establishment of a qualifying investor fund for the purpose of acquiring a portfolio of loans secured on real estate. A large Danish pension fund . one of Europersquos largest pension funds, on the establishment of a UCITS investment company. Oaktree Capital on the establishment of a qualifying investor fund focused on investment in Irish real estate. IBM on its acquisitions of The Now Factory and Curam Software. Endo Health Solutions on its 1.6bn acquisition of Paladin Labs and related corporate inversion into Ireland. The Hartford on the sale of Hartford Life. Successful defendants in Koger Inc amp Koger (Dublin) Limited v OrsquoDonnell amp Others in High Court and Supreme Court proceedings 4332008P and 4222010. Hastingsrsquo Managed Funds Utilities Trust of Australia and The Royal Bank of Scotland Group Pension Fund on their acquisition of Phoenix Natural Gas. GolfNow on its acquisition of the entire issued share capital of BRS Systems Limited. Telefoacutenica on its sale of Telefoacutenica O2 Ireland to Hutchison Whampoa Group. eacutelan on its formal sale process and Perrigos recommended 8.6bn takeover offer and related corporate inversion into Ireland. (Global MampA Deal of the Year 2014 - American Lawyer) ADC amp HAS Airports on its acquisition of Belfast International Airport. RBS Aerospace USD1.09bn Airspeed Securitisation of an aircraft lease portfolio. Irish Ferries on the sale of the M. V. ldquoNormandyrdquo to a Singapore purchaser. Allied Irish Banks on the financing of the M. V. Ballyhealy and the M. V. Finnforest HSBC Bank on the establishment of a GBPpound800mn rail leasing program, including one of the first Irish structured leasing companies for rolling stock. A syndicate of banks in relation to bridging facilities provided to Irish Continental Group PLC. On the Private funding of Irish fishing vessels. On all banking work for Arklow Shipping fleet . This is rolling work. Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation on its 7.2bn acquisition of RBS Aerospace. Awarded Deal of the Year 2012 by Airfinance Journal. IBRC, Bank of Ireland, Allied Irish Banks, EBS and certain non-participating institutions in relation to NAMA. NAMA i n relation to enforcement and restructuring in respect of a number of its borrowers. Morgan Stanley regarding the 1.2bn public takeover of Skillsoft by Berkshire Partners. Iberdrola Finance S. A in respect of Iberdrola Finance Irelandrsquos 2bn note issuance. Deutsche Bank AG on the restructuring of its Irish Eurocredit vehicle. Irish Life amp Permanent plc on its recapitalisation and possible sale of its life business. Bank of Ireland rsquos deleveraging programme. Irish Life amp Permanent plc in connection with the issuance of euro400m Tier 2 Contingent Capital Notes to the Irish Minister for Finance. EBS Building Society on its merger with Allied Irish Banks. Grafton Group in connection with the refinancing several of its bilateral facilities. International Lease Finance Corporation in respect of its secured term loan facilities with banks from Europe, Asia and North America. Bank of Ireland on the securitisation of a life insurance portfolio - the first deal of its kind in Ireland and Europe. Westfield Group on the US10bn launch of EMTN programme by the Group, which is the worlds largest shopping centre owner operator. Irish Life and Permanent plc securitisation of a portfolio of its residential mortgages. This is the largest ever Irish RMBS securitisation to date. ICS Building Society on the issuance of mortgage backed promissory notes which are an alternative source of liquidity for ICS Building Society IXIS Corporate and Investment Bank on the securitisation of portfolios of motor insurance policies from 5 AXA European subsidiaries. Channel Capital plc in the establishment of the first credit derivative product company (CDPC) in Europe. ICS Building Society . a subsidiary of Bank of Ireland, on the securitisation of a portfolio of residential mortgages. SVG CapitalKey Capital on the establishment of an Irish qualifying investor fund which interposed a section 110 vehicle between the QIF and the underlying portfolio of private equity investments. Depfa Bank plc on the synthetic securitisation of a portfolio of public infrastructure projects loans and bonds. Ulster Bank Ireland Ltd on the issue of euro1.5bn Floating Rate Notes due 2010 and their listing on the Irish Stock Exchange. Real Estate Opportunities plc on the Irish aspects of its Stgpound1bn group debt restructuring. Allied Irish Banks euro1.3bn credit agreement to finance the highly leveraged bid by JDH Acquisitions plc for Jurys Doyle Hotel Group Limited. Acision Consortium Lead by Atlantic Bridge ventures on a GBPpound265m private equity buy-out of the Logica CMG group. International Power plc Financing and corporate issues around the euro302m acquisition of the Trinergy Group. Allied Irish Banks on the euro350m acquisition of the Mater Private Hospital by CapVest Equity Partners L. P from the management team of Mater Private. Clients on compliance A wide variety of clients on management of compliance obligations. Irish Listed Companies A number of Irish Listed Companies on Board Review Structures. Many Domestic and International Clients on Corporate Governance structures including advise on Corporate Governance Guidelines, Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee and Risk Management Committee Charters. Directors Of listed and unlisted companies on Directors obligations. BUPA On the sale of BUPArsquos Irish health insurance business to Quinn-Direct. Aviva Hibernian plc on its bancassurance life and pensions joint venture with Allied Irish Banks and its acquisition of 75 of Ark Life. Aviva on the acquisition of Area Life. XL Capital On the relocation of significant French and UK reinsurance operations to Ireland. Zurich Group on the ongoing centralisation of its global corporate insurance business to Ireland. AIG UG on restructuring its European insurance and reinsurance operations. Partner Re on the re-location of its European business to Ireland. Standard Life on the establishment of its international insurer, Standard Life International. IxisNexgen as promotersreinsurers on a euro450m securitisation of AXArsquos EU motor insurance portfolio. Bank of Ireland and Bank of Ireland Life on the securitisation of the embedded value of Bank of Ireland Life. Irish Life on a euro200mn note issue. Hansard (an Isle of ManIrish Life insurance group) on the Irish aspects of its 2007 IPO Ambac as guarantor on Scottish Rersquos 2006 life securitisation through Irish reinsurer Ballantyne Re. Gen Re group In connection with the finite reinsurance business of its Irish subsidiary, Cologne Re Dublin. AIB Insurance Services on the launch of its branded motor insurance business. Numerous authorised insurers on legal and regulatory matters including regulatory implications of innovative products. Mediation of insurance related disputes and litigation regarding insurance coverage and claims in particular for professional indemnity insurers in the healthcareveterinary and financialprofessional services areas. Many captiveself-insured clients in relation to their insurance claims and professional indemnity matters including Grafton Group, CBRE, Heinz Group and Mercer . Life insurance providers such as Friends First . Standard Life and Irish Life concerning their own and policyholder claims Corporates such as Pfizer, HJ Heinz and United Drug in relation to product liability matters. Aegon on Irish tax aspects of the 1.4bn sale of its life reinsurance business, Transamerica International Re Ireland, to SCOR. Genzyme on certain Irish tax aspects of its 20bn acquisition by Sanofi Aventis. Citi on the sale of Citilife Financial to Enstar Group. Bank of Scotland Ireland, Barryrsquos Tea and Management On the the sale of Batchelors Foods to Valeo Foods Group. Morgan Stanley on tax aspects of the issuance of shares to the Irish National Pension Reserve Fund Commission, and the related de-listing of Allied Irish Banks from the main market of the Irish Stock Exchange and move to the Enterprise Securities Market. Cableuropa SAU in connection with a euro300m high-yield bond issue through Nara Cable Funding Limited. Banco Santander SA on a securitisation of auto loans and leases of Santander Consumer Bank AS. WaHa Capital (Abu Dhabi-based sovereign wealth fund) acquisition of a 20 stake in Aercap and restructuring existing 50 joint venture. UBS and Deutsche Bank on Bank of Ireland liability management exercises, involving exchange offers to subordinated noteholders for new ELG guaranteed notes. Irish Life amp Permanent in connection with Series 8 of its Fastnet residential mortgage securitisation programme. Quinn Group on all aspects of its euro1.3bn restructuring. The receivers of Waterford Wedgwood plc and its related companies. Permira On Creganna Tactx Medicals sale to Funds managed by Permira. RHJ International on its acquisition of KBC Asset management (Dublin) from KBC Asset Management. Hellman amp Friedman on its acquisition of Web Reservations International. HgCapital in relation to a number of investments including one into Orbiscom and Sorne Windfarm. SVG Capital amp Key Capital on the establishment of funds to invest in underlying private equity funds. Apax Partners on Irish restructuring and food sector targets. ACT Venture Capital on its investments into AGI Therapeutics Nova Science Ltd Softech Telecom and Massana Ltd. Babcock amp Brown on Thornton Hall Prison Public Private Partnership (PPP) Investment. SR Technics and 3i on the acquisition of FLS Aerospace Industries operations in Ireland for euro46.9m. Warburg Pincus in its euro630m secondary buyout of Clondalkin Group from Candover. FL Partners on its euro244m acquisition of The Racing Post. CapVest Equity PartnersL. P on the acquisition of the Mater Private Hospital from the management team of Mater Private. Ecofin . the UK investment and advisory firm, on its euro122.5m acquisition of a 16 stake in Airtricity, the Irish renewable energy company. Private equity investors in a Wexford BioFuel Plant ndash the first commercial bio-diesel plant in Ireland. 3i with regard to investments in Nova Science Ltd and Giraffe Childcare. Maiden Acquisition Company (the holding company for Batchelors) on the euro95m acquisition of Batchelors from Northern Foods and on the acquisition of Erin Foods Limited. Clients include. Fortress, Alcentra, Apollo, Carlyle, Babson, ICG, MampG Prudential and Oaktree Capital Partners, Warburg Pincus, Bain Capital, Thomas H. Lee, Kelso Partners, Key Capital . Set up of sophisticated structures for US private equity funds to enable them to receive income from portfolio companies free of US withholding tax. General corporate advice to UK and US private Equity funds in respect of their establishment of acquisitions and other platforms for investing and trading in various asset classes. These structures include collateralised loan obligation platforms, distressed asset acquisition platforms and general debt platforms. Fountain Healthcare Partners Limited on the establishment of Fountain Healthcare Partners Fund I, L. P. a significant venture capital fund established to invest in the healthcare, pharmaceutical and life sciences sectors. Acision consortium led by Atlantic Bridge ventures in relation to a GBP pound265m financing of a private equity acquisition of the Logica CMG group. This was one of the largest information technologytelecommunications private equity buy-outs in Europe in 2007. A number of large US and UK private equity firms with regard to tax work on Hybrid Structures and the set up of Private Foundations. A US560m aircraft securitisation transaction by ACS Aircraft Finance Ireland PLC arranged by US private equity house Fortress Investments . Shell on its downstream sale of its Irish retail assets through an auction process with several private equity funds and ultimate sale to Topaz, controlled by ION Equity. SWS following an auction process, on sale of its windfarm assets and other business assets to ION Equity for euro110m. i-path diagnostics (with Beltrae Partners) on its funding round with Crescent Capital II LP eircom on its take private following a competitive takeover process by the Valentia Consortium and subsequent re-listing and then subsequent take private by Babcock and Brown (for euro2.3bn). Trintech Group plc on its acquisition of Movaris Inc, from Granite Ventures LLC, Redpoint Ventures, Mohr, Davidow Ventures, the US based private equity firms and Hyperion Solutions Corporation, the listed provider of Business Performance Management software, for a combined cash and ADR consideration of USD 8.1m eacutelan on the merger of Elan Drug Technologies with Alkermes and on the IPO on NASDAQ of Alkermes. Campbell Bewley on the acquisition of Darlingtons. Telecity Group on its acquisition of Data Electronics. Permanent tsb on its acquisition of Newbridge Credit Union, the deposit book of Irish Nationwide Building Society, and the Irish deposit book of Northern Rock. Certus on its establishment and loan servicing arrangements in relation to the former Bank of Scotland Ireland Ltd loan portfolios. Bank of Ireland on the sale of Bank of Ireland Asset Management to State Street and the sale of Bank of Ireland Securities Services to Northern Trust. Anglo American on the sale of Lisheen Mine to Vedanta Resources. Bank of Scotland Ireland . Barrys Tea and Management as sellers of the Batchelors Group to Valeo Foods Group. Axereal on its acquisition of the malt business of Greencore Group. Trintech on is takeover by scheme of arrangement by Spectrum Equity Investors. Hellman amp Friedman on their acquisition of Web Reservations International. CarTrawler on a capital injection by ECI. RHJ International on its acquisition of KBC Asset Management Ltd (Dublin). Trintech plc on its takeover by scheme of arrangement by Spectrum Equity Investors. Guanabara Holdings on its hostile takeover bid for EcoSecurities. Britvic on its acquisition of the soft drinks and distribution businesses of CampC Group plc. Heineken N. V. on the Irish aspects of its acquisition of Scottish amp Newcastle. Eirgrid on its acquisition of S. O.N. I. from Northern Ireland Electricity. Campari on its acquisition of Carolans, Frangelico and Irish Mist from William Grant amp Sons. Scottish and Southern Energy on its euro1.8bn acquisition of Airtricity. Blockbuster on its sale of Xtra-vision to Birchhall Investments. CampD Foods on its acquisition of a production facility from Nestle. Cadbury Schweppes on its euro1.8bn disposal of Europe Beverages. Campbell Bewley Group on its disposal to Aramark Ireland Holdings. Groupe Danone on the sale of Jacobs Biscuits to United Biscuits, and the sale of Irish Biscuits to Fruitfield. Oracle Corporation on its acquisition of Nesture Telecom Limited. AES Corporation on its acquisition of AgCert International. Munich Re on the acquisition of Allfinanz. Credit Suisse . Deutsche Bank . UBS . Citi and Davy on Bank of Irelands capital raising projects. EBS Building Society on its recapitalisation by the Irish government. Davy as Sponsor to INM on its debt to equity bond restructuring and rights issue. Aviva on the establishment of Aviva Europe SE and its European holding company structure. XL Group on the migration of the holding company of the XL Group to Ireland. RBS, Santander and Fortis in their acquisition of ABN AMRO for euro75bn ndash including complex Irish regulatory aspects Intercontinental Exchange owner of Finex Europe (Futures and Options Exchange) on their move from floor trading to electronic trading. State Street Currenex on Irish regulatory aspects of the provision of a multi-bank trading platform in Ireland. Numerous Financial Institutions on project implementation such as the 3rd Anti MoneyLaundering and the Markets in Financial Instruments Directives in Ireland. Henderson on migration of its Head Office to Ireland. Bank of America and Merrill Lynch on regulatory issues arising from BOAs acquisition of ML. Lloyds TSB in its acquisition of HBOS. Hellman amp FriedmanBain Capital in its bid for Lehmans investment management arm. Nomura in its acquisition of Lehmans investment banking business. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group in its acquisition of a 21 stake in Morgan Stanley Domestic and overseas clients in relation to enquiries, investigations and prosecutions being pursued by the ODCE and the Central Bank of Ireland. On mandatory reporting requirements regarding information concerning white collar crime or other potential regulatory breaches. Clients under investigation by the FBI, the FDA and the US Department of Justice, and working with US and other overseas lawyers in such investigations. Overseas clients in relation to letters rogatory, extradition and international cooperation in criminal law matters under the Criminal Justice Act 1994 and the Rules of the Superior Courts. Companies and Executives on ldquodawn raidsrdquo to the premises of companies or executives, in connection with a regulatory or other investigation. Clients in the Circuit Criminal Court against charges arising from alleged breaches of Health and Safety Law. On the duty of auditors to make reports to the Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement ( ODCE ) Clients on their obligations under Irish money laundering legislation. Liquidators and company directors in relation to restrictiondisqualification proceedings brought pursuant to the Companies Act 1990. HWM in the defence of one of Irelandrsquos largest software copyright cases to date. Panda Waste challenging the four Dublin local authoritieslsquo attempt to remove private sector involvement from the Dublin domestic waste collection market. BUPA in damages claim against the Irish State following from success in Supreme Court proceedings establishing the illegality of regulations promulgated by the State. Jazz Pharmaceuticals on the reverse takeover of Azur Pharma and corporate inversion of the NASDAQ listed Jazz entity to Ireland. Wells Fargo on its acquisition of the US loan books of Bank of Ireland, Anglo Irish Bank and Allied Irish Banks. Deutsche Bank on the financing, through a debt and equity stake, of the acquisition of Bank of Irelandrsquos UK property loan book by a Kennedy Wilson syndicate, and the subsequent syndication to MampG Investments, GIC and GE Capital of Deutsche Bankrsquos stake. Quinn Group on its successful euro1.3bn financial restructuring including the disposal of its healthcare business. IBM on its acquisition of Curam Software. GenNx360 on the increase of its investment and ownership in Syncreon. Premier Foods on the sale of its Irish brands and its manufacturing co-packaging arrangements with Boyne Valley Foods EY as the receivers of companies with the Spencer Dock Development. NAMA on restructuring and enforcement work in respect of certain large borrowers. Irish Life amp Permanent on its acquisition of the euro3.6bn deposit book of Irish Nationwide. Irish Life amp Permanent on its acquisition of Northern Rockrsquos Irish deposit business. Bank of Ireland, Allied Irish Banks, EBS and IBRC on the transfer of loan assets to NAMA. KBC Bank Ireland, Allied Irish Banks and Irish Life amp Permanent on their residential mortgage securitisation programmes. Irish Life amp Permanent on its restructuring and recapitalisation and acquisition by the Irish State of Irish Life. Irish Life on its disposal by the Irish State. Deutsche Bank AG on the acquisition of part of Bank of Irelandrsquos UK commercial property loan book. Kennedy Wilson Europe on its acquisition of Bank of Ireland Real Estate Investment Management. Capita Group on its acquisition of the international financial services business of Allied Irish Banks. Telefoacutenica O2 Ireland in planning, structuring and executing a network share agreement with eircoms Meteor, the first such agreement in Ireland. TV3 in relation to ongoing competition law and broadcasting regulatory matters. The Law Society of Ireland in regard to the Competition Authorityrsquos study of the solicitorsrsquo profession. BUPA Ireland in proceedings challenging the validity of the imposition of risk equalisation on certain healthcare insurers. The Law Society of Ireland in relation to its successful High Court challenge against the Competition Authorityrsquos Notice on Legal Representation. Boparan on its successful acquisition of Northern Foods for Stgpound342m. Tata Chemicals acquisition of Cheshire Salt Holdings and its subsidiaries. Pfizer on its acquisition of King Pharmaceuticals for 3.6bn. The Irish Government in relation to the acquisition by ESB of Northern Ireland Electricity plc. GE on the Irish merger law aspects of its successful acquisition of Carnival and on a number of other competition law related matters. ABP Food Group On its successful acquisition of CampD Foods. Scottish and Southern Energyrsquos successful acquisition of Airtricity Holdings. Britvic plc in its acquisition of the soft drinks business of the CampC Group. eircom in its acquisition of Meteor. Hibernian on its acquisition of Ark Life (European Comission). The Heiton Group in its acquisition by Grafton (Phase II investigation). ESB on the procurement aspects of the Design Contest and architectural follow-up contract and appointment of consultants for proposed new landmark headquarters. Bord na Moacutena on the procurement aspects of major windfarm projects. Department of Education on the public procurement issues relating to the schools PPP projects and the construction of the National Maritime College and the School of Music. EBS on the restructuring plan submitted to the European Commission. Bank of Irelandrsquos multi-billion restructuring plan and three successful Commission state aid approval decisions. Ryanair on its successful appeal to the European General Court overturning the European Commissionrsquos finding of State aid, relating to Ryanairrsquos dealings with Charleroi Airport. Department of Transport on State aid in transport and Regulation 13702007. Department of Enterprise, Trade and Innovation on the State Aid aspects of state assets. Numerous clients on complaints to the European Commission, including drafting complaints, defending allegations of breaches of State aid law and liaising with the Commission. A major multinational company on the EU law aspects of possible regulatory decisions of the Irish Government in respect of consumer and financial measures. Department of Finance on EU law aspects of financial regulation. The Department of Finance In establishing the Single Regulatory Authority for the financial services sector. The Jersey Government On legislation for the liberalisation of its telecommunications and postal services market. The Department of Public Enterprise On alleged infringement issues in the postal sector and drafting the necessary implementing legislation to avoid those infringement proceedings going ahead. The former ODTR (now ComReg) On a wide range of telecommunications and postal regulatory matters. A Potential Bidder For RTErsquos transmission network on broadcasting regulation in Ireland. Domestic banks in Ireland in respect of all of their technology law requirements. A Large telecoms operator on a 10 year deal to create the first mobile network sharing arrangement in Ireland. Telecoms and mobile operators in Ireland in relation to many aspects of their business in Ireland. Banks and corporations in Ireland on carrier service arrangements with telecoms providers in Ireland. All telecoms aspects of a number of well known broadband companies including the re-establishment of one company in the Irish marketplace and regulatory consolidation internationally. A leading mobile handsets manufacturer on regulatory and commercial aspects of its telephony offering in Ireland. A large telecoms company that provides advanced real time monitoring for both fixed and wireless networks, on all commercial and regulatory aspects of its telecoms monitoring packages in Ireland and overseas. A major insurance company in respect of dedicated IT and communication services and system development arrangements. Irish government agency on a project to reform Irelands IP laws to attract investors. An industry association on its copyright reform submission on behalf of the Irish technology and pharma industry. A large number of US corporations in relation to the establishment of RampD operations in Ireland, and in relation to their Grant Agreements with the IDA. A major global retail chain in its launch in Ireland, and in particular in relation to trade mark matters, as well as in relation to its marketing and advertising activities. On the renewal of a sports governing bodys key sponsorship arrangements. Promoters and principals of a number of bio-pharmaceutical companies set up to commercialise technology developed by, and in collaboration with, Irish and UK Universities. A major production company, composer and author of a hit Irish musical including all advice on the copyright licensing and artistsrsquo contracts, and the ongoing legal aspects of its pending launch onto the international Leading international hotel group in arbitration proceedings under the ICC Rules. An Irish bank in arbitration proceedings in New York. A State body in arbitration proceedings under 2010 Act. A local authority in multiparty dispute under pre 2010 arbitration legislation. Case valued at approximately 100m that was before the London Court of International Arbitration. Dispute under the LCIA Rules between a large international livestock supplier and an Egyptian co-operative farm concerning the repudiation of a supply contract. ICC Arbitration arising out of the construction of a major new airport in the Middle East on behalf of the procuring body against the international construction consortium. Representing a construction consortium in its claims for additional payment against a Government body in respect of the construction of a large petroleum facility in North Africa under the UNCITRAL rules. Channel Tunnel claim by the Construction consortium for circa pound1.7bn for disruption to the design and construction of the works. Providing ongoing advices to the International Rugby Board. The Football Association of Ireland on a range of issues, including sponsorship contract with eircom, commercial contracts, joining the Association of European Professional Football Leagues, implementation of the UEFA club licensing scheme and ground safety requirements, exploitation of TV rights and the designation of certain free-to-air matches, anti-doping policies, child protection issues. Several professional football clubs - domestic and international - including Glasgow Celtic and Manchester United. Numerous professional rugby clubs and governing bodies, including the International Rugby Board, European Rugby Cup, Six Nations, British amp Irish Lions, Rugby World Cup, RFU, Leinster Rugby, London Irish and Leicester Tigers, Irish Rugby Union Players Association as well as a number of international players. The Special Olympics World Summer Games 2003 Ceremonies Committee on all aspects of the opening and closing ceremonies including TV contracts, ceremony design and production contracts, event management and stadium contracts. A range of other sports clients including Octagon, the World Equestrian Games and the World Wrestling Federation. Fund Administrators and Custodians on negligence claims brought by Funds and Fund Managers. Fund Administrators on the recovery of sums overpaid to unit holders. A leading international bank in high profile proceedings concerning an alleged breach of investment restrictions. Joe Kelly and Aoife Gaughan from our ADR Group acted as Mediator and co-Mediator (respectively) in the first Commercial Court case which went to Mediation under the Commercial Court Rules. The Mediation was successful, and culminated with the parties involved resolving the dispute without further recourse to the Commercial Court. Acting for a number of shareholders in an Expert Determination concerning the proper make-up of the Board of Directors of an Irish company with substantial US assets. Representing a large US multi-national corporation in a Mediation involving a dispute with an Irish based senior employee. Baxter Healthcare Corporation in multiple claims arising from the use of blood products. PJ Carroll and Company (British American Tobaccorsquos Irish subsidiary), in hundreds of multiple product liabilitypersonal injury claims. The overwhelming majority of these cases have either been dismissed by the Courts or have been dropped by the plaintiffs. No claims against our clients have succeeded in Ireland, nor have there been any settlement payments. EDampF Man Holdings In multi jurisdictional litigation arising out of the contamination of feed products. Heat Merchants (Subsidiary of the Wolseley Group) in defending product liability claims concerning wooden flooring. Challenging legislation (on EU law and Irish constitutional grounds) which would ban virtually all forms of tobacco advertising and display. AampL Goodbody is acting on behalf of a number of Irish and European Tobacco companies. Representing Look Cycles in relation to an allegedly defective product. Acting on behalf of Shimano (bicycle products). Acting on behalf of Key Safety Systems (air safety bags). Bewleys on all aspects of its Lease of the Grafton St premises including rent review. A large domestic bank property litigation regarding the banksrsquo former headquarters. Xtra-vision all aspects of their leased properties both contentious and non-contentious, from both landlord and tenant perspectives. Quarryvale Ltd landlords of Liffey Valley Shopping Centre, on all property issues, contentious and non-contentious. Coltard Ltd the management of Dun Laoghaire Centre including litigation regarding keep open obligations and peaceful re-entry. Irish Property Unit trust Litigation regarding rent deposits, recovery of rental arrears and breach of covenant concerning Airside Retail Park in Swords. Acting for South Eastern Education and Library Board and Lagan College as the sole legal adviser for the procurement of school accommodation and ancillary sports facilities for two schools in Northern Ireland, Lagan College and Tor Bank School. Third Level PPP Bundle 1 ndash advising Bennett Construction and OrsquoHare amp McGovern as construction joint venture to the preferred bidder. Third Level PPP Bundle 2 ndash advising BAM PPP, a shortlisted tenderer. Schools Bundle 1 PPP ndash advising the contractor. Schools Bundle 2 PPP ndash advising the construction joint venture. Design, build, finance and operation of upgrade of 24km of motorway and 35 year maintenance contract for entire M50 road. N6 Galway to Ballinasloe roadway on the design, construction, financing and operation of the with works including, 57.6 km of new roadway built to motorway standard, a 7 km link road, 32 km of side roads and 4 grade separated junctions. Acted, or are currently acting, as legal advisers in relation to the procurement of twelve different schools and colleges in Northern Ireland. Each project has been procured through the UK private finance initiative. Pierse Contracting ndash advising the receiver on several disputes. A Receiver in a Supreme Court appeal brought by a developer whose multi-million euro case against the receiver for conspiracy was struck out by the High Court. A potential purchaser of a nearly complete hotel on which the main contractor and some sub-contractors are insolvent, including extensive negotiations and due diligence to resolve outstanding issues. Hospital PPP ndash advising an international construction company on restructuring following the insolvency of its domestic joint venture partner. A local authority in the arbitration of a loss and expense claim arising from a design and construct contract on an inter-urban national road. Acted for a local authority in the arbitration of a dispute with a contractor arising from the construction of two motorway design and build contracts, resulting in a favourable award. Continuing to act in the arbitration of a very large dispute arising from a motorway design and build construction contract. Local authorities in several conciliation proceedings arising from a design and build road projects. Acted for a construction joint venture in a dispute arising from the construction of a PPP motorway. A university on contractual issues in the form of very large claims arising on a building project. We are involved in numerous other contentious matters arising from large building development and major infrastructure projects. Acted for Harlequin DevelopmentsJohn Sisk amp Son Limited in relation to a dispute on the design and build contract for the construction of the Royal Theatre in Castlebar. Acting for John Paul Construction in relation to alleged design andor construction defects relating to the curtain walling to the Irish Times signature building in Dublin, including advising on investigations and negotiations with the Irish Times and the relevant sub-contractors. The extension at Highfield Hospital in relation to the design and construction of a new 200 bed extension to its existing nursing home and mental health hospital. Bausch amp Lomb Ireland with regard to the construction of an extension to its existing facility in County Waterford. Generali International in connection with the design and construction of its new office premises in Navan, County Meath. Becton Dickenson with regard to the design and construction of an extension to its existing premises for the purposes of facilitating an irradiator facility. Bank of Ireland . Macquarie Bank and Citigroup in relation to the fit-out of their respective corporate offices in Dublin. University College Dublin . Irelandrsquos largest university, on procurement and contractual issues relating to the development of a new Law School. ESB on the design contest and the award of the contract for design of the Electricity Supply Board HQ, an importance landmark building. The procurement and contractual issues concerning the Marlborough Street Public Transport Priority Bridge in the centre of Dublin. Bord Gaacuteis Eacuteireann Distribution Centre in relation to the design and works contracts. Bord Gaacuteis Eacuteireann in relation to advice on the fitting out of new offices at in Dublin City Centre. Housing and Sustainable Communities Agency in relation to new framework contracts for building and maintenance works. Drafted a new bespoke suite of standard form public works contracts for the Department of Finance . Advised on the auditing compliance with the EU public procurement rules of a County Councilrsquos procurement procedure in relation to a proposed award of contract for the operation and maintenance of waste water treatment plants. The employer on procurement and contractual issues on all four of the national road projects currently under construction. These projects are: - Kerry County Council ndash Tralee Bypass - Cork County Council ndash N25 South Ring - Longford County Council ndash Longford Bypass - Cavan County Council ndash N2 Belturbet to Butlersbridge Project procurement Developing innovative approaches in this area within the confines of EU procurement law. Joint ventures and similar quasi procurement arrangements Advising clients where the EU procurement rules may apply. Drafting tender documentation for our clients, including OJEU notices, prequalification documentation, tender documentation etc. Drafting scoring mechanisms and advising and providing monitoring services in relation to tender evaluation. Providing pro-active, strategic advice at all stages of the tender process in order to manage and minimise risk so that the eventual award is robust, and the risk of challenge for procedural defects in the process are minimised. For disappointed tenderers we provide advice in relation to all aspects of EU procurement law to allow them to challenge the process, including advice in relation to administrative proceedings and ultimately court challenge. Certus on its establishment and the loan administration outsourcing service arrangements. Telefoacutenica O2 Ireland managed services agreement for the provision of network management services by BT, and agreement for IT services by IBM. Aviva International Insurance Limited on a significant outsource of the administration of the run-off offshore bond business of Aviva International Insurance Limited to Capita Life and Pensions Limited. Bord Gaacuteis Eacuteireann in relation to a significant deal for the delivery of a suite of business critical SLA-governed data hosting and managed IT and data centre facilities services. Zurich Life Assurance PLC on a significant outsource of administration to Capita. Deutsche Bank in relation to back up loan administrative services associated with its purchase of over euro1bn of loans from a major Irish financial institution. Friends First . as servicer of loan management, cash management, corporate and agency services associated with a securitisation of a loan book. RWE on its servicing and outsourcing arrangements with Diageo in respect of the outsourcing of its energy and utility requirements. EirGrid plc on the joint venture and servicing arrangements for the commercialisation of a sub-sea fibre optic cable network. eircom in relation to a number of significant outsourcings, including for information technology services and call centre functions and its tendering for Next Generation Network services (NGN), including advising on the service provider RFP process. Accenture on a number of outsourcing and IT contracts in Ireland, including with Microsoft and Electricity Supply Board. Babcock and Brown in relation to the outsourcing and facilities management of the new Criminal Courts Complex in Dublin. Bank of Ireland in relation to the re-negotiation of arrangements with Accenture in respect of an IT and transaction processing services contract. Ulster Bank on an agency services agreement in relation to its asset finance loan books. Merit Healthcare on the outsourcing of accommodation for the provision of primary healthcare in Ireland. Baxter Healthcare on the provision of renal dialysis services to Antrim General Hospital. The Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources on the Electricity Supply Boardrsquos acquisition of Northern Ireland Electricity. Bord Gaacuteis Eacuteireann on its euro500mn acquisition of SWS Energy. Scottish amp Southern Energy On its euro1.8bn acquisition of Airtricity. BNP Paribas Clean Energy Fund On its acquisition of a 20MW windfarm in Co. Tipperary. Element Power on a number of windfarm development acquisitions. Anglo American on the 308mn sale of Lisheen Mine to Vedanta Resources. Bord Gaacuteis Eacuteireann on its development of a large scale windfarm. Bord na Moacutena on its development of windfarms with anticipated generating capacity of 120MW. Ulster Bank and RBS on the euro300mn refinancing of the SWS portfolio of windfarms. EirGrid on its acquisition of SONI Limited. A number of equity houses on strategic joint ventures and investments into Irish renewable companies and assets. The lenders to the 400MW Tynagh Power Project . including its restructuring for the Single Electricity Market. Developers and lenders on over 20 windfarm projects . including Irelandrsquos only offshore windfarm. Bord Gaacuteis Eacuteireann on its power purchase agreement portfolio. RBS on its acquisition of Statoilrsquos interest in the Synergen power station. A large financial institution on the Moyle Interconnector Project including the construction and subsequent sale of an undersea pipeline. Royal Bank of Scotland On its acquisition of First Active Heiton Group On its acquisition by Grafton Group. Banco Santander On its acquisition of Abbey National plc Willis Group On its acquisition of Coyle Hamilton. IBM On its acquisition of Equitant. Newcourt Group The floatation of Newcourt Group plc The acquisition by Newcourt Group plc of Ely Property Group plc The floatation of Standard Life plc Escher Group Holdings on its admission to the AIM Market of the London Stock Exchange. Employers and trustees In relation to complaints under internal dispute resolution procedures, to the Pensions Ombudsman and litigation over pension matters. Employers In relation to ongoing legal advice on the employers rights and obligations and on the powers and duties of the trustees and payment of benefits. Company to Company Pensions element of MampA work in order to facilitate the smooth transfer of pension schemes from one company to another. A number of life offices On pensions and other life assurance products. Escher Group Holdings . a retail and message-based software solutions and services company, on its admission to the AIM Market of the LSE. Escher Group Holdings Sarasin amp Partners LLP . investment managers, on the redomiciliation from Guernsey to Ireland of nine unit trusts and the establishment of a UCITS management company. Sarasin amp Partners LLP Irish Life amp Permanent on the acquisition of the deposit book of Irish Nationwide. Irish Nationwide Allied Irish Banks on a breach of contract dispute with Oracle regarding the supply of software. Permira . a UK based private equity firm, on its acquisition of Creganna Tactx Medical. PermiraCreganna Tactx Medical XL Capital . a global insurance company, in their redomestication to Ireland, and the creation of a new Irish public limited company, XL Group. XL Capital XL Group EBS Building Society . an Irish financial services company, on its merger with Allied Irish Banks. EBS Building Society UBS and Davy as joint bookrunners in the euro1.23bn rights issue by CRH. Davy CRH12.3 Telefoacutenica 02 Ireland . a global telecomms company, in relation to the outsourcing of its IT operations and its network management division to IBM and BT respectively. Telefoacutenica 02 Ireland - ITIBM and Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, UBS, CitiGroup and Davy on Bank of Irelandrsquos capital raising projects. Davy The Lender Group on the Riverdeep Restructuring in respect of the Irish aspects of the EMPGRiverdeep debt for equity restructuring of approx. 7.5bn of senior and mezzanine debt. EMPGRiverdeep7.5 Banco Santander in connection with its first Norwegian securitisation, which was also the first auto loan securitisation in Norway. Grafton Group, CBRE, Heinz Group and Mercer Regarding their insurance claims and professional indemnity matters. Independent Franchise Partners (IFP) on the establishment of two UCITS umbrellas, one structured as a common contractual fund (CCF), the other as a variable capital company. LBBW Asset Management on the launch of a qualifying investor fund which invests in physical holdings of platinum and palladium. Majedie Asset Management in respect of its Irish UCITS platform. Scottish and Southern Energy plc As lead advisors in their euro1.80bn acquisition of Airtricity. M50 road On the design, build, finance and operation of upgrade of 24km of motorway and 35 year maintenance contract for entire M50. M3 Clonee to North of Kells On the design, build, finance and operation of a PPP motorway scheme. Project agreements and project finance On the amendment of documents to accommodate the new single electricity market for the island of Ireland. Limerick Southern Ring Road On the design, financing, construction and 35 year operation of a 10km extension including an immersed tube tunnel under the River Shannon. This was the first bond finance project finance project in Ireland. On the design, construction, financing and operation of the N6 Galway to Ballinasloe roadway . with works including, 57.6 km of new roadway built to motorway standard, a 7 km link road, 32 km of side roads and 4 grade separated junctions. The sponsors on the design, construction, financing and operation of a state of the art new Criminal Courts Complex in Dublin. The lenders on the design, construction, financing and maintenance of a state of the art new prison complex at Thornton Hall in the Naul, Co. Dublin. Acting on behalf of an international consortium of contractors currently engaged in arbitration arising from the construction of a major waste water sub-sea pipeline. We drafted a new bespoke suite of standard form public works contracts for the Department of Finance. Acting as lead advisor in relation to the first Irish pilot PPP project for a bundle of five new post primary schools. We have provided on-going advice on this project, including in relation to any issues that have arisen in relation to the operation of the maintenance aspect of the project. We have acted, or are currently acting, as legal advisers in relation to the procurement of twelve different schools and colleges in Northern Ireland. Each project has been procured through the UK private finance initiative. On the construction of a 3,600 square metre of double level basement car park, 30,000 square metres of retail development, 125 residential units, 5,000 square metres of offices, 131 bedroom hotel, railway underpasses access roads and site works. On the development of a circa. 6.8 acre centre site, involving construction of new build and refurbishment of existing properties for mixed digital media office, retail and residential development with related learning and educational uses, and public spaces. On the legal aspects of the procurement of Metro North . a new part-underground railway from the centre of Dublin to Dublin airport and Swords - Irelandrsquos biggest infrastructure project ever. On the auditing compliance with the EU public procurement rules of a County Councilrsquos procurement procedure in relation to a proposed award of contract for the operation and maintenance of waste water treatment plants On the development, financing, re-financing and investment in most of the large-scale wind farm projects undertaken in Ireland. On the financing of Irelandrsquos first biodiesel facility at New Ross in Co Wexford. We are involved in numerous other contentious matters arising from large building development and major infrastructure projects Zynga on the establishment of its European headquarters in Ireland. Jazz Pharmaceuticals reverse takeover of Azur Pharma and IPO on NASDAQ. Premier Foods on the disposal of the Chivers, Gateaux, McDonnells and Erin license. Supermarket multiples in relation to applying for new off-licences. Hotel owners and operators in disputes relating to management agreements including the international arbitration of such disputes. UCI and Cineworld cinemas on their liquor licensing options. Prominent drink companies, including Heineken and Irish Distillers . on all aspects of their business. Developers in relation to the establishment of both small and large scale shopping centres and retail units. On the licensing of outdoor events such as the Smurfit European Open and the Ryder Cup . Sarasin amp Partners on the establishment of a UCITS platform for Sarasin as a CCF with the initial sub-fund, the Sarasin Diversified Fund for Charities specifically targeting charities to take advantage of the tax transparency of the structure. Strategic Active Trading Funds and its first sub-fund, Active Trading Fund. This sub-fund is a multi-manager UCITS fund seeking absolute returns in liquid markets. TIGI Ireland Ltd on the sale of the majority shareholdersrsquo interests as part of a global acquisition of TIGI International by Unilever for 400million. TalkSport Radio on the disposal of two radio station holdings. UTV Media plc in respect of sale and leaseback of commercial property assets in Belfast. Northern Bank in relation to the restructuring of a large corporate Group and the provision of facilities and security in connection to the restructuring. The administrators of The Birthdays Group. Firmus Energy in relation to procurement, competition issues and data protection issues. Belfast Metropolitan College, SIB and The Department of Education and Learning on the procurement of a new landmark campus in Belfasts Titanic Quarter. Invest Northern Ireland in connection with its property portfolio throughout Northern Ireland. Heatons on its ongoing portfolio management of its retail stores and distribution centres. Irish Football Association in respect of the redevelopment of the National Stadium. Clarendon Fund Managers on its equity investments and fund management framework. Oxford Instruments Plc on its acquisition of Andor Technology Plc. UTV Media on its acquisition of Simply Zesty. Employers and trustees Consolidating, mergingde-merging and reconstructing existing occupational pension schemes. 3fivetwo Medical on the acquisition of Kingsbridge Private Hospital. Jose Cuervo on the acquisition of The Old Bushmills Distillery Company Limited. Business Growth Fund plc on its investment into River Ridge Recycling. Carlyle Cardinal on its investment into Learning Pool. Noonan Services Group on the acquisition of Resource Group. Platina Partners on the pound100m acquisition of a 54MW windfarm. Huhtamaki Oyj on its pound80million acquisition of Delta Print and Packaging Limited. Aperture Debt Solutions LLP on the MBO of the IVA business of Grant Thornton. CIMC Vehicles UK Limited on its acquisition of Retlan Manufacturing Group. Ballyrashane on its merger with Town of Monaghan Co-op to form LacPatrick. Progressive Building Society on its merger with City of Derry Building Society. ABP Food Group in relation to joint venture arrangements. Dalata Hotel Group on its pound18.5million acquisition of the Holiday Inn. A Bank in relation to the demerger and restructure of one of the largest corporate groups on the island of Ireland. A Bank in relation to an application to reinstate released indebtedness and security in excess of euro1m. Deloitte as Administrators of Quinn Windfarm Ltd Blair Neill Limited and Arkin Investments Limited. Royal Bank of Scotland in relation to the restructuring of the Ultralase group. UTV Media in amending and restating terms of senior facilities agreement. AIB Group (UK) on the securitisation of a portfolio of its Northern Irish residential mortgages. Bank of America (syndicate lender) in the US2.9bn refinance of the Warner Chilcott Group. Royal Bank of Scotland as security agent in connection with a pound36m sterling term facility agreement. Royal Bank of Scotland as Agent Bank and Security Trustee on the Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland aspects of the financial restructuring of the Ultralase group of companies. Scottish and Southern Energy on euro1.8bn acquisition of Airtricity. Axereal Union de Cooperatives Agricoles on its euro120m acquisition of the malting business of Greencore. ING Real Estate Finance N. V on a euro735m credit agreement between, inter alia, ING Bank N. V. ING Real Estate Finance N. V. and KBC Bank N. V. in respect of the provision of finance to Q-Park N. V. and certain of its subsidiaries and the taking of security and intercreditor arrangements. Northern Bank in relation to the restructuring of a large corporate Group and the provision of facilities and security in connection to the restructuring. HSBC and Societe Generale . as arrangers, in connection with sale and transfer by RCI Financial Services to the Issuer of a pool of Receivables with certain of the Obligors being residentlocated in Northern Ireland. Allied Irish Banks as agent bank for The Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland, Bayerische Landesbank, London Branch, Scotiabank (Ireland), Ulster Bank Ireland and BNP Paribas, Dublin Branch (as Mandated Lead Arrangers) ABN Amro Bank N. V. The Bank of Tokyo ndash Mitsubishi UFJ, Creacutedit Industriel et Commercial, IIB Bank and Mizuho Corporate Bank (as Lead Arrangers) in connection with the accession by CampC Limited to a Committed Revolving Loan Facility Agreement of circa euro600m Facility. Premier Foods on its disposal of Chivers, Gateaux, McDonnells and Erin license. Deutsche Bank AG on the acquisition of part of Bank of Irelandrsquos UK commercial property loan book. Kelloggs establishment of European Headquarters in Ireland and establishing of tax favourable Irish IP licencing structures to exploit global brands. Pfizer On the acquisition of King Pharmaceuticals and on competition law matters. Abbott Laboratories In their ongoing successful patent cases in relation to their world leading medical stents manufactured in Ireland. Vention Medical on its acquisition of Ansamed. Aravis Therapeutics on its acquisition of AGI Therapeutics. eacutelan in the US855m equity investment by Johnson amp Johnson and related investment of US500m. ICON on its acquisition of Firecrest, Oxford Outcomes and the clinical trials division of Cross Country Healthcare. Catalent Pharma Solutions on its acquisition by Clondalkin Group. Wyeth on the acquisition by Elanco Animal Health of Wyeths Sligo based animal health business. Permira on its acquisition of Creganna Tactx Medical. Pfizer on the sale of its manufacturing facility and related assets at Loughbeg, Cork to Hovione, a Portuguese pharmaceutical company. IPOS in its sale of pharmacy interests to UniPhar. 3fivetwo Medical in establishing joint venture companies with fertility, insurance, facilities and other strategic partners. GE Healthcare on its acquisition of a 51 stake in the CIS-area distribution business of Nycomed International Management GmbH. Syntec Scientific on the sale of certain assets to Roche Diagnostics Ltd. A pharmaceutical distributor on the purported termination of its distribution arrangements by an international pharmaceutical company. Syntec Scientific on its distribution arrangements with Roche Diagnostics. Mylan Inc on its acquisition of Bioniche Pharma. Becton, Dickinson and Company on the purchase of certain assets of BD Medical including global ophthalmic business. Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Ltd . on a broad ranging regulatory compliance project intended to map out all of their Irish legal obligations across various sectors including pharmaceutical regulatory, employment, taxation amp competition. A number of pharmaceutical clients in respect of ad hoc queries on healthcare related regulatory issues including the advertising and labelling requirements in respect of medicinal products, corporate gifts and the regulatory environment in respect of blood and blood products. Quinn Group in relation to the management buy-out of Quinn Healthcare. St Patrickrsquos Hospital successful defence of Judicial Review proceedings on the status of voluntary patients under Mental Health Act. AMNCH In all aspects of high profile data breach investigation brought by the Irish Data Protection Commissioner and obtaining a seizure order in the Philipines securing confidential data. The Rotunda Hospital successful Supreme Court appeal protecting confidential patient information under Freedom of Information legislation. The Coombe Women amp Infants University Hospital Obtaining an Order to perform a major surgical procedure on a 57 year old Polish woman who did not have the capacity to consent as a consequence of early onset Alzheimers Disease. AMNCH statutory investigation by HIQA (Health Information and Quality Authority) into quality, safety and governance of care provided to acute admission patients. VFM Healthcare in relation to its acquisition of the business and assets of St Francisrsquo Private Hospital and St Clairrsquos Nursing Home. The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland in respect of a ten year deal for the provision of services and licensing of the RCSI brand and operating model in support of the establishment of a new, government sponsored academic medical teaching school at Perdana University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. St Jamesrsquos Hospital and Trinity College Dublin on the establishment of Trinity Health (Ireland). BUPA multi-million euro claim for compensation from the Irish State arising out of its unlawful attempt to levy the Irish health insurance industry. St Patrickrsquos University Hospital in defence of proceedings against the hospital and the Mental Health Commission alleging unlawful detention, false imprisonment and breach of constitutional rights and rights under the ECHR. The Coombe Women and Infants University Hospital in High Court proceedings arising out of the refusal of an adult Jehovah Witness patient of a lifesaving blood transfusion. The Rotunda and St Patrickrsquos Hospital on numerous contractual maters. AMNCH on a procurement of a wide array of hospital supplies and services. BUPA on it euro50m disposal of Blackrock Hospital Limited to Blackrock Medical Partners Limited, an Irish based investor group. On the design, construction, financing and operation of the N6 Galway to Ballinasloe roadway . with works including, 57.6 km of new roadway built to motorway standard, a 7 km link road, 32 km of side roads and 4 grade separated junctions. The sponsors on the design, construction, financing and operation of a state of the art new Criminal Courts Complex in Dublin. The lenders on the design, construction, financing and maintenance of a state of the art new prison complex at Thornton Hall in the Naul, Co. Dublin. Acting on behalf of an international consortium of contractors currently engaged in arbitration arising from the construction of a major waste water sub-sea pipeline. We drafted a new bespoke suite of standard form public works contracts for the Department of Finance . Acting as lead advisor in relation to the first Irish pilot PPP project for a bundle of five new post primary schools. We have provided on-going advice on this project, including in relation to any issues that have arisen in relation to the operation of the maintenance aspect of the project. We have acted, or are currently acting, as legal advisers in relation to the procurement of twelve different schools and colleges in Northern Ireland. Each project has been procured through the UK private finance initiative. On the construction of a 3,600 square metre of double level basement car park, 30,000 square metres of retail development, 125 residential units, 5,000 square metres of offices, 131 bedroom hotel, railway underpasses access roads and site works. On the development of a circa. 6.8 acre centre site, involving construction of new build and refurbishment of existing properties for mixed digital media office, retail and residential development with related learning and educational uses, and public spaces. On the legal aspects of the procurement of Metro North, a new part-underground railway from the centre of Dublin to Dublin airport and Swords - Irelandrsquos biggest infrastructure project ever. On the auditing compliance with the EU public procurement rules of a County Councilrsquos procurement procedure in relation to a proposed award of contract for the operation and maintenance of waste water treatment plants. On the development, financing, re-financing and investment in most of the large-scale wind farm projects undertaken in Ireland. On the financing of Irelandrsquos first biodiesel facility at New Ross in Co Wexford. We are involved in numerous other contentious matters arising from large building development and major infrastructure projects An International Online Sports Betting Provider establishment of operational and management functions in Ireland, and on litigation in the Irish courts. Banks and Financial Institutions considering investments in this area and providing updates in relation to anticipated legislation. NASDAQ traded entities in relation to the lottery, pari-mutuel, telecommunications and casino industries. E-gaming Operators and Mobile Operators dealing with regulatory authorities on the provision of mobile telephone, gaming and gambling services. UK and US casino Operations Considering establishing in Ireland. A number of international companies involved in the online industry. Irish gaming, betting and leisure associations. One of the first operations to offer online poker cardrooms. Operators of bingo clubs and lotteries in relation to stand alone operations and operations placed in hotels. National and international retailers running point of sale lottery promotions. Cadbury on the Irish aspects of its takeover by Kraft Foods. Maiden Acquisition Company (the vehicle formed by Barryrsquos Tea and Bank of Scotland Ireland) on the euro95m acquisition of the Irish operations of British Group Northern Foods. CampD Foods on its acquisition of a production facility from Nestle. Campbell Bewley on the sale of Campbell Catering to ARAMARK and several recent investments by private equity providers. Groupe Danone on the sale of Jacobs Biscuits to United Biscuits, and the sale of Irish Biscuits to Fruitfield. McDonalds in relation to website terms and conditions and privacy statement and general consumer issues. H. J Heinz in defending a multi-million euro product liability claim involving several jurisdictions. Campbell Bewley Group in defending injunction and forfeiture proceedings issued by the landlord of the Bewleyrsquos Grafton Street premises. United Biscuits . UK based owner of several leading household brands including McVitiersquos, in its defence of a passing off injunction action taken by Jacobs Fruitfield. Londis and BWG in their contractual arrangements with franchisees. Batchelors on the acquisition of Erin Foods Ltd. The plaintiffs of a global supplier of feeds, bio-energy and services in multi jurisdictional litigation arising out of the contamination of feed products. The Rice Company . a Californian company specialising in the sourcing and delivering of raw and processed agricultural commodities worldwide, on its euro6m acquisition of Albatros Feeds Ltd (AFL). Chr. Hansen Holdings AS . the Denmark based developer of ingredients for the food, pharmaceutical, nutritional and agricultural industries, on the Irish aspects of its euro1bn disposal to PAI Partners, the France based private equity firm. The Board of Directors of BWG Group Limited on the management buy-out of the BWG Group by members of the BWG management team. Malibu-Kaluha in connection with a claim of passing-off of its Malibu bottle get-up by a cheaper coconut rum drink in Ireland. Heineken - ongoing advice in relation to IP matters, labelling and advertising, sales and marketing practices (including advices on the Irish gaming and lotteries legislation, advertising codes, competition terms and conditions and data protection issues arsing out of direct marketing) and sponsorship and product endorsement. Heineken in relation to the examinership of the Thomas Read Group. Heineken Ireland in relation to significant shareholder and director issues and significant contractual claims involving third parties. Heineken N. V. on the Irish aspects of its acquisition of Scottish amp Newcastle, securing an unconditional clearance for Heineken from the Irish Competition Authority in an unprecedented referral by the European Commission. Brown-Forman on international group wide restructurings and cash and dividend repatriation strategies. Irish Distillers Pernod Ricard on a host of legal issues facing a multi-national company in the FMCG sector. Pernod Ricard on its euro13.4bn acquisition of Allied Domecq. Jameson Whiskey on its sponsorship of the Jameson Dublin International Film festival. Irish Distillers on the disposal of the Old Bushmills Distillery Company to Diageo. Coca Cola on competition issues related to the sale of innocent to Coca Cola. Coca Cola on the legal work in respect of a new Coca Cola plant in Wexford. Cadbury Schweppes on the Irish aspects of its demerger of its beverages division and disposal of worldwide assets to Coca Cola, including its Athy concentrate plant. Allied Irish Banks on a breach of contract dispute with Oracle regarding the supply of software. GenNX360 Capital Partners On its stake in Syncreon Holdings. SanDisk, Netgear, Maxim Integrated, LoJack, ValueClick, eLoyalty, Otterbox, Kenexa, Juniper Networks on all aspects of its trading and operations in Ireland. HWM Financial Solutions Limited in copyright infringement and breach of confidence proceedings. Telefoacutenica O2 Ireland in relation to a 10-year deal to create the first mobile network-sharing arrangement in Ireland. Biovail CorporationValeant Pharmaceuticals in relation to negotiating a warehousing and distribution agreement with DHL Excel. BWG Foods Ltd on issues dealing with Spar franchisees, distribution, food preparation, product placing and recall. Certus on its establishment and the loan administration outsourcing service arrangements associated with Bank of Scotland plc loan books. The Royal College of Surgeons on the provision of services and licensing of the RCSI brand to support establishment of a new academic medical teaching school in Malaysia. Acorn Life on a major software development contract. Novartis Animal Health in preparing and negotiating a distribution agreement with Allphar Services Ltd. Yoplait in relation to Irish law review of certain key distribution and logistics services agreements. Dublin Institute of Technology in connection with the preparation and drafting of an intellectual property rights licence agreement with a Taiwanese corporation for the purpose of manufacturing certain licensed products for a large multi-national corporation. St Patrickrsquos University Hospital on a Research Framework Agreement with Trinity College Dublin Becton Dickinson . a leading global medical technology company on software licensing. Aviva International Insurance Limited on a significant outsource of the administration of the run-off offshore bond business of Aviva International Insurance Limited to Capita Life and Pensions Limited. Accenture on a number of outsourcing and IT contracts in Ireland, including with Microsoft and Electricity Supply Board. Premier Foods negotiating trademark licence agreements, IP Assignments, brand guidelines. MTV Networks on copyright licensing issues. UCI and Cineworld cinemas on their liquor licensing options. Abbott Laboratories in their successful defence of a medical stent patent infringement claim. Employers and trustees Winding-up schemes and moving from defined benefit to defined contribution pension provision. Our team works closely with the Firms MampA specialists on the pensions element of MampA work in order to facilitate the smooth transfer of pension schemes from one company to another. Providing pro-active, strategic advice Throughout tender process in order to manage and minimise risk. For disappointed tenderers Provide advice in relation to all aspects of EU procurement law to allow them to challenge the process. Apollo on the purchase of the credit card business of MBNA Ireland. International gaming operators establishing land based casino clubs, on-line gamingbetting operations and support services in Ireland E-gaming Operators and mobile operators providing mobile telephone, gaming and gambling services, and advising in relation to dealing with regulatory authorities in respect of those activities. International lottery operators on investment in the Irish National Lottery An international online sports betting provider in relation to the establishment of operational and management functions in Ireland, and on litigation in the Irish courts Eaton Corporation on its 13bn acquisition of Cooper Industries and related corporate inversion into Ireland. Eaton Corporation on its 13bn offer for Cooper Industries plc effected by a Court approved scheme of arrangement. Contracting Authorities all procurement and contractual aspects of development of most of the States 1,000 km inter-urban motorway network completed in 2010 Developers and Lenders over 25 greenfield windfarm projects. More than any other law firm across the island of Ireland Successful sponsors or funders on 7 of the 10 toll road schemes developed as PPPs Employer in a large arbitration (gteuro100mn claimed) arising from a FIDIC design and build contract Range of Universities procurement and contractual issues and disputes arising from significant building projects The Main Contractor successful serial litigation (both Commercial amp High Courts), arbitration amp mediation related to payment provisions and alleged conspiracy under a build contract A main contractor on serial litigation involving Commercial Court proceedings under a build contract, a subsequent arbitration on a pay when paid provision, a High Court appeal on that issue, subsequent Commercial Court proceedings alleging conspiracy, a mediation in respect of those proceedings and a fully fought 14 day trial. At each hearing we were successful for our client. GECAS establishment of Genesis Group, Genesis Leasing IPO, and establishment of Genesis Funding with a USD810m aircraft lease portfolio. The Coombe Women amp Infants University Hospital obtaining court order to perform major surgical procedure with consent issues due to early onset Alzheimers Disease. PJ Carroll and Company (British American Tobaccorsquos Irish subsidiary), in hundreds of multiple product liabilitypersonal injury claims. Jazz Pharmaceuticals on its reverse takeover of Azur Pharma and related corporate inversion into Ireland. Pfizer on the sale to Hovione of its API manufacturing facility in Cork. TV3 in relation to a wide-range of copyright, rights clearance and broadcasting matters including programme agreements for new reality TV shows. One Vision (eircom, Arqiva, TV3 and Setanta) in connection with the tender process to operate digital terrestrial television (DTT) in Ireland. MTV in relation to copyright licensing issues in Ireland. Brepols Publishers . leading European academic publishers ndash in defending copyright infringement proceedings in relation to works of James Joyce. Brepols Publishers in legal proceedings in relation to works of James Joyce. The Educational Company of Ireland in relation to copyright and licensing issues. The Educational Company of Ireland copyright and licensing issues. TV3 a wide-range of copyright, rights clearance and broadcasting matters including programme agreements for new reality TV shows. MTV in relation to copyright licensing issues in Ireland. One Vision (eircom, Arqiva, TV3 and Setanta) tender process to operate digital terrestrial television (DTT) in Ireland. Telefoacutenica O2 Ireland in relation to a 10-year deal to create the first mobile network-sharing arrangement in Ireland, the first joint venture agreement of its kind in the telecoms sector. Telefoacutenica O2 Ireland a 10-year deal to create the first mobile network-sharing arrangement in Ireland. Tobacco advertising and display challenging legislation to ban all forms of tobacco advertising and display. Look Cycles in relation to an allegedly defective product. Telefoacutenica O2 Ireland in relation to a challenge to ComReg on a regulatory decision before the Commercial Court. Telefoacutenica O2 Ireland a challenge to ComReg on a regulatory decision before the Commercial Court. Telefoacutenica O2 Ireland in relation to its managed services agreement for the provision of network management services by BT. Telefoacutenica O2 Ireland its managed services agreement for the provision of network management services by BT. Telefoacutenica O2 Ireland in relation to its managed services agreement for the provision of IT services by IBM. Telefoacutenica O2 Ireland its managed services agreement for the provision of IT services by IBM. An MVNO operator in relation to launch of service in Ireland and related regulatory matters. An MVNO operator launch of service in Ireland and related regulatory matters. eircom in relation to a number of outsourcing agreements with Capita. eircom a number of outsourcing agreements with Capita. Certus on the information technology services aspects of the outsourcing of the loan administration function for euro10bn of Bank of Scotland plc loan books (formerly owned by Bank of Scotland (Ireland) Limited). Certus on the information technology services aspects of the outsourcing of the loan administration function for euro10bn of Bank of Scotland plc loan books. Allied Irish Banks on the procurement of a business critical enterprise storage solution and related technology services. Irish Life amp Permanent on IT aspects of the separation of Irish Life and Permanent TSB. The Irish Courts Service - the body responsible for managing the Courts system in Ireland, in relation to a large IT project for the implementation of a time and attendance software, a managed IT infrastructure support services agreement and agreements with two separate suppliers to install a video system and audio system in the Irish courts. The Irish Stock Exchange in relation to a significant IT project for the support of its listing services. The Irish Stock Exchange a significant IT project for the support of its listing services. Bord Gaacuteis Eacuteireann in relation to the procurement and negotiation of a five year managed IT and data centre services deal with IBM. Bord Gaacuteis Eacuteireann Procurement and negotiation of a five year managed IT and data centre services deal with IBM. Zynga Games in relation to the establishment of its European HQ in Ireland. Google and Youtube in Eoin McKeogh v Google, YouTube amp Facebook 2012254P in respect of an interlocutory injunction application. Google and Youtube in Eoin McKeogh v Google, YouTube amp Facebook in respect of an interlocutory injunction application. National Asset Management Agency (NAMA ) in relation to numerous properties in Northern Ireland. Xtravision on the property elements of its sale, including the disposal of 50 retail leases. Invest Northern Ireland property portfolio throughout Northern Ireland. Dobbies Garden Centres in relation to the licensing of its farm foodhall and 350-seater restaurant in Lisburn. CBRE Global Investors on the purchase and ongoing management of a multi-let retail and office building. South Eastern Regional College in relation to surplus land sales, residential development and overage. UTV Media in respect of the sale and leaseback of commercial property assets Multi Development UK on the sale of land at Victoria Square, Belfast. HampM Hennes and Mauritz in relation to all of its Irish property matters. Advent Wind on the acquisition and development of new windfarm sites. Brookview Developments in relation to its development and sales activity. Metropolitan Inns (NI) on the purchase of city centre licensed premises. Britvic on the property elements of its euro249mn acquisition of the soft drinks and distribution businesses of CampC Group, and ongoing property lettings and disposals. Bank of Ireland and Anglo Irish Bank of full property reviews for submission to NAMA. Ulsterbank and RBS on euro300mn refinancing of a portfolio of windfarms. Northern Bank on the refinancing of a portfolio of properties in Northern Ireland, Scotland and England. Contour Global in respect of property, planning and environmental matters for a CHP energy facility. SITA (UK) on planning and environmental consents (including for a waste disposal plant and incinerator) for the ARC 21 project bid. Public Authorities on PFIPPP projects, including: the Lisburn Institute of Further and Higher Education and the Belfast Institute of Further and Higher Education. Allied Irish Banks in Allied Irish Banks v Oracle Financial Services Software BV 201011859P concerning a contractual dispute arising from the implementation of retail banking software. A leading insurance company in relation to injunction proceedings related to the outsourcing of its offshore insurance bond business. Our patent litigation team has been involved in over 80 of the patent cases in Ireland over the last 10 years including cases such as: Edwards Lifesciences PVT, Inc amp Or v Boston Scientific Limited amp Boston Scientific Group Public Limited Company 20161449P Glaxosmithkline Biologicals SA v Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals amp Pfizer Inc 20169099P Fresenius Medical Care AG amp Co KgaA v Baxter Healthcare S. A. 20147056P Teva v Amgen, Inc. 20132PAP Teva v AstraZeneca 20131PAP Novartis AG v Actavis Group 20118836P AstraZeneca v Pinewood Laboratories amp Krka 20107635P Infosint v Lundbeck amp Forest Laboratories 200911121P Medinol v Abbott Laboratories 200810436P Ivax Pharmaceuticals v GSK 20083 PAP Our general IP litigation experience, before the Commercial Court, which is unmatched in the Irish market, includes cases such as: Telefoacutenica O2 Ireland - v - Commission for Communications Regulation 2011225 JR in relation to a challenge to ComReg on a regulatory decision before the Commercial Court. Ryanair Ltd v Bravofly amp Anor 20082204 P in relation to a multi-jurisdictional battle against internet screen-scrapers regarding its proprietary flight information. Irish Bookmakers v British Horseracing Board ltd amp Anor 20051274P in relation to database and contractual rights litigation brought by a large number of Irish bookmakers. Ashley Wilde v Primark 20093994P in relation to Commercial Court copyright and design right infringement proceedings. Irish Distillers v Cooley Distillery 2008191P in relation to a High Court injunction in respect of infringement of a brand. Merck amp Co Inc amp Anor - v - Eurodrug Ltd 20071833P in relation to trade mark infringement proceedings before the Irish Commercial Court. Jacob Fruitfield Food Group Ltd amp Anor - v - United Biscuits UK Ltd 20077124 P in Commercial Court proceedings which ultimately settled. Tommy Hilfiger v McGarry TA ldquoLife Jacketrdquo and Ors 19992494 P in relation to High Court proceedings and the Supreme Court appeal in one of the leading trade mark infringement cases. Carrickdale Hotel v Controller of Industrial Commercial Property 2002350 SP in relation to a High Court challenge to music royalties being charged by PPI. In addition to the above litigation, examples of our general advisory IP work includes acting for companies such as Microsoft, the International Rugby Board, Pfizer, the Royal College of Surgeons, Specsavers, Heineken Ireland Limited, the Industrial Development Authority and BSkyB . Telefoacutenica Ireland challenge to ComReg on a regulatory decision before the Commercial Court. Ryanair Ltd Its multi-jurisdictional battle against internet screen-scrapers regarding its proprietary flight information. BHB The successful defence of database and contractual rights litigation brought by a large number of Irish bookmakers. Ashley Wilde Group Commercial Court copyright and design right infringement proceedings. Irish Distillers successfully obtaining a High Court injunction in respect of infringement of its world leading brand. Merck In trade mark infringement proceedings before the Irish Commercial Court. IBRC successfully defending high profile Commercial Court proceedings brought by a group of investors in a fund. Madoff related litigation, advising parties involved. Noble Insurance Company in a significant dispute with reinsurers on a product recall claim. A construction consortium its claims for additional payment against a Government body in North Africa under the UNCITRAL rules. Shell Pension Fund in madoff related litigation. Allied Irish Banks on a breach of contract dispute with Oracle regarding the supply of software. British American Tobacco on the successful defence of regulatory prosecutions and in product liability claims. Heineken in a major joint venture dispute. Lenders in relation to eircomrsquos ongoing financial restructuring. Killeen GroupMount Juliet defective design and workmanship to 12 houses in the Walled Gardens ndash requiring extensive works. GE Transportation Finance in Commercial Court proceedings arising out of an initial arrest of vessel in Belgium involving complex issues of Irish, Belgian and Korean law. Trintech Group plc in relation to a Court Scheme of arrangement for takeover of Irish plc by US private equity Fund. Hilton Hotels in arbitration proceedings resisting the claims of an Irish hotel owner arising from a management agreement. Forest Laboratories Ireland Ltd and Lundbeck Ireland defending alleged patent infringement proceedings regarding the worldrsquos leading anti-depression drug ldquocitalopramrdquo. Friends First Managed Pension Funds Limited in ongoing Commercial Court proceedings involving Parol Limited and Superquinn regarding the Carroll Village Shopping Centre in Dundalk. Ernst amp Young in professional and public enquiries arising out of its role as Auditor of Anglo-Irish Bank plc, and in respect of the Banking Commission. Allied Irish Banks in Commercial Court proceedings in relation to dispute over beneficial ownership in multi million euro portfolio of properties. BUPA in seeking damages after successfully challenging Irish health insurance legislation. Fortis Bank in Commercial Court actions. Ferrovial Agroman (Ireland) Limited in their successful defence of a prosecution brought against SIAC Construction Limited and Ferrovial relating to health and safety issues. Football Association of Ireland in a successful resolution of high profile arbitration proceedings brought under UNCITRAL Model Law. Irish Ferries in Commercial Court proceedings against an international franchisor arising out of the operation of onboard shopping concession. Tedcastles Oil Products obtaining injunctions concerning supply agreements in relation to Sweeney Oil. NAMA in the restructuring of a large property development portfolio. Rotunda Hospital on a successful Supreme Court appeal against a High Court decision upholding the Information Commissionerrsquos decision to direct the release of confidential patient information. The State Claims Agency Clinical Indemnity Scheme and commercial insurers of hospitals in the defence of medical negligence claims specialising in high value claims alleging catastrophic injuries including birth related neurological injuries. The Adelaide and Meath Hospital, and Tallaght Hospital in all aspects of two high profile data breach investigations brought by the Irish Data Protection Commissioner. Investigations by the Garda Bureau of Fraud Investigation (GBFI) and the Criminal Assets Bureau (CAB) in relation to the origin of monies in Irish funds. St Patrickrsquos University Hospital in defence of proceedings against the hospital and the Mental Health Commission. A threatened SEC investigation into an Irish financial institution. ACC in defence of 432 High Court actions in relation to claims of mis-selling of borrow-to-invest bond and loan products. Also acting in 81 debt recovery actions concerning related loans. TK Maxx in defending planning injunction proceedings. Quinn Insurance and other insurers . domestic and international, on policy issues. Allied Irish Banks in relation to significant borrower claims. Cavan County Council in defence of environment prosecution (waste) being taken on indictment. XL Group on the re-domiciliation of its ultimate holding company from the Cayman Islands to Ireland. XL Group on the re-domiciliation of its ultimate holding company from the Cayman Islands to Ireland and creation of distributable reserves through a court approved process. Quinn Group on the administration of Quinn Insurance Limited and sale of other insurance businesses. AEGON Group on the sale of its life reinsurance business, including Transamerica International Reinsurance Ireland, to SCOR. Bestquote on its establishment and arrangements with RSA. ChartisAIG Group on the transfer by scheme of arrangement of the Bermuda branch business of Chartis Excess to another Chartis insurer established in Bermuda and on the court sanctioned transfer of Chartis Excesss remaining insurance and reinsurance business to an AIG UK insurer. The Bermuda transaction was the first of its kind in Ireland or the UK and was a key factor in AampL Goodbody being ranked Irelands most Innovative Law Firm for 2013 by the Financial Times. ACE Group and Golden Arches on the domestic merger of their respective Irish insurance and reinsurance undertakings, using (for the first time) schemes of arrangement under Section 201 of the Companies Act, 1963. ACE Group on the transfer of the non-life insurance business of Combined Insurance Company of Europe Limited to ACE European Group Limited. Credit Suisse on the transfer of German life assurance business from its Irish life insurer to its Liechtenstein life insurer. Greenlight Re on establishing its Irish reinsurer. Arch Capital Group on establishment of a mortgage insurer in Ireland. RSA on the establishment of a group reinsurer in Ireland. CNP on the first significant longevity risk transfer transaction involving an Irish insurer. This innovative transaction was nominated for Finance Dublins Deal of the Year and utilised a structure not used in any previous longevity risk transfer. Metlife on pension buy-in arrangements with pension scheme trustees in Ireland. Irish Life on the acquisition of the business of Quinn Life Direct. UK General Insurance Group on a three year distribution agreement with Ryanair to sell its travel insurance product on a pan-European basis across 22 EU countries. A number of insurers on issues arising out of demise or suspension of trading of funds and collapse of banks. Leading international insurer in respect of securing changes to the Irish insurance compensation fund levy. Scottish Mutual on the recovery of proceeds of fraudulent insurance claims. RSA on their claims handling process for professional indemnity claims. Policy disputes including captive insurerreinsurer disputes, insurercustomer disputes, Madoff-related litigation, acting for insurers defending insured tort claims and pursuing subrogated claims. BUPA in its claim against the Irish State for compensationon following its successful Supreme Court challenge to Irelandrsquos health insurance risk equalisation fund regulations. Bewleys on all aspects of its Lease of the Grafton St premises including rent review. A large domestic bank in relation to property litigation regarding the banksrsquo former headquarters. Xtra-vision on all aspects of their leased properties both contentious and non-contentious, from both landlord and tenant perspectives. Quarryvale Ltd., landlords of Liffey Valley Shopping Centre, on all property issues, contentious and non-contentious. Coltard Ltd. in relation to the management of Dun Laoghaire Centre including litigation regarding keep open obligations and peaceful re-entry. The Irish Property Unit Trust in relation to litigation regarding rent deposits, recovery of rental arrears and breach of covenant concerning Airside Retail Park in Swords. Patent Litigation acted in over 80 of patent cases in Ireland over the last 10 years. Internet Games Provider acted for Zynga Games in relation to the establishment of its European Headquarters in Ireland. Internet Search Engine acting for the worldrsquos largest search engine in defending an interlocutory injunction. Google and YouTube in respect of an interlocutory injunction concerning the application of the E-commerce Directive. Allied Irish Banks in Commercial Court proceedings, concerning a contractual dispute arising from the implementation of retail bank software. Real Estate Opportunities Debt restructuring Kilhorne Bay Seafoods Limited on disposal of entire issued share capital of Rockall Seafoods Limited to Whitby Seafoods Limited. KBC Bank Ireland plc on a euro890mn retail mortgage backed securitisation. ACC Bank on its recent successful appeal to the Supreme Court on Statute of Limitations for claims relating to financial loss. The Referendum Commission in a successful defence of a challenge by Sinn Fein. ACC Bank successful appeal to the Supreme Court on Statute of Limitations for claims relating to financial loss. Lorne Stewart plc on its purchase of subsidiaries of Rotary Limited (in administration). KPMG as Administrators of the Wildrose Group of Companies. Permanent TSB on sale of Irish Life to the Irish Minister for Finance The Board of Quinn Group on its restructuring. Permanent TSB Bank on its acquisition of the Irish banking business of Northern Rock. Ladbrokes on its successful restructuring via examinership. IBRC as Security Trustee for Syndicate of Banks ( NAMA and KBC ) on the enforcement against companies within the Treasury Holdings Group . Fintrax on its disposal to the companyrsquos Management Team and Exponent Private Equity. Nestle on its acquisition of Pfizersrsquo Infant Nutrition business. Valeo on its agreement to form a new joint venture with Ichikoh Industries. HSBC on its sale of its Irish non-life insurance and reinsurance business to Catalina Foxtrot. Bloomberg on its acquisition of PolarLake. Irish Life amp Permanent on the reorganisation by High Court Scheme of Arrangement, and related proceedings, together with listing of new Holding Company on Dublin and London Stock Exchanges. Jazz Pharmaceuticals on its reverse takeover of Azur Pharma and on its acquisition of EUSA Pharma. IBRC Liquidation acting for the special liquidators. Cosmetic Surgery Provider in the defence of multiple product liability claims arising out of alleged defective PIP breast implants A number of money market funds in relation to negative yield challenges and issues arising from the liquidity crisis. Santander Brazil on the establishment of a Non-UCITS qualifying investor fund investing in complex currency derivative transactions and the approval of Santander Brazil as investment manager to Irish funds and a Santander group entity as promoter, a first for both entities. A large US institutional investment manager on its range of Irish funds comprising an umbrella UCITS and an umbrella UCITS CCF and the establishment of its UCITS management company. A UK institutional wealth manager on the establishment of a new umbrella UCITS fund which offers a multi-asset investment approach. Miton Asset Management in connection with the setup of their first Irish UCITS umbrella company and launch of its first fund, the Miton Global Diversified Income Fund. RBS Asset Management on the first conversion of an existing Irish UCITS to a UCITS feeder fund. GR-Neam on the establishment and authorisation of a UCITS investment company. Sarasin amp Partners on the first unit trust redomiciliation from Guernsey to Ireland which comprises nine unit trusts and the establishment of a UCITS management company and a UCITS CCF. CIMBndashPrincipal on the establishment of a UCITS Shariah compliant umbrella with three sub-funds and the first approval of a Malaysian entity as investment manager to an Irish fund. MampG Investment Management in connection with the setup of its first Irish CCF umbrella and the first sub-funds, including the MampG Inflation Opportunities Fund. A promoter and investment manager on the establishment of an Irish QIF investing in private equity fund of funds. Irish Continental Grouprsquos circa euro110m financing of its Tender Offer Share Buy Back and the refinancing of its euro40m Revolving Credit Facility. KKR Debt Investors II on the US200m facility provided by Deutsche Bank AG. Wells Fargo Bank on the provision of an ABL Credit line to members of the J. M. Huber group of companies. Goldman Sachs Lending Partners in relation to certain facilities provided to Valeant Pharmaceuticals International. Heineken Ireland in respect of the redevelopment of the former Beamish and Crawford Brewery Site in Cork (which is one of the largest redevelopment proposed for the city in a central and historically sensitive site) including a novel use of CPO powers to address title issues. eircom on its euro420m acquisition of Meteor Mobile Communications. Heiton Group on its euro353m takeover by Grafton Group. Valentia on its takeover of eircom and eircom on its euro2.36bn disposal to Babcock amp Brown. Irish Continental Group on the competing takeover offers for the company. Alphyra Group in connection with its public to private takeover by Rendina. Royal Bank of Scotland on its euro900m takeover of First Active . Aravis Therapeutics on its recommended takeover offer for AGI Therapeutics. A private equity house on its approach to Greencore Group. Sellers, purchasers, private equity investors and third parties in over one third of all merger deals before the Irish Competition Authority. Heineken on its acquisition of Scottish amp Newcastle, securing unconditional clearance from the Irish Competition Authority - the only reference everfrom the European Commission to the Irish Competition Authority. EirGrid on the Irish merger aspects of its acquisition of S. O.N. I. Bord Gaacuteis Eacuteireann and Irish Water on a large number of procurement processes for works, supplies and services. Numerous local authorities on a large number of procurement processes including procurement of road and water projects. Numerous universities, hospitals and public bodies on procurement processes for a vast range of goods, works and services. Federal Security in successful injunctive proceedings in Northern Ireland against the Police Service of Northern Ireland for award of a public contract without application of a standstill period. Timisoara International Airport on State aid issues. Department of Education on public procurement issues. Irish Life on its sale to Canada Life including successful conditional European Commission merger control clearance. Apollo Global Management and CarVal Investors on the acquisition of euro1.8bn of loans from Lloyds. eacutelan in respect of the spin-off and related IPO of its early stage RampD business into a new Irish incorporated and NASDAQ listed entity (Prothena Corporation plc). Fountain Healthcare Partners on its investments into Opsona Therapeutics, Mainstay Medical, Pharmatrin, Vivasure Medical, Genable Technologies. Courts Service on a market sounding process and procurement procedures for fund management and accountancy services. Ryanair in successfully challenging the European Commissions state aid decision in Charleroi Airport. Panda in challenging successfully the Dublin Waste Management plan. Aviva on its acquisition of Ark Life (European Commission) and disposal of Ark Life (Irish Competition Authority). PallasSyscos acquisition of Crossgar. Irish Government on the State aid aspects of state assets and disposals. Federal Security injunctive proceedings against the PSNI for award of a public contract without application of a standstill period. Drafting a new form of contract for civil engineering works for Bord Gaacuteis Networks . Also advising on a number of infrastructure projects. Aventas Group on the disposal of its packaging and construction industry supplies businesses. UTV Media on networking arrangements with ITV and STV. Bord Gais Eireann on its euro500m acquisition of SWS Energy. Micro Matic AS on its acquisition of the Valpar Group of companies. Escher Group Holdings on its initial public offering and its admission to AIM. British Airways in relation to its acquisition of BMI and the subsequent impact of TUPE and collective redundancies on employees based in Northern Ireland. Abercrombie amp Fitch (Hollister) on equal opportunities policies and their application in Northern Ireland. Tidal Ventures in relation to the development of Irelands first tidal energy farm. Rentokil Initial in respect of its Irish property interests and environmentallicensing matters. West Register (Northern Ireland) on property acquisitions and management in Northern Ireland. Aviva on the sale of Ark Life to Allied Irish Banks, the sale of Allied Irish Banks 25 stake in Aviva Life Holdings Ireland to Aviva and the advice on the unwind of Avivas bancassurance JV with Allied Irish Banks. IBRC Liquidation acting for the special liquidators. eacutelan in relation to the restructuring of its Tsyabri collaboration with Biogen Idec and its subsequent return of capital to shareholders by way of the largest tender offer ever effected on the Irish market. Irish Continental Group on the return of capital to shareholders by way of tender offer. ICON plc in relation to the conversion of its ADR NASDAQ listing to a direct share listing. Jurys Inn on its debt writedown, financial restructuring and the new investment in the business. Brooks Macdonald on the first Central Bank approved UCITS merger by acquisition. Tendercapital Limited on the establishment of a UCITS umbrella fund with five sub funds and a QIF umbrella fund investing in infrastructure, sustainable energy, private equity and real estate assets. Lothbury Investment Management Limited in respect of its three property funds and the establishment of a non-UCITS management company. A number of custody service providers on compliance with the depository requirements under AIFMD. Pallas Foods on the acquisition of a division of Keelings Group. Fountain Healthcare Partners on its acquisition of a stake in Mainstay Medical and on its acquisition of a stake in Genable Technologies Abbey on Gallagher Holdings mandatory bid for Abbey. Permira IV Managers on its acquisition of Akindo Sushiro Company. The Element Six Group in relation to a pensions claim brought against trustees of its pension fund arising from a deficit in the fund. Pfizer for all litigation matters. Friends First Managed Pensions Funds in two related sets of Commercial Court proceedings concerning limited recourse borrowings on a portfolio of borrowings in the region of euro80m. Bord Gaacuteis Eacuteireann in Commercial Court legal challenge brought by Shannon LNG against a decision of the Energy Regulator. Baxter Healthcare in relation to proceedings alleging breach of general principles of EU law and breach of Directive 200418 concerning the award of a euro50m contract. Merx Aviation on the establishment of an aircraft leasing platform. China Development Bank Corporation on Irish aspects of a transaction involving the provision of USD7.2m loan facilities to indirect subsidiaries of ICBC International Leasing Company Limited to enable those subsidiaries to enter into sale and leaseback transactions relating to four bulk carrier vessels. Chartis Group on the transfer of Chartis Insurance Ireland Limited business to Chartis Insurance UK Limited and on completing the transfer of its EU holding company to a UK holding company, each under the EU Cross-Border Merger regime. AIGChartis on development of an innovative house price guarantee product. Liberty Group on the investigation by the Financial Regulator into matters relating to Quinn Insurance. Liberty Insurance on business critical policy issues for high value commercial claims and defence of high value commercial claims involving substantial business interruption and property damage. Aviva on unwind of its life assurance joint venture with Allied Irish Banks. HSBC on the sale of its non-life and reinsurance operations to Catalina. Irish Life on its investment in Glo Health. Irish aspects of international mergers and acquisitions including AlicoMetlife and ArchAriel . Echo Managed Services in relation to a large outsourcing project. Grant Thornton UK in respect of commercial, outsourcing, technology and data protection advice. Lohmann Animal Health on research and development collaboration arrangements. Iconi Software on its software development and support services, including the drafting and negotiation of its customer contacts. Deutsche Bank as financial adviser on Warner Chilcotts acquisition by Actavis and related corporate inversion into Ireland. H.I. G. Capital has a diverse team of over 250 seasoned investment professionals who have substantial operating, strategic and financial management experience. Pedro Abella Langa Pedro is a Principal of H. I.G. Capitals Real Estate team based in Madrid with responsibility for sourcing and executing real estate transactions in Spain and Portugal. Pedro has over 30 years experience in the Real Estate sector, and prior to joining H. I.G. he was in charge of the Spanish investment activities of Stam Europe, a Real Estate Fund Manager and Asset Manager. Prior to joining Stam Europe, he was the Development and Commercial Director of the French Developer Nexity in Spain for 7 years. He began his career with CBRE handling different roles over a period of 13 years. Pedro holds a diploma of Estates Management from the Alcal de Henares University and is a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (FRICS). He also serves on a number of boards. Pedro speaks Spanish, English and French. Jens Alsleben Jens Alsleben, Managing Director, Germany. Prior to joining H. I.G. Jens was a Managing Director with Strategic Value Partners in Frankfurt, a multi-billion dollar firm focusing on distressed opportunities, including restructurings, insolvencies, and debt for equity transactions. Prior to that, he was the CFO for a leading European embedded software company. Jens began his business career at Deutsche Bank, where he spent ten years in Mergers and Acquisitions and Corporate Finance. Before joining Deutsche Bank, Jens served 8 years as an officer in the German Airforce (1st Lieutenant). Jens received an MBA from the University of Federal Armed Forces (Hamburg, Germany) and Ashridge Business College (London, UK). Luciano Anzanello Luciano Anzanello is a Director in our Milan office. Prior to joining H. I.G. Luciano spent more than twelve years in the mergers and acquisitions industry, both as advisor and investor. As partner at Atlantis Partners in Milan, the leading independent institutional investment firm focused on Italian mid-size companies in Special Situations, Luciano focused on investments in Manufacturing, Consumer Products, Media and Green Energy companies. Before that, Luciano was a manager with HampC in Milan, an industrial family office, where he completed several investments in a broad range of sectors and situations, including start-ups, buyouts and restructurings. Previously, Luciano worked in Camuzzi Group, a multinational utility company. Luciano graduated in Economy of International Commerce and Currency Market from University of Trieste. Stuart Aronson Stuart joined H. I.G. Capital in 2016 as the Group Head of WhiteHorse Capitals U. S. Direct Lending Platform to build and broaden the range of customized debt solutions provided to Non-Sponsor and Sponsor borrowers in the middle market. Prior to joining WhiteHorse Capital, Stuart served as the President and CEO of GE Sponsor Finance (GSF) and was an Officer of the General Electric Company. GSF was the leading provider of debt financing to the US Sponsor Middle Market. Stuart also served on the Board of the Peacock Equity Fund, a mid to late stage venture capital fund that was a Joint Venture between GE Capital and NBC Universal. Prior to GSF, Stuart ran the Commercial and Industrial platform for GE Structured Finance Group (ldquoCampIrdquo). CampI provided structured debt and equity solutions to borrowers in the US, Europe and Asia. Previously, Stuart worked in the GE Capital Markets Group Inc. where he was promoted to Leader of all domestic Product Execution including Syndications, Private Placements, Securitization and Trade Finance. Stuart began his career in the Syndications group of Chemical Bank. Stuart received an M. B.A. with honors from Columbia Graduate School of Business in 1987 and graduated Cum Laude from Tufts University in 1985. He serves on the Board of Kids in Crisis in Greenwich CT. Tuna is a Director of H. I.G. Realty Partners based in London. He is responsible for originating, structuring and executing real estate transactions across Europe. Prior to joining H. I.G. Tuna was at Brookland Partners focusing on real estate debt and CMBS restructurings. Previously, Tuna worked at Lehman Brothers in their Global Real Estate Group with a focus on real estate backed transactions. During this time, he structured and executed UK and pan-European CMBS deals with total issuance in excess of euro3 billion and he also focused on distribution of Lehmanrsquos European real estate debt products. Tuna holds an MPhil degree in Real Estate Finance from the University of Cambridge, Sidney Sussex College. Juan Barnechea Juan Barnechea, Principal, Spain. Juan focuses on growth, LBO and special situations investments in the Iberian Peninsula. Before joining H. I.G. he was a Managing Director at The Riverside Company, a leading Global mid-market private equity firm. During his 5-year tenure at Riverside, he led the firms pan-European Origination team, directly sourced transactions in Spain, Portugal and Italy and managed the relationship with pan-European lenders. Previously, he was a Director and Head of corporate markets at Lloyds TSB Bank where he led the team responsible for originating and executing lending, structured and project finance transactions with Spanish companies. Juan speaks fluent Spanish, English and Portuguese. He has a B. A. in Economics from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, a HND in international Business from Leeds Metropolitan University and he completed an executive leadership development program at IMD Business School, Switzerland. Adam Belfer Adam Belfer joined H. I.G. in 2007 and is a Vice President of H. I.G. Realty Partners. Adam is located in the New York office and has been involved in the structuring, financing, and post-closing execution of several fund investments. Adam has nine years of real estate experience. Prior to H. I.G. Adam was in the real estate leveraged finance group of Wachovia Securities (now Wells Fargo Securities) in Charlotte, NC. While at Wachovia, Adam focused on the origination and execution of 6 billion in private and publicly-traded homebuilder and syndicated development financing. Adam graduated with a B. B.A. in finance from the Goizueta Business School at Emory University. Anthony Bellau Anthony Bellau is a Director with H. I.G. in London, covering growth equity, leveraged buy-out and distressed investments across the United Kingdom. Prior to joining H. I.G. Anthony worked at August Equity, a UK mid-market private equity fund where he focused on investments in the healthcare, education and business services sectors. Anthony has previous experience in 3is Growth Capital team and was a management consultant with Bain amp Co. He also originally qualified as a corporate lawyer with Clifford Chance. Anthony graduated from St. Johns College, Cambridge with First Class Honours (MA) in Law. Jaime Bergel Jaime Bergel, Managing Director, Spain. Prior to joining H. I.G. Jaime was the Founder and Chairman of Gala Capital, a private equity firm named as a top three Private Equity house in Spain by Private Equity Investor Magazine. Prior to founding Gala Capital in 2004, Jaime was Country Chairman of Merrill Lynch for Spain and Portugal and headed the largest investment banking operation and broker-dealer in the Iberian Peninsula with over 300 professionals. Before Merrill Lynch, he was a Managing Director in the investment banking division at Goldman Sachs. Jaime has served on several Boards of public and non-public companies, including the Madrid Stock Exchange, and is currently a member of the Board of Directors of Bacardi Limited. Jaime received an MBA from Northwestern University and a BS in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas. Douglas Berman Mr. Berman joined H. I.G. Capital in 1996, and has served as an Executive Managing Director since 2007. He oversees H. I.G. s Lower Middle Market buyout team, including all of the day-to-day activities of H. I.G. Capital Partners V, L. P. and its predecessor funds. Before assuming responsibility for the Lower Middle Market team in 2007, Mr. Berman led the acquisition of more than 30 businesses for H. I.G. Capital. Prior to joining H. I.G. Mr. Berman was a Consultant at Bain amp Company, one of the worlds most successful management consulting firms. While at Bain, he managed a variety of projects for Fortune 1000 clients, developing expertise in manufacturing, telecommunications, and financial services. Mr. Berman holds a BA degree with Honors in Economics from the University of Virginia, and an M. B.A. degree from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Mark Bernier Mark Bernier is a Managing Director of WhiteHorse Capital. Mark is responsible for sourcing and structuring middle market financings, including senior loans, unitranche, second lien, mezzanine and structured equity for private equity sponsored and non-sponsored transactions. He has over 20 years of leverage finance experience across a broad range of sectors including telecom, software, media, tech enabled, internet and business services. Prior to joining WhiteHorse, Mark worked at GE Capital for 18 years where he held various leadership roles in risk and originations within GE Capitalrsquos U. S. and European businesses. He last served as a Senior Managing Director and Group Head of GE Capitalrsquos Telecom and Technology business where he and his team sourced and structured cash flow debt transactions for private equity sponsored and non-sponsored deals. Prior to GE Capital, he spent four years at Fleet Bank in its Media and Communications Finance Group where he completed Fleetrsquos Financial Management and Credit Training Programs. Mark received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Bryant University. Wolfgang Biedermann Wolfgang Biedermann, Managing Director, leads H. I.G. s private equity team in Europe and is the firms German country head. Wolfgang, a German national, was prior to H. I.G. the CEO of Pricap Venture Partners, an investment firm he co-founded in 2000 focused on small buyouts and growth capital investments in Germany. Previously, he was a Managing Director of Thomas J. C. Matzen GMBH, a small cap buyout firm founded by Thomas Matzen who built Schroders (today Permira) in Germany. Before that, he was with Schroders Private Equity in Germany and BCG in Germany for three years. Wolfgang earned an M. B.A. from Harvard Business School and speaks English, German, Italian, and French. John Black John is a Managing Director of H. I.G. Growth Partners. Since joining in 1996, John has led or had a significant role in more than forty H. I.G. investments in technology, media, healthcare, consumer oriented, and business service companies. His investments have supported management in the development and implementation of their growth strategies in a wide range of transaction dynamics including owner-operatedfamily business recapitalizations, corporate divestitures, take-private transactions, consolidations and minority growth equity investments. John is responsible for H. I.G. s U. S. Growth Equity business. Prior to H. I.G. John was a senior professional with several leading firms working with lower middle market businesses to identify and implement operational initiatives to enable the businesses to realize their full growth potential. John has held several executive level management positions including chief operating officer and chief financial officer. John began his career in the Corporate Finance Group at Ernst amp Young. John received his Bachelor of Arts in Applied Mathematics - Economics from Harvard University. Jeff is a Principal in H. I.G. Capitals San Francisco office, where he focuses on making LBO investments in growth-oriented companies across a range of industries. Jeff has responsibility for all aspects of the investment process, and sits on the board of several H. I.G. portfolio companies. Jeff has more than a decade of experience in private equity and MampA. Prior to joining H. I.G. Capital in 2006, Jeff worked for JPMorgan and Wells Fargo Securities, where he advised small, high-growth companies on MampA transactions, capital raises and other strategic initiatives. Jeff also has operating experience with Salesforce and Baxter Healthcare. Jeff earned an M. B.A. from Harvard Business School and undergraduate degrees, summa cum laude, in business and psychology from the University of Colorado. John Bolduc John is an Executive Managing Director of H. I.G. having joined the firm in 1993. He is responsible for leading H. I.G. rsquos Credit Platform, which manages approximately 9 billion of capital across multiple investment funds. John has more than 25 years of experience focused on credit investments, including primary loans and distressed debt, as well as private equity investments. He currently serves on the board of several privately held companies. Prior to joining H. I.G. in 1993, he was at the management-consulting firm of Bain amp Company, a leading worldwide management-consulting firm, where he directed domestic and international assignments for Fortune 500 clients. Prior to joining Bain amp Company, he worked for three years as the Assistant to the President of Chemed Corporation (NYSE: CHE), a specialty chemical company. John is a graduate of Lehigh University with a B. S. degree in Computer Science and earned his M. B.A. from the University of Virginiarsquos Darden School of Business. Kenneth Borton Kenneth Borton is a Managing Director of H. I.G. WhiteHorse in London, with a focus on primary lending in the U. K. Mr. Borton has over seventeen years of experience in direct lending, investment banking, structured finance and special situations. Prior to joining H. I.G. WhiteHorse, he was a Managing Director at Citi with responsibility for the Credit Opportunities business in EMEA, managing over 500 million of direct lending transactions across sectors and throughout the region. Mr. Borton received a BSc in Economics and Politics from the University of Bristol. After university, Mr. Borton spent 6 years as an infantry officer in the British Army. Olivier Boyadjian Olivier Boyadjian, Managing Director, France. Olivier heads up H. I.G. s team in France. Prior to joining H. I.G. Olivier was the head of the investment team at CDC Capital Investissement, managing a fund of 700 Million. At CDC, he led a number of successful private equity investments in France. Prior to that, Olivier was the managing director of leverage finance for Halifax Bank of Scotland (HBOS) in France, where he led a significant number of financings for private equity transactions. Following a business school degree (ISG), Olivier has earned a MA degree in business from Lyon University and subsequently received a MA degree in corporate law. Christian Brennan Christian is a Principal in Bayside Capitals Boston office, where he focuses on credit investments for Baysides distressed funds. Christian is involved in all aspects of the investment process and specifically focuses on the sourcing and trading of distressed securities. Christian has over 18 years of industry experience in credit investing and trading. Prior to joining Bayside, Christian worked for Newstar Capital and FOC Partners where he was a senior member of the credit investment team that managed alternative strategies and a CLO platform. Christian earned a B. A from Hartwick College in Oneonta, NY. Sean Britain Sean is a Managing Director of Bayside Capital. He is responsible for all aspects of the investment process, including sourcing, transaction structuring, negotiation and portfolio company oversight. Sean has led numerous successful Bayside Capital transactions and currently serves on the board of directors of several portfolio companies. Sean has over 15 years of private equity and special situations investing experience across a broad range of industries including business services, retail and consumer, building products, and education. Before joining Bayside, Sean was a Principal at Apax Partners, a global private equity firm. He began his private equity career at Saunders Karp Megrue, a middle market U. S. private equity firm. Prior to Saunders Karp, Sean worked as an investment banker in the financial sponsors and leveraged finance groups of First Union Securities. Sean received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Wake Forest University. Ruth Brophy Ruth Brophy is H. I.G. Capitals Chief Financial amp Administrative Officer. She is responsible for the firms accounting, tax, administration, information technology and office site operations worldwide. Ruth has been with H. I.G. since 2004. Prior to working at H. I.G. Ruth was Senior Vice President and CFO for an international publishing company for twelve years. Previously, for ten years, Ruth worked as an audit and consulting senior manager for Arthur Andersen, a global public accounting and consulting firm, servicing Fortune 500 and middle market companies. Ruth is a licensed CPA and a graduate of Fairfield University with an M. S. Finance and B. S. Accounting and is a member of the Beta Gamma Sigma Business Honor Society. She has served as an alumni member of the Fairfield University Dolan School of Business Advisory Council, Ruth is currently an active member of the Private Equity CFO Association, National Association of Corporate Directors, International Womens Forum and on the Advisory Council for the Womens Executive Leadership organization. Matthew Brown Matthew is a Principal at WhiteHorse Capital. Based in Los Angeles, Matthew is responsible for sourcing and executing middle market debt financings for private equity sponsored and non-sponsored transactions. As a senior business development officer, Matthew has primary responsibility for managing key relationships throughout the Western United States. Matthew has significant experience executing complex transactions and financings across a wide variety of sectors, including business services, healthcare, industrials, technology, energy, environmental services, food and consumer. Matthew has over 18 years of experience in investment banking, leveraged finance and principal investing. He has held positions with UnionBanCal Equities, Wells Fargo Capital Finance, Jefferies amp Company, and Imperial Capital. Matthew received a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Political Science from the University of California, Los Angeles and an MBA in Finance amp Entrepreneurship from the UCLA Anderson School of Management. Craig Burson As a Managing Director at H. I.G. Growth Partners, Craig has invested in a broad number of industries including consumer, information technology, industrial and healthcare. Craig focuses his investments on businesses that have the ability to change the status quo of their industry through transforming technologies and services. Current investments include: Cocona (37.5), FrameMax, HexaTech, HyperBranch Medical Technology, Integrity Nutraceuticals, LuLus and Nexidia. He previously invested in Calix (CALX), CYA Technologies (acquired by enChoice), eMedicine (acquired by WebMD), Ideal Image (acquired by Steiner Leisure Limited STNR), Oncogenex (OGXI), Optellios (acquired by Senstar), OptXcon (acquired by Optical Solutions), Optical Solutions (acquired by Calix) and Savvion (acquired by Progress Software). Prior to joining H. I.G. Craig was a member of Raymond James amp Associates technology investment banking practice where he was active in public offerings, private placements and mergers amp acquisitions. In addition, Craig worked for the Boston Consulting Group doing analysis in a number of different industry segments. Prior to the Boston Consulting Group, Craig held management positions in engineering, sales, marketing and new business development with the Dow Chemical Company. His focus at Dow Chemical was on the healthcare, semiconductor, water treatment, mining and oil amp gas industries. Craig also served as business development leader at Schlumberger where he was involved in advanced oil and gas well treatment technologies and Mobil Oil, where he worked as an engineer on the Parachute, CO oil shale project. He also spent some time working in the trenches as a roust-a-bout for Phillips Petroleum. Additionally, he is the founder of Aqua Molecular Inc. a firm that provided advanced water purification technologies to the industrial and consumer markets. Craig earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Mining Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines and an M. B.A. from Harvard Business School. Jay Carvell Jay is a Managing Director of WhiteHorse Capital. He is responsible for all aspects of the investment process, including sourcing, structuring, post-close strategies, as well as portfolio management. Prior to WhiteHorse Capital, Jay was a founding partner of WhiteHorse Capital Partners, L. P. a leading credit investor and manager of Collateralized Loan Obligations. At WhiteHorse Capital Partners, he co-managed portfolios of par and distressed loans across numerous industries and sectors through a variety of market cycles. Prior to founding WhiteHorse Capital Partners, Jay was with Highland Capital Management and PricewaterhouseCoopers. Jay earned both a B. A. and an M. B.A. from the University of Texas at Austin, and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation. Javier Casillas Javier is a Managing Director with WhiteHorse Capital. Since joining WhiteHorse Capital in 2006, Javier has worked on a wide range of investments, including recapitalizations, debt purchases, and most recently original issue loans. Javier has been particularly active in sourcing, structuring, and monitoring middle market credit investments across several industries, including healthcare, business services, and specialty finance. Javier has over thirteen years of experience in investment banking and principal investing. He began his career with JP Morgans MampA team, and previous to WhiteHorse Capital worked with ING, developing new financing products for companies in Mexico. At WhiteHorse Capital, Javier has played a leading role in the firms expansion into original issue credit. Javier received a Bachelor of Arts in Government from Harvard University and an M. B.A. from Stanford Universitys Graduate School of Business. Enrique Castillo Mr. Castillo is a Managing Director at H. I.G. Capital and leads H. I.G. s office in Mexico. He has over 13 years of private equity experience sourcing and executing investment opportunities, as well as operational experience managing and leading portfolio companies. Before joining H. I.G. Mr. Castillo was a Managing Partner at Nexxus Capital, a leading Mexico focused private equity firm where he led investments in healthcare, financial services, retail, education and real estate. Mr. Castillo also previously founded Ictus Capital, a boutique private equity and advisory firm. Mr. Castillo has served on the board of directors of several companies including Crdito Real (CREAL), Olab Diagnsticos Mdicos, Harmon Hall and Modatelas. He also served as member of the investment committee of Infonavits Housing Savings Fund. Mr. Castillo received an MBA from INSEAD and graduated with academic excellence from the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City with a degree in Industrial Engineering. Marcelo Cecchetto Mr. Marcelo Cecchetto has over six years of private equity experience in Brazil. Previously, Mr. Cecchetto worked at Group Icatu, a leading Brazilian family office, in the Illiquid Strategies Group. There he was responsible for monitoring private equity investments such as Mabel Alimentos, Minerao Caraba, Grupo ABC and Icatu Seguros. He has also been responsible for successful investments and divestments in various industries such as real estate, media, fast food, healthcare and insurance services. Currently, he is on the boards of Cel-Lep Idiomas and Creme Mel Sorvetes. Mr. Cecchetto is a CFA Charterholder and holds a B. A. in Economics from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Born in Brazil, he is fluent in both Portuguese and English. Sanjoy Chattopadhyay Sanjoy is a Principal of H. I.G. Bayside Capital based in London. He joined the firm in 2013 and is responsible for investing and monitoring real estate investments across Europe. Sanjoy has 16 years of experience in real estate as an investor, a workout professional, and an investment banker. He has invested in direct real estate and non-performing loans in all real estate sectors plus hotels. He was most recently responsible for special situations investing at Benson Elliot, a real estate opportunity fund. Prior to that, Sanjoy spent six years at Morgan Stanleys real estate fund (MSREF) as Vice-President. Sanjoy started his career at Merrill Lynch in the investment banking group. Sanjoy holds an MBA from INSEAD and a Masters in Electronic Engineering (Gold Medal) from Imperial College, London. Jackson Craig Jackson is a Managing Director of Bayside Capital. Currently, he is responsible for all aspects of the investment process, including sourcing, transaction structuring, financing and post-closing growth strategies. Jackson brings over fourteen years of experience in private equity investing into this capacity. Before joining Bayside, Jackson spent ten years with DDJ Capital Management, LLC, a leading middle market high yield debt and private equity firm. While at DDJ, he co-managed the private equity strategy and led investments across a number of sectors. Jackson also sat on the Board of Directors of several DDJ portfolio companies. Prior to DDJ, Jackson worked with Morgan Stanley as a research analyst on the special situations trading desk. Jackson obtained a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Vermont. Riccardo Dallolio Riccardo is Managing Director and Head of H. I.G. Realty Partners in Europe. He is located in H. I.G. aposs London office and is responsible for investment origination, transaction structuring and oversight of the European portfolio. With over 17 years in the real estate industry, Riccardo has extensive investment and transactional experience across a number of jurisdictions in Europe. Prior to H. I.G. Capital, he was at AXA RE, where he was Head of Alternatives and Special Situations. During his time at AXA RE, he also held the position of Head of Transaction Europe and Head of Asset Management and Transactions in France. Prior to AXA RE, Riccardo worked at Grove International Partners, and before that in the JPMorgan Partners Real Estate Group in London. Riccardo holds an MSC in Finance from Bocconi University and studied at The Wharton School of Business. Aaron Davidson Mr. Davidson is Co-head and Managing Director of H. I.G. BioHealth Partners where he focuses on investment opportunities in the life sciences sector. He began his career with Eli Lilly and Company, where he spent a decade in various management roles in the United States and Canada including business development, strategic planning, market research and financial planning. Mr. Davidson currently serves on the boards of HyperBranch Medical Technology and Intact Vascular and Nutrinia Limited. He represented H. I.G. as a board member in several successful companies including: Alder Biopharmaceuticals (public), Forsight Vision5 (acquired), Gemin X Pharmaceuticals (acquired), Novadaq Technologies (public), and Salmedix (acquired). Mr. Davidson earned his MBA from Harvard Business School and a bachelors degree from McGill University. Jos Mara de Len Jos M de Len is a Director of H. I.G. Capital based in Spain. Jos focuses on growth, LBO and special situations investments in the Iberian Peninsula. Before joining H. I.G. he worked at Gala Capital Partners, a leading Spanish Mid-Market Private Equity firm, completing several transactions in a diverse range of industries and situations. Jos M holds a B. A. in Business Administration from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (ICADE). Borja de Parias Borja de Parias, Director, Spain. Before joining H. I.G. in 2012, Borja worked at Houlihan Lokey (Special Situations team) covering the Iberian market and completing several transactions in a diverse range of industries. Borja began his career at Morgan Stanley in London. Borja graduated from ICADE (Madrid) and Northeastern University (Boston) in International Business. Daniel DeFazio Daniel R. DeFazio is a Finance Director for H. I.G. Realty Partners. Since joining H. I.G. in 2010, Daniel has been responsible for all of the finance, accounting and administrative functions associated with the H. I.G. Realty Partners Fund. Daniel is located in H. I.G. s New York office. Prior to H. I.G. Daniel was a partner at Richards Capital and Associates where he consulted to small and medium sized businesses on their capital raising and restructuring initiatives. Daniel has over 28 years of experience in various financial and accounting functions within organizations such as PricewaterhouseCoopers, Pitney Bowes, Xerox and NASDAQ registered company Velocity Express, where he was the Chief Financial Officer. Daniel holds a Bachelors of Science degree from Ithaca College and he is a licensed Certified Public Accountant in the State of Connecticut. Kristen Distasio Kristen DiStasio leads the firms recruiting efforts and brings over 15 years of experience in the talent acquisition field. Based in the New York office, she is responsible for overseeing full life-cycle recruiting for both experienced investment professionals as well as MBA and pre-MBA recruiting. In addition, Kristen is involved in the search process for operating executives across multiple portfolio companies and manages multiple search firm relationships. Prior to joining H. I.G. Kristen was an independent search consultant and placed several senior executives at Pitney Bowes as part of their Strategic Transformation Initiative. Previously, Kristen ran recruiting at Silver Point Capital, a credit-oriented, multi-strategy hedge fund based in Greenwich, CT. Prior to Silver Point, Kristen was a Senior Manager of Recruiting at McKinsey Company. Kristen began her career in executive search with boutique search firms Norman Broadbent International and Christian Timbers. Kristen received her B. A. in English Literature from Western Connecticut State University. Amar Doshi Amar is a Principal in H. I.G. Capitals New York office, where he focuses on making LBO investments in the consumer, retail, and food beverage sectors. Amar is responsible for all aspects of the investment process including origination, transaction structuring, financing and portfolio management. Amar has more than a decade of experience in investing and MA in a broad range of industries including consumer, retail, food beverage, chemicals, automotive, distribution, and general industrials. Prior to joining H. I.G. Amar was a private equity investor at Centerbridge Partners and Bain Capital. Amar began his career as a management consultant at Bain Company. Amar earned an undergraduate engineering degree from Columbia University and completed his M. B.A. at The Wharton School. Sam Eisner Sam Eisner is a Vice President of H. I.G. Realty Partners. Since joining H. I.G. in 2012, Sam has been involved in all aspects of the investment process, including sourcing, transaction structuring, financing, and post-closing execution. He has over six years of experience in real estate investing. Sam is located in H. I.G. aposs New York office. Prior to joining H. I.G. Sam worked at Prudential Mortgage Capital Company, an investment arm of Prudential Financial that originates first mortgage debt secured by all property types across the United States. Sam graduated with honors from the University of Pennsylvania in 2009 with a B. A. in Philosophy, Political Science, and Economics and a minor in Urban Real Estate and Development from the Wharton School. Graham Emmett Graham is a Managing Director of H. I.G. Capitals Real Estate team, based in the London office. He is responsible for investment origination, transaction structuring and oversight of the European portfolio with a focus on credit investments. With over 25 years in a variety of real estate sector roles, Graham has extensive investment and transactional experience in all parts of the capital structure. Prior to joining H. I.G. he was an Investment Partner in the Real Estate division of Cheyne Capital, where he also was the lead portfolio manager of its listed real estate debt vehicle. Prior to Cheyne, he was a Partner at ICG Longbow, a leading London based real estate lender, and served as Head of Lending and Corporate Finance on the Executive management team of the National Asset Management Agency (or NAMA, Irelandrsquos ldquoBad Bankrdquo). Earlier in his career, Emmett was a member of Goldman Sachrsquos Special Situations Group, where he was head of the European Mezzanine debt investments team, and Finance Director of Delancey Estate plc. Graham holds a BSc Honours degree in Banking and Finance from Loughborough University. William Feeser William Bill Feeser is Director of Construction for H. I.G. Realty Partners. Since joining H. I.G. in 2009, Bill has been responsible for all major construction projects, which have included residential renovations and commercial tenant improvements, as well as other asset management responsibilities across the investment portfolio. Prior to joining H. I.G. Bill was a Vice President of Asset Management at Onex, a publicly traded full-service Canadian real estate firm, where he was responsible for managing third-party construction of a 750mm mixed-use development in New York City. Bill has over 10 years of experience in construction and project management. Bill holds a B. S. and M. S. degrees in Civil Engineering and an M. B.A. from Widener University. Rodrigo Feitosa Rodrigo is a Principal based in H. I.G. Capitalacutes Rio de Janeiro office. Rodrigo is responsible for investment sourcing, transaction negotiation, and portfolio company value creation. Since joining HIG Capital, Rodrigo led the investments and serves on the board of directors of Grupo NZN and Selfit Academias. Prior to joining H. I.G. Rodrigo founded two start-ups: Agroshop and Favvi, where he acted as CFOCOO and co-CEO respectively. Before that, Rodrigo worked for 5 years as a private equity professional in Patria Investimentos, where he led or participated in more than 15 transactions, including the investment of Tivit, Zatix and Bioritmo. Before Patria, Rodrigo worked as a management associate at Citibank in the Corporate and Investment Banking division. Rodrigo has a B. A. in Business from Fundaccedilatildeo Getuacutelio Vargas (EAESP-FGV) with an extension from Vysoka Skola Ekonomicka of Prague, a B. A. in Law from Universidade de Satildeo Paulo (USP) and an M. B.A. from INSEAD (SingaporeFrance). Born in Brazil, Rodrigo is fluent in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Shaun Fitzgibbon Shaun is a Principal working in Boston and focusing on H. I.G. Capitals U. S. LBO business. He joined H. I.G. in 2008 and is responsible for all key aspects of the private investment transaction process, including sourcing, transaction structuring, financing, and execution of post-closing growth and operational strategies. Shaun has private equity investing experience across a wide range of industries including business services, manufacturing, and consumer products. He currently serves on the board of a number of H. I.G. Capital portfolio companies. Prior to joining H. I.G. Shaun was with Landmark Growth Capital Partners, a private equity fund focused on buyouts and growth equity investments in business services, manufacturing and consumer companies. At Landmark, he was responsible for deal sourcing, due diligence and assisting management with growth initiatives across several portfolio companies. He joined Landmark Growth Capital at the funds inception and participated in the first thirteen transactions, participating in all aspects of the investment process, including deal sourcing, diligence and management. Shaun began his career as a consultant with Standard amp Poors Corporate Value Consulting based in Boston, MA. Shaun earned his M. B.A. from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth as an Edward Tuck Scholar with high distinction and received his Bachelor of Science degree from Babson College, magna cum laude. He is also a CFA charterholder. Valerio Forte Valerio joined H. I.G. Capital in 2007 as the firms Head of Business Development. He currently leads the firms main transaction sourcing team. Prior to joining H. I.G. Valerio was a consultant with Genesis Consulting, a risk management consulting firm where he responsible for marketing to European financial institutions and provided risk management consulting. Prior to Genesis, Valerio spent 13 years in investment banking with Calyon S. A. and UBS AG in London, Zurich and New York working in acquisition related banking. In his last role, he was Head of Loan Sales for Calyons European lending business in Europe, Middle East and Africa. Valerio received his M. A. in Finance and International Relations from the School of Advanced International Studies in Washington D. C. and earned a B. A. in International Studies from the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Jonathan Fox Jon is a Principal based in H. I.G. s Miami office. Since joining the firm in 2006, he has been responsible for all aspects of the investment process, including sourcing, transaction structuring, financing, and execution of post-closing growth strategies. Jon has led investments in a number of industries including food, retail consumer products, oil and gas services, and manufacturing. He currently serves on the board of directors of several H. I.G. portfolio companies. Prior to joining H. I.G. Jon was with Bain amp Company, a leading management and strategy consulting firm. While at Bain, Jon advised a number of Fortune 100 and Private Equity clients across a range of industries including consumer products, healthcare, and manufacturing. Representative engagements included revenue growth initiatives, cost savings programs, and acquisition analysis. Prior to Bain, Jon worked at Hewlett-Packard and the Mitchell Madison Group. Jon earned an M. B.A. from Columbia Business School and an undergraduate degree in Economics from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Kyle Fox is the Global Head of Capital Markets for H. I.G. Capital and is responsible for sourcing financings and other capital structure alternatives across the firms investment strategies at the fund level. She manages and cultivates capital market relationships across a broad array of institutions including corporate and investment banks, funds, and institutional investors. Prior to joining H. I.G. Capital, Kyle held various roles in banking including securitisation and relationship management at Deutsche Bank and Lloyds. She also has experience in principle investing and providing advisory services for middle market and distressed assets. She earned her MBA at the University of Fordham Gabelli School and received her undergraduate degree from the University of Wisconsin - Madison. Michael Gallagher Mike is a Principal in H. I.G. Capitalrsquos Miami office. He is responsible for all aspects of the investment process including sourcing, transaction structuring, financing and executing post-closing growth and operational strategies. Mike has private equity investing experience across a wide range of industries including healthcare, business services, consumer and industrials. Prior to joining H. I.G. in 2013, Mike worked at Apax Partners, a leading private equity firm, and at Qualitest Pharmaceuticals, where he led a variety of strategic initiatives. Mike was also a member of the Global Industrial Group at the Investment Banking Division of Lehman Brothers. Mike earned an M. B.A. from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and an undergraduate degree in Finance and Accounting from Indiana University. Mihai Gavriloiu Mihai is a Director of H. I.G. Realty Partners in the London office. Mihai is focused on European NPLs and real estate special situations, involving all aspects of the investment process from origination and negotiation to structuring and execution. He is also responsible for investing and monitoring real estate investments across Europe including France. Prior to joining H. I.G. Realty Partners, Mihai worked for Moelis amp Company, a global investment bank, where he focused on corporate restructuring advisory. Previously, Mihai was in the Corporate amp Investment Banking Division of BNP Paribas in London concentrating on corporate restructurings. Mihai started his career as an auditor working for Deloitte in France. Mihai is a graduate of EM Lyon Business School and of Paris-Sorbonne University. Natale Giostra Natale is a Director of H. I.G. Realty based in London. He has more than fifteen years of real estate credit experience, employing both senior and mezzanine strategies across a broad spectrum of real estate asset classes across Europe. At H. I.G. he is responsible for investment origination and transaction structuring of European credit investments. Prior to joining H. I.G. Natale was the Head of Funding of CNM Estates, a commercial and residential London-focus developer, responsible for arranging and structuring development and investment credit facilities. Prior to CNM, he was the Head of Real Estate Finance department at Gatehouse Bank (a leading London based real estate lender majority owned by The Kuwait Investment Authority), where he was responsible for originating and structuring credit investment opportunities in Europe. Natale was also a member of both Credit and Investment Committees of the bank. Previously, he spent almost ten years at CBRE in various offices (London, Madrid, Amsterdam and New York) where lately as European Head of the Debt Structured Finance department, he was responsible for arranging and structuring credit investment opportunities across Europe. Earlier in his career, Natale was part of the NPLs portfolio management team of Goldman Sachs Special Situations Group in Italy. Natale holds an MSc in Corporate Finance from Bocconi University in Milan, Italy and studied (exchange programme) at National University of Singapore. He also holds a postgraduate CEMS Masters in International Management (CEMS MIM) a joint degree delivered by CEMS Academic Members. Seth Goldberg Seth is a Principal of Bayside Capital and is involved in all aspects of the investment process, including origination, due diligence, structuring, financing and portfolio company oversight. Seth has over eight years of investing experience across a broad range of industries, including defense and government services, homebuilding and education. Before joining Bayside, he was with GSC Group, a special situations and private equity investment firm focused on the middle-market. He began his career in the Natural Resources group at Lehman Brothers. Seth has served on the board of several portfolio companies and currently serves on the boards of DiscoverReady and Pendum. Seth received a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Dartmouth College. Samuel Goldworm Sam is a Principal of WhiteHorse Capital based in New York. Sam is involved in all aspects of the investment process, including sourcing, transaction structuring and execution. Sam has over eleven years of credit investing experience in a broad range of industries, including media, telecommunications, business services, retail, industrial, and specialty finance. Before joining WhiteHorse Capital, Sam was a Vice President with Cerberus Capital Management. In this role, he was responsible for the origination, structuring, execution and monitoring of private debt investments. Prior to Cerberus, Sam worked in the leverage finance and mergers amp acquisitions groups at Salomon Brothers. Sam received a Bachelor of Arts in History from Denison University and a dual M. B.A. from Columbia Business School and London Business School. Peter Gudwin Pete is a Principal in the New York office of H. I.G. Capital. Pete has more than ten years of private equity experience working with middle market companies. He is responsible for sourcing and executing transactions as well as working with portfolio companies and their management teams to improve growth and profitability. Prior to joining H. I.G. in 2012, Pete was with J. H. Whitney Capital Partners, where he served as a director on the boards of portfolio companies in the consumer products, restaurant, business services and industrial manufacturing sectors. Previously, he was with Heartland Industrial Partners and, prior to that, was with The Blackstone Group. Pete received his undergraduate degree from Vassar College and his M. B.A. from Columbia Business School. He is a CFA charter holder and a member of the Turnaround Management Association. Manuel Guerrero Manuel Guerrero is a Director of Bayside in the Madrid office. He focuses on Spanish and Portuguese special situations and is involved in all aspects of the investment process including origination, structuring and monitoring portfolio investments. Manuel has over 12 years of corporate banking experience, focused on debt restructuring and project finance across various industries. Before joining Bayside, Manuel worked at fx as deputy head of the restructuring team and also worked for the structured finance team. Prior to fx he worked at Deutsche Bank in the corporate banking team. Manuel holds a holds a B. A. in Economics from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and an Executive M. B.A. from IESE Business School. Pankaj Gupta Pankaj is a Managing Director of WhiteHorse Capital. Pankaj is involved in all aspects of the investment process, including sourcing, transaction structuring, financing, and execution of post-closing growth strategies. He has over eighteen years of experience in private debt and equity investing across a broad range of industries, including business services, manufacturing, distribution, telecom, healthcare, consumer products and consumer services. Before joining WhiteHorse, Pankaj was a Managing Director with American Capital (NASDAQ:ACAS), a middle-market investment firm. While at ACAS, he was a co-head of the debt investment business. Pankaj also sat on the Board of Directors of several ACAS portfolio companies. Prior to ACAS, Pankaj spent six years at Audax Group, a Boston and New York-based private equity and mezzanine firm with 5 billion under management. As a Senior Vice President with Audax, Mr. Gupta was responsible for the origination, structuring, execution and monitoring of mezzanine investments. Prior to Audax, Mr. Gupta was an Associate in the Private Equity group of Whitney amp Co, and prior to Whitney, he was an Analyst in the High Yield and Merchant Banking Group of CIBC World Markets. Pankaj received a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Dartmouth College. Carl Harring Carl Harring, Managing Director, U. K. A Swedish national, Carl has more than fourteen years of private equity experience, having completed transactions ranging from LBOs to restructurings and credit investments across industry sectors, with a particular focus on business services and healthcare. Prior to joining H. I.G. Capital, Carl held senior positions at HgCapital and Apax Partners, where he led several successful investments across Europe. Before that, he worked as a Strategy Consultant in London for Marakon Associates. Carl received a Graduate Diploma in Business and Strategy from the London School of Economics, a MSc in Molecular Medicine and a BSc in Molecular Biology from University of Lund, Sweden. Claire Harwood Claire Harwood is a Principal in the London office of H. I.G. WhiteHorse and focuses on the European direct lending activities of the firm. Claire joined H. I.G. from Hawkpoint Partners Ltd, where she spent five years focused on their debt advisory capabilities. Prior to that Claire was an Associate within Societe Generales Leveraged Finance team focused on larger cap sponsor lead buyouts in both London and Hong Kong. Her career commenced at fx Bank Plc where she was focused on midmarket leveraged buyouts and worked in both London and Paris. She has a total of twelve years experience and has advised on a variety of private equity transactions as well as acting Government side of the Icelandic domestic banking system restructuring in 2009. Claire holds a B. Sc. (Hons) in International Business and Modern Languages from Aston University. She speaks fluent French. Abbas Hasan Abbas is a Principal of Bayside Capital based in New York. He is responsible for all aspects of the investment process including transaction sourcing, structuring, financing and portfolio company oversight. Abbas has more than ten years of private equity and special situations investing experience in a variety of industries including healthcare, media, business services and general industrials. Prior to joining H. I.G. in 2012, Abbas was a Principal of Corporate Partners LLC, a NY-based middle market private equity firm affiliated with Lazard Freres Co. He began his career as a private equity professional with American Capital. Abbas received a B. S. in Economics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where he was a Joseph Wharton Scholar, and his M. B.A. from Columbia Business School. Louis-Matthieu Heck Louis-Matthieu Heck is a Managing Director of H. I.G. and focuses on the French WhiteHorse activities of the firm. Louis-Matthieu has over twenty years of banking and structured finance experience across Europe. Louis-Matthieu is an acquisition finance specialist, having spent 15 years in the LBO market and arranged over 30 mid amp large cap transactions. Prior to joining H. I.G. WhiteHorse, Louis-Matthieu was Head of the Acquisition Finance team of IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG in France. Previously, Louis-Matthieu was a Director in the Leveraged Finance Group of the Royal Bank of Scotland in Paris and an Assistant Vice President in the European leveraged finance group at Merrill Lynch in London. He has also worked in the telecom finance and loan syndication teams of Bank of America in London, in the corporate banking team of Sanwa Bank in Paris and for Credit Lyonnais in Copenhagen. Louis-Matthieu holds a management degree from EM Lyon, a masters in finance from IEP Paris and an MBA from INSEAD. David Hirschberg David Hirschberg is a Managing Director and Co-Head of H. I.G. Realty Partners. He is located in H. I.G. s New York office and is responsible for investment origination, transaction structuring and oversight of the portfolio. Before joining H. I.G. David spent seven years as a Managing Partner at Coventry Real Estate Advisors, an institutional investment fund manager that has acquired over 2.5 billion of real estate assets across the United States. Prior to Coventry, David was a Managing Director in Citigroups Investment Banking Division, spending 12 years in the Real Estate and Retail Groups, as well as serving as the Head of Real Estate Investment Banking Asia. Previously, David worked at Goldman Sachs from 1989 to 1992. David earned a B. S. from Lehigh University in 1989 and an MBA from NYU in 1994. Mr. Hirschberg is an active member of several real estate industry organizations, including the International Council of Shopping Centers, Urban Land Institute and PREA. Kevin Hogan Kevin is a Principal of Bayside Capital and focuses on all aspects of the investment process, including origination, due diligence, transaction structuring, financing, and portfolio company oversight. Kevin has over ten years of investing and investment banking experience with a primary focus on the energy industry. Before joining Bayside, Kevin was a Vice President at Altpoint Capital Partners, a middle market private equity firm specializing in energy, industrial and telecommunications investments. Prior to Altpoint, Kevin worked at Collins Willmott amp Co. a New York based middle-market private equity fund and Lehman Brothers Merchant Banking and Global Natural Resources investment banking groups in New York. Kevin earned a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Dartmouth College. Thomaz Horta Thomaz Horta has more than 7 years of professional experience in private equity in Brazil. Before joining H. I.G. in January 2013, Thomaz Horta worked for General Atlantic, where he was responsible for analyzing several opportunities in the technology, education, internet, retail, engineering and healthcare sectors. Before that, he was an investment banker at Goldman Sachs focused on mergers amp acquisitions for 4 years. At General Atlantic he actively participated in the investment and monitoring as a board observer of Linx (LINX3), Aceco TI and Peixe Urbano. Currently, he is on the boards of Bigsal, Halexistar and LG Sistemas. Thomaz received a law degree from PUC-SP. Thomaz is Brazilian, born in Rio de Janeiro, and is fluent in Portuguese and English. Camilo E. Horvilleur Camilo is a Managing Director based in H. I.G. Capitals Miami office. Camilo is responsible for investment sourcing, transaction negotiation, and portfolio company value creation strategies. Since joining H. I.G. Capitals U. S. LBO group in 2006, Camilo has helped lead private equity investments in a number of industries including healthcare, business services, insurance, logistics, communications, technology and industrials. Camilo has served on the board of directors of several H. I.G. companies including ATX Networks, PMSI, Capstone Logistics, Safe-Guard Products, Service Net and Align Networks. Prior to joining H. I.G. Capital, Camilo was an Associate with Morgan Stanley in New York where he focused on the telecom industry and emerging markets. Camilo also worked at Atticus Capital, an alternative asset manager, as an investment analyst. Camilo earned his B. B.A. in Finance from Texas AampM University, summa cum laude, and M. B.A. from Harvard Business School. Johannes Huttunen Johannes Huttunen is a Director in our London office, covering growth equity, leveraged buy-out and distressed investments across the United Kingdom and the Nordic region. Prior to joining H. I.G. in 2014, Johannes worked at Silverfleet Capital, a pan-European mid-market private equity fund, where he focused on investments in the UK and Nordic region. Previously, he was at European Capital, working on UK buyouts, and in the Investment Banking Division of Deutsche Bank in London, concentrating on Mergers Acquisitions. Johannes obtained a First Class BSc Honours degree in Management Sciences from the London School of Economics and a Masters in Finance from the London Business School. Robert Jang Rob is a Principal in H. I.G. Capitals New York office. He is responsible for all aspects of the investment process including transaction sourcing, structuring, financing, and execution of post-closing growth and operational strategies. Rob has several years of private equity investing experience in a variety of industries including business services, consumer products, general industrials, and healthcare. Prior to joining H. I.G. in 2011, Rob worked in private equity at The Carlyle Group focusing on investments in the healthcare sector. Rob started his career in the Mergers Acquisitions group at Merrill Lynch. Rob received his undergraduate degree in Economics and Political Science with honors from Columbia University and his M. B.A. from Harvard Business School. Giselle Jordan Giselle has been the Marketing Manager of H. I.G. Capital since 2009. She is responsible for developing and executing marketing strategies across all of H. I.G. s funds worldwide. Prior to joining H. I.G. Giselle was the Loan Acquisitions Marketing Manager for Bayview Financial, a mortgage investment firm based in Miami. Giselle earned her M. B.A. from the Owen Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt University, and graduated with honors from the University of Florida with a B. S. in Finance. Benjamin Kahn Benjamin Kahn focuses on growth equity investments and is involved in all stages of the investment process. Prior to joining H. I.G. Growth Partners, Benjamin spent six years at Glencoe Capital in Chicago, a middle market private equity firm where he was responsible for sourcing, analyzing and executing principal investment opportunities in consumer, business services and manufacturing companies. He most recently served on the board of System Development Integration and on the executive committee of Child Development Schools. Previously, Benjamin worked at Madison Dearborn Partners where he focused on investing in healthcare services businesses. He began his career as a financial analyst in the investment banking division at Bear, Stearns amp Co. Benjamin earned a B. S. in finance and accounting with honors from New York Universitys Leonard N. Stern School of Business, and an M. B.A. from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. Amanda Kalin Amanda is a Principal based in H. I.G. Capitals San Francisco office. She is involved in all aspects of the investment process, including deal sourcing, transaction structuring and negotiation, financing, and execution of post-closing growth and operational strategies. Amanda has participated in investments across a wide range of industries including consumer products and services, government services and financial services. She currently serves on the board of directors of several H. I.G. portfolio companies. Amanda has more than a decade of experience in private equity and MampA. Prior to joining H. I.G. in 2004, Amanda worked for Citigroup Investment Banking where she executed MampA transactions and equity and debt offerings for Fortune 500 companies. She also worked for Calvert Social Investment Foundation where she underwrote investments in social enterprise and microfinance institutions. Amanda earned an M. B.A. from Harvard Business School and undergraduate degrees in Economics and International Studies from the University of Chicago with Honors as a Student Marshal. Ryan Kaplan Ryan is a Principal in H. I.G. Capitals Miami office. He is responsible for all aspects of the investment process including sourcing, transaction structuring, financing and executing post-closing growth, operational, and add-on acquisition strategies. Ryan has over ten years of private equity and investment banking experience. Prior to joining H. I.G. Ryan was an Associate and then Vice President at the middle-market private equity firm Quad-C Management. He began his career as an Analyst in the Financial Sponsors Group at Credit Suisse. Ryan received his B. B.A. from the University of Michigan and his M. B.A. from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Enoch Kariuki Enoch focuses on investment opportunities in the life sciences sector. Prior to joining H. I.G. he was a Senior Associate at Leerink Partners, a healthcare focused investment bank. Enoch joined Leerink Partners from UBS where he was an Associate Director in the Global Healthcare Investment Banking Group. At Leerink Partners and UBS, Enoch gained extensive experience advising healthcare companies across the biopharmaceutical, medical devices, diagnostics, healthcare services and information technology sectors on equity capital financings, mergers and acquisitions, leveraged buyouts, and recapitalizations. Some of the transactions Enoch has worked on include the IPOs of Eleven Biotherapeutics and Agios Pharmaceuticals, private placements and follow-on offerings for Kolltan Pharmaceuticals, Intra-Cellular Therapies, Dyax and ProQR Therapeutics, sale of Bravo Health to HealthSpring, sale of WaveMark to Cardinal Health and the leveraged recapitalization of Warner Chilcott Pharmaceuticals. Previously, Enoch worked in the pharmaceutical industry as a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the RampD Strategy and Analytics group at Bristol-Myers Squibb and as a Pharmacist at CVS Caremark. Enoch earned an M. B.A. from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth and a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Texas Southern University. Mr. Karp focuses on consumer investments for H. I.G. Growth Partners and is currently responsible for sourcing, evaluating and executing new investment opportunities. He has over 12 years of experience investing in lower-middle market private equity transactions and has worked on investments primarily in the consumer products and services, multi-channel retail and direct marketing industries. Prior to H. I.G. Growth Partners, Mr. Karp was a Principal at Parallel Investment Partners (formerly dba SKM Growth Investors) from 2001 until April 2012. Prior to joining Parallel Investment Partners, he was an Associate at J. H. Whitney amp Co. He began his career at Salomon Smith Barney focusing on telecom mergers amp acquisitions advisory services. Mr. Karp currently serves on the boards of LuLus, an e-commerce retailer of young womens apparel, shoes and accessories and Pet Services Operating Corporation (Paws Plus), a provider of affordable pet vaccination services and pet hospitals across more than 430 retail locations in the U. S. Mr. Karp graduated from the Business Honors Program at the University of Texas at Austin with a B. A. in Finance. Jeff Kelly Jeff is a Principal in H. I.G. Capitals New York office, where he focuses on making LBO investments in the aerospace and defense market. Jeff is responsible for all aspects of the investment process including origination, transaction structuring, financing and portfolio management. Jeff has 17 years of experience in private equity and MA transactions across a broad range of industries. Prior to joining H. I.G. Capital in 2016, Jeff spent eight years at Veritas Capital, a private equity firm specializing in the government market. Before joining Veritas Capital, Jeff worked for Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley. Jeff earned an M. B.A. from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and a B. S. in Finance from Washington University in St. Louis. James Kenefick James is a Managing Director at WhiteHorse Capital and is based in the Los Angeles office, where he runs the west coast sponsor finance effort focusing on direct lending to private equity clients. James is responsible for all aspects of the investment process, including sourcing, structuring, executing and closing transactions. He has over twenty years of experience in providing debt and equity financing for private equity transactions across a broad range of industries including, business services, financial services, manufacturing, distribution, telecom, healthcare, retail, consumer products and consumer services. Before joining WhiteHorse, James was a Senior Managing Director with GE Capital in their sponsor finance business. During his 11-year tenure at GE Capital, he was head of the Los Angeles Office and west coast sponsor originations. Prior to GE Capital, James was an investment banker with Bear, Stearns amp Co. Inc. and before that with Bankers Trust (now Deutsche Bank). Over his career, James has focused on working with private equity firms and corporate clients on a variety of MampA advisory transactions as well as debt and equity capital raising assignments. James received a Bachelor of Arts in History and Political Science from Williams College and an MBA in Finance and Entrepreneurial Management from the University of Pennsylvaniarsquos Wharton School of Business. As Managing Director at H. I.G. Growth Partners, John focuses primarily on Internet, media and technology investments. He currently serves on the boards of Batanga, Escalate Media, Funambol, Go2mobi, LuLus, RxStrategies and SpotXchange and formerly served on the board of REVShare and Triad Retail Media. Previously, John was a co-founder, interim CEO and board director of Cooligy, a semiconductor cooling manufacturer started by three Stanford professors, backed by top-tier venture capital firms and acquired by Emerson Electric (NYSE:EMR). He also was the COO of a 100 person eCommerce portal, General Manager of a semiconductor equipment manufacturer and Business Development Director at a product development software company. He began his career at Booz, Allen amp Hamilton where he consulted on operations strategy to Fortune 500 companies. John received an M. S. and B. S. with Phi Beta Kappa honors in Industrial Engineering from Stanford University and an M. B.A. degree with distinction from Harvard Business School. Holger Kleingarn Holger Kleingarn, Managing Director, Germany, is a German national who has been working in the Private Equity Industry for over ten years. Throughout his private equity career Dr. Kleingarn has focused on mid cap buyouts, growth investments and turnarounds across Europe with a focus on the German-speaking countries. Prior to joining H. I.G. Capital, he was a Partner and Member of the Management Committee at London-based Palamon Capital Partners, a private equity group focusing on mid-sized companies across Europe. Previously Holger led the management-buy-out of a Mittelstand software company as CEO. He started his career in strategic management consulting with Bain amp Company and Roland Berger, most recently as Partner and member of its financial services management team. Holger holds a doctoral degree in business administration from the University of Federal Armed Forces in Munich and graduated from the University of Hamburg. Christian Kraul-von Renner Christian Kraul-von Renner is a Director in our Hamburg office. Prior to joining H. I.G. in 2007, he was a senior consultant with L. E.K. Consulting in Munich and London, where he advised numerous financial and strategic investors in merger amp acquisition situations. In addition, he supported larger corporations in the course of portfolio valuations and implementing growth strategies. Before L. E.K. he worked as a consultant with the Brand Science Institute, a research-based consultancy. Christian obtained a Diploma in Business Administration at the University of Hamburg. During his studies he worked over one year in New York and London. Roman Krislav Roman is a Managing Director of Bayside Capital. Roman is involved in all aspects of the Bayside investment process including investment origination, due diligence, structuring, and portfolio company oversight. Prior to joining Bayside, Roman spent nine years with H. I.G. s private equity team and was responsible for all aspects of the investment process and execution of post-closing growth and operational strategies. Roman has executed numerous niche manufacturing, business services and consumer transactions across industries including automotive parts, building materials, call centers, debt collection, laser hair removal and promotional products distribution. Roman currently sits on the board of directors of several H. I.G. portfolio companies. Prior to joining H. I.G. Capital, Roman was a Vice President at Mercantile Capital Partners, a consumer products focused private equity firm in New York. Roman began his career in Goldman Sachs Equity Capital Markets division focusing on convertible debt and derivative securities in both New York and London across a variety of different sectors. Roman received his M. B.A. from Columbia Business School. Roman graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with both a B. S.E. from The Wharton School and a B. A.S. from the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, graduating both magna cum laude. Caroline Kung Caroline is a Principal based in H. I.G. Capitals Boston office. She is responsible for all aspects of the investment process including sourcing, transaction structuring, financing, and execution of post-closing growth and operational strategies. She has executed private equity investments in a number of industries including business services, healthcare, technology, energy, chemicals and logistics. She currently serves on the board of directors of several H. I.G. portfolio companies. Prior to joining H. I.G. in 2010, Caroline worked in private equity at Gordon Brothers focusing on the retail sector, and prior to that, was director of business planning at Giorgio Armani where she was responsible for developing merchandise and distribution strategies for Armani Collezioni. Caroline started her career in the Mergers amp Acquisitions group at Merrill Lynch. Caroline earned her A. B. degree with a joint concentration in Psychology and East Asian Studies from Harvard College, magna cum laude with highest honors, and an M. B.A. from Harvard Business School. In addition, she has an M. B.A. with Honors in International Luxury Brand Management from ESSEC Business School in France. Simon Laker Simon is a Managing Director of H. I.G. Capital based in London and is responsible for Asset Management across the H. I.G. European Real Estate portfolio. Simon has over 20 years of experience working in the European real estate market in both advisory and investor roles. As a qualified MRICS surveyor, he has managed a diverse range of real estate projects, including retail, offices and industrial portfolios covering acquisition, development, operational management and value add roles. Prior to joining H. I.G. Capital, Simon was Director and Head of Asset Management at Evans Randall Limited, a real estate investment firm whose holdings included a number of high profile assets such as the Gherkin building in London. He has also held senior real estate positions with FampC REIT Asset Management (now BMO Real Estate Partners) and Cushman amp Wakefield. Simon holds a BSc Degree (Hons) from University of Central England and a MSc Real Estate and Development qualification from University of East London. Miguel Lasso Miguel Lasso is a Director of H. I.G. WhiteHorse in the Madrid office and focuses on the Spanish and Portuguese direct lending activities of the firm. Miguel joined H. I.G. from PriceWaterhouseCoopers, where he spent four years in the Debt amp Capital Advisory department of the Madrid office advising companies and private equities on raising new debt and capital from credit funds, refinancing, and restructuring their existing debt. Prior to that, Miguel was an Associate within BBVAs Project amp Leveraged Finance team in New York. His career commenced at Banco Popular Espaol in Madrid where he was part of the Structured Finance department. Miguel holds a Law degree, a Diploma in Business Administration at ICADE (Madrid) and an International MBA from IE Business School. Raffaele Legnani Raffaele Legnani, Managing Director, heads up H. I.G. s activities in Italy. Raffaele has been investing in the Italian private equity market since 1996. Prior to joining H. I.G. Raffaele was founding partner of Atlantis Partners in Milan, the leading independent institutional investment firm focused on Italian mid-size companies in Special Situations. Before that, Raffaele has successfully invested in a significant number of buyout transactions, both directly and through specialized private equity funds (the London based Stellican and the US based Wexford Management) serving as operating board member for several portfolio companies. Previously, Raffaele worked in investment banking for Goldman Sachs in London. Raffaele graduated with honors in Finance and Business Administration from Bocconi University in Milan. Edouard Lesieur Edouard Lesieur, Director, Paris. Prior to joining H. I.G. in 2007, Edouard worked as a Senior Manager in the leveraged finance department of the Royal Bank of Scotland in France. He notably participated in the structuring and financing of numerous LBO transactions in France and in Europe. Edouard started his career at CACIB (acquisition finance department) in Paris and London before joining BNP Paribas loan market department in New York. Edouard graduated with an MSc in Finance from ESCP Europe Business School (Ecole Supeacuterieur de Commerce de Paris). Steve Loose As a Managing Director at H. I.G. Growth Partners, Steve focuses primarily on business services, industrial technologies, and consumer businesses. Prior to joining H. I.G. Growth Partners, Steve was a Managing Director at Audax Private Equity, a middle market private equity firm where he spent eight years. While at Audax, Steve was responsible for investments in multiple platform companies and add-on acquisitions across a variety of sectors including manufacturing, distribution, and business and consumer services. He served as a board representative in a number of these companies. Steve began his career at Audax working in senior operating management roles within the portfolio. Previously, Steve was a Manager at Bain amp Company where he consulted to Fortune 500, as well as mid-sized companies in a variety of industries, including healthcare, food and manufacturing. Prior to that, Steve worked at GE, first in finance at GE Plastics, and later in business development at GE Capital. Steve earned a B. A. in Mathematical Economics from Colgate University, and an M. B.A. from Harvard Business School. Guido Lorenzi Guido Lorenzi is a Director in the Milan office of H. I.G. WhiteHorse and focuses on the Italian direct lending activities of the firm. Guido joined H. I.G. from Banca IMI, where he spent three years originating and structuring financing transactions for Financial Sponsor and Corporate clients across several European jurisdictions and being instrumental in establishing the Banks middle market European presence. Prior to that Guido was a Vice President at fx where he focused on arranging debt solutions predominantly for Southern European Corporate and Financial Sponsors clients. His career started at Deutsche Bank in Milan where he was part of the Work Out team within the Risk Management function. Guido graduated in Financial Markets at Bocconi University in Milan. Matthew Lozow Matt is a Managing Director in H. I.G. Capitalrsquos New York office. He is responsible for all aspects of the investment process including sourcing, transaction structuring, financing and executing post-closing growth, operational, and add-on acquisition strategies. Matt currently serves on the boards of several H. I.G. portfolio companies including Surgery Partners and A10 Capital and focuses on investments in the business services sector. Prior to joining H. I.G. in 2009, Matt worked with private equity firms including Behrman Capital and Audax Private Equity focusing on late stage buyouts and recapitalizations. Matt began his career as a consultant with Bain amp Company. Matt received his undergraduate engineering degree from M. I.T. and his M. B.A. from Wharton. Gabriele Magotti Gabriele is a Principal of Bayside Capital with responsibility for sourcing and executing real estate transactions in Italy. Gabriele has been investing in European real estate for more than twelve years, most recently as the Head of Southern Europe for the Alternative and Real Asset team of Deutsche Bank, focusing on Italy, Spain and Portugal, where he was responsible for the acquisition and management of real estate assets across a wide range of asset classes and investment strategies. Gabriele began his career in real estate investment banking at JPMorgan Chase based in London. Gabriele holds a B. A. in Economics from Bocconi University in Milan. Mathilde Malezieux-Dehon Mathilde is a Director in the London office of H. I.G. WhiteHorse and Bayside Capital. She focuses on European corporate debt situations and is involved in all aspects of the investment process from origination and research to structuring and execution. Mathilde has nine years of performing and distressed credit investing experience in Europe. She has successfully completed a number of investments at all levels of the capital structure and in a broad range of industries. She previously worked for Nomura Investment Advisor Ltd for five years, where she was focusing on European senior and mezzanine debt investments. Mathilde graduated from HEC Paris business school. Elliot Maluth Elliot is a Managing Director based in H. I.G. s San Francisco office. He is responsible for all key aspects of the private investment transaction process including deal origination, transaction structuring and negotiating, and post-closing portfolio company oversight. Elliot is focused on building H. I.G. s portfolio of investments in the western U. S. in business services and consumer goods and services. Elliots career spans more than 30 years, with over two decades of experience in the private equity industry, and prior experience in management consulting and sales management. He has been a Managing Director at H. I.G. since 2004. Prior to H. I.G. he was a Partner with the private equity firm Behrman Capital. Before that, he was an Associate at Golder Thoma Cressey Rauner (GTCR), a private equity firm in Chicago. At both firms, Elliot was responsible for sourcing, negotiating and closing buyouts and recapitalizations of privately held companies, and overseeing investments post-closing. Earlier in his career, he was a Manager in the Strategic Consulting Group of Price Waterhouse and a Sales Manager in the Beverage Division of Procter amp Gamble. Elliot earned a B. B.A. from the University of Washington and an M. B.A. from Harvard Business School. Antonin Marcus Antonin Marcus is a Director of H. I.G. Before joining H. I.G. in 2011, he worked in the investment banking team of Goldman Sachs, mainly in Paris. Antonin graduated with an MSc from the Ecole Polytechnique, Paris and an MSc in Financial Economics from the SaxEFd Business School, University of Oxford. Fernando Marques Oliveira Mr. Marques Oliveira is a Managing Director at H. I.G. Capital and heads up H. I.G. Brasil and H. I.G. Latin America. Mr. Marques Oliveira has more than 18 years of experience in the Latin American private equity market and has led or co-led more than 25 successful investments in the region in various sectors such as Consumer, Manufacturing, Services, Healthcare, MediaAdvertising, Software, Food amp Beverage, Mining, Real Estate, Education, Pulp amp Paper, Internet and Financial Services. Before joining H. I.G. Mr. Marques Oliveira was a partner at General Atlantic, where he headed up the Brazil amp Latin America office and was a Member of its Global Council. Prior to that, Mr. Marques Oliveira had spent 11 years at Icatu, a leading Brazilian family office, where he was a partner and Head of the Illiquid Strategies Group. Mr. Marques Oliveira has served on the Board of more than 20 Brazilian companies, including Duratex (DTEX3), Qualicorp (QUAL3), Elekeiroz (ELEK4), Arapar, Mineraccedilatildeo Caraiacuteba, Mabel Alimentos, Grupo ABC and Conspiraccedilatildeo Filmes. He has also served as a Member of the Investment Committee at Itauacutesa (ITSA4). Currently, Mr. Marques Oliveira is on the Board of Cel Lep Idiomas, Creme Mel Sorvetes, LG Sistemas, Eletromidia, Office Total, Grupo NZN, Casa Franccedila-Brasil Foundation, Parque Lageaposs School of Visual Arts and the NGO Pivocirc. Fernando is also an Ambassador for Endeavor Brasil, a Member of the YPO (Young Presidentrsquos Orgnization) and is a Patron of Satildeo Pauloaposs Pinacoteca Museum, Rio de Janeiroaposs Art Museum (MAR) and Inhotim ndash Institute of Contemporary Art and Botanic Gardens. Mr. Marques Oliveira received his B. B.A. from Fundaccedilatildeo Getuacutelio Vargas in Satildeo Paulo, with highest honors, J. P.C. Vieira scholar, and ranked first in his class. He was awarded by Satildeo Pauloaposs Business Council and also by Gastatildeo Vidigal Foundation for Economic Studies. Fernando was also elected one of the ldquo40 under 40rdquo Brazilian Business Leaders. He is fluent in Portuguese, English, French and Italian. Andrs Marulanda Andrs Marulanda is a Principal in the Private Equity team based in Bogot, Colombia. Before joining H. I.G. Capital, he worked at Advent International in Bogot where he led the execution of a number of transactions. Before that, Andrs worked at Colpatria Group, a Colombian conglomerate, in the private equity unit, where he also completed several successful transactions. Previously, Mr. Marulanda worked as an Engagement Manager at McKinsey Company, in Bogot, and at Booz Allen Hamilton, in New York. He also worked at Unilever, in Bogot, as a Trade Marketing Manager, and in New Jersey, at the Regional Finance Department. Andrs earned a bachelors degree in industrial engineering from the University of Los Andes, in Bogot, and holds an M. B.A. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan School of Management. Born in Colombia, he is fluent in Spanish and English. Kimberly Massa Kim is a Managing Director in WhiteHorse Capitals Stamford office where she focuses on structuring, executing and monitoring senior secured, second lien and unitranche debt investments provided to middle market companies across a range of industries. Kim has over sixteen years of experience in leveraged finance. Kim joined WhiteHorse Capital in 2016 from Antares Capital where she was a Managing Director in credit. Prior to that, she worked at GE Capital for 19 years, where she held a variety of leadership roles in risk management, including as the Chief Credit Officer for the Telecom, Media and Technology Group. Prior to GE Capital, Kim spent over 6 years at Deloitte where she was a Manager in the Audit practice. Kim earned a B. S. in Business Administration from Western New England University where she majored in accounting. Kim also holds her Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designation. Neil McIlroy Neil McIlroy is a Principal with H. I.G. in London, covering growth equity, leveraged buy-out and distressed investments across the United Kingdom, Ireland and Continental Europe. Prior to joining H. I.G. Neil worked for Cinven, a pan-European private equity fund, where he focused on investments in Healthcare and Industrials. Previously, Neil was an Analyst in the Investment Banking Division of Morgan Stanley in London concentrating on mergers and acquisitions. Neil received a First Class BA Honors in Business Studies from the University of Ulster and a MSc Finance with Distinction from Queens University Belfast. He is an Irish national. Peter McLaughlin Peter is a Principal in WhiteHorse Capitals Chicago office. He is responsible for all aspects of the investment process including sourcing, transaction structuring and execution. Peter has more than 15 years of experience in middle market private equity, investment banking and lending. He has executed investments across a wide range of industries for both public and private middle market companies. Prior to joining WhiteHorse Capital in 2016, Peter was a Managing Director at Medley Capital, where he sourced, executed and managed numerous debt investments. Prior to Medley, Peter was a Managing Director at CIFC (NASDAQ: CIFC), where he started and developed their middle market direct lending business. Peter received an M. B.A. from The University of Chicago and an undergraduate degree from The Colorado College. Arturo Melero Arturo is a Principal of H. I.G. WhiteHorse in the Madrid office and focuses on the Spanish and Portuguese direct lending activities of the firm. Arturo joined H. I.G. from Grant Thornton, where he was leading the Debt Advisory practice for Spain and Portugal. Prior to that, Arturo was the Lead Director within the Lloydss Acquisition Finance team focused on leverage buyouts in Spain and Portugal and a member of the European Directors committee. His career commenced at KPMG. He has over fifteen years of transactional experience (MA and Leverage Finance) and has worked on a large number of private equity and debt financings. Arturo holds a Business Administration degree at Universidad San Pablo CEU (Madrid), an Executive M. B.A. from IE Business School and a PDG (Advanced Management Program) from IESE Business School. Stefano Migliorini Stefano Migliorini is a Director in our Milan office. Prior to joining H. I.G. in 2014, Stefano was an Investment Manager with Motion Equity Partners where he completed transactions in the business services, retail and consumer goods sectors. Stefano has 12 years of experience in private equity and MA in a broad range of industries including Business Services, Consumer Products, Distribution and Food Beverage. Stefano also has past experience in investment banking with Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs where he worked on MA, IPO and DCM transactions. Stefano earned a degree in Business Administration from Bocconi University. He also earned an MBA from INSEAD and a PLD from Harvard Business School. Alastair Mills Alastair is a Principal in the London office of H. I.G. Capital and the European head of Business Services. He focuses on both private equity and distressed investments. Alastair joined H. I.G. Capital from Gresham LLP where he was a Partner in the London Investment team focused on growth buy-out and buy and build transactions in the UK lower mid market. Prior to Gresham, Alastair worked for the UK private equity teams of RBoS and Bridgepoint Capital. A British national he has a total of sixteen years private equity experience in the UK lower mid-market. Recent transaction experience includes the acquisition of Petrochem Carless, the turnaround of Smallsteps, the MBOs of Brand Addition, Synseal and Kondor and the corporate carve-outs of Fibercore (from Cisco) and Brand Addition (from 4imprint). Alastair has an MSc in International Securities Investment amp Banking from the ISMA Centre, Reading University and is a Member of the Securities Institute. Charles Mills Charlie serves in a senior Deal Sourcing and Business Development role at H. I.G. Capital since 2012. He is responsible for identifying and pursuing new investment opportunities across H. I.G. s funds. Prior to joining H. I.G. Charlie enjoyed a successful 16 year Investment Banking career. He was a Managing Director at top middle market firms including: Houlihan Lokey, where he ran the firms southeast U. S. Investment Banking effort Macquarie Capital, where he led the Diversified Manufacturing and Distribution practice group and SunTrust Robinson Humphrey, where he headed the firms Industrial group. Charlie has been involved in dozens of transactions with public and private companies including mergers, acquisitions, public and private capital offerings, spinoffs, etc. Prior to his Investment Banking career, Charlie served as a Officer in the U. S. Navy. His service included roles as a Surface Warfare Office and Nuclear Engineer. Charlie received his M. B.A. from Harvard University and a B. S. with distinction in Economics with Honors from the United States Naval Academy. Giuseppe Mirante Giuseppe is a Managing Director of Bayside Capital. Giuseppe has over fifteen years of private equity and distressed debt experience in Europe. Prior to joining Bayside, Giuseppe was Head of Distressed and Loan Research at BNP Paribas in London. Previously, Giuseppe was a European credit and distressed analyst at Cyrus Capital and Trafalgar Asset Managers, as well as a private equity associate at Morgan Stanley and Rhne Capital. He also co-founded and ran Tigon Capital, an advisory company for private equity and hedge funds. Giuseppe began his finance career as investment banking analyst at Citigroup and summer associate at Goldman Sachs. He is fluent in German, Italian, Spanish and French, and proficient in Portuguese. Giuseppe holds a Bachelors degree in Accounting and Finance from Hochschule Mnchen and an MBA from Columbia University. Sami Mnaymneh Sami Mnaymneh is a Founder and Co-CEO of H. I.G. Capital. He has directed the firms development since its founding in 1993 and approves all capital commitments made by H. I.G. Sami currently serves on the Board of Columbia College and on the Deans Council of the Harvard Law School. Prior to founding H. I.G. Sami was a Managing Director with The Blackstone Group in New York. Prior to that, he was a Vice President in the Mergers and Acquisitions department at Morgan Stanley amp Co. where he devoted a significant amount of his time to leveraged buyouts, serving as senior advisor to a number of prominent private equity firms. Over the course of his career, Mr. Mnaymneh has led over 75 transactions in a wide range of industries. Sami earned a B. A. degree, Summa Cum Laude, from Columbia University where he graduated first in his class, and subsequently received a J. D. degree and an M. B.A. degree, with honors, from Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School, respectively. Jay is a Principal with WhiteHorse Capital. Based in Atlanta, Jay is responsible for sourcing and executing middle market debt financings for both non-sponsored and private equity sponsored transactions. As a senior business development officer, he has primary responsibility for managing key relationships throughout the Southeast region. He has over fourteen years of principal investing, corporate finance, and valuation experience across a broad range of industries. Prior to joining WhiteHorse Capital, Jay spent nine years at River Capital, an Atlanta-based private equity firm focused on control investments in lower middle market companies where he was responsible for the origination and execution of equity investments to support acquisitions, management buyouts, recapitalizations and growth financings. In addition, Jay sat on the Board of Directors of several River Capital portfolio companies. Jay received a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of Georgia, an M. B.A. in Finance from the University of Georgias Terry College of Business, and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation. Appu Mundassery Appu Mundassery is a Managing Director of H. I.G. WhiteHorse and focuses on the European direct lending activities of the firm. Appu has over 16 years of experience in leveraged finance and credit investments, both in Europe and the US. He has managed portfolios in excess of 5 billion, including leveraged loans, high-yield bonds and restructured equity. Prior to joining H. I.G. WhiteHorse, Appu was a Partner and Senior Portfolio Manager at Highland Capital Management Europe based in London, where he helped found the London office and directed its growth for 5 years. Appu was also an investment banker at Donaldson, Lufkin Jenrette and CSFB, where he worked on several leveraged finance, private equity, and mergers and acquisitions transactions. Appu received a Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics Economics from Brown University and an MBA in Finance from the University of Pennsylvanias Wharton School of Business. Eric Nadzo Eric is a Principal with WhiteHorse Capital. Based in the Boston office, Eric focuses on sourcing and executing debt investments in middle market companies in a range of industries. Eric has over 15 years of experience in principal investing and investment banking in a range of industries including business services, healthcare, technology, manufacturing and specialty finance. Prior to joining WhiteHorse Capital, Eric was a Principal in the Special-Opportunity Lower Middle Market Group at Hercules Technology Growth Capital, where he focused on debt and equity investments. Prior to Hercules, Eric worked at firms including, West End Capital and Advisory, D. B. Zwirn, and The Wicks Group of Companies. Eric earned a B. A. in International Politics and Economics from Middlebury College and an M. B.A. from Columbia Business School. Johannes Natterer Dr. Johannes Natterer is a Principal in our London office. He started his career with the Hoechst AGCelanese AG where he worked as a plant manager in the basic chemicals division and as a Six Sigma Black Belt. He then joined McKinsey amp Company and worked as an engagement manager on restructuring and efficiency enhancement projects in various industries. At his last position before joining H. I.G. in 2008, Johannes led an effort for global production site optimization with the specialty chemical company Degussa AGEvonik AG. At H. I.G. he focusses on chemical investments as well as restructuring and operational improvement topics. Johannes has obtained a PhD in physical chemistry at the University of Bonn after studying in Berkeley, Berlin and Bayreuth. William Nolan Bill is a Managing Director based in H. I.G. s Boston office. Since joining the firm in 2003, he has been responsible for all aspects of the investment process, including sourcing, transaction structuring, financing, and execution of post-closing growth strategies. Bill has led investments in a number of industries including distribution, healthcare, business services and manufacturing, and currently serves on the board of directors of several H. I.G. companies. Prior to joining H. I.G. Bill was with Bain amp Company, a leading management and strategy consulting firm. While at Bain, Bill advised a variety of Fortune 100 and Private Equity clients across a range of industries including consumer products, pharmaceuticals, and manufacturing. His clients needs included revenue growth initiatives, cost savings programs, acquisition analysis, and merger integration. Prior to Bain, Bill spent a number of years with Arthur Andersen Business Consulting, where he advised lower middle market companies across a variety of industries on operations and technology initiatives. Bill earned an MBA from Harvard Business School with High Honors as a Baker Scholar. He earned his undergraduate degree in Computer Engineering from Villanova University. Todd Ofenloch Todd is a Managing Director in the Boston office of H. I.G. Capital. Since joining the firm in 2009, he has been responsible for evaluating and executing new investment opportunities, as well as working with certain existing portfolio companies. Todd has over 15 years of experience investing in middle market private equity transactions and has worked on investments in a broad range of industries, including building products, business services, enterprise software, food and consumer products, hospitality and travel services, and media and marketing services. He currently serves on the boards of several H. I.G. portfolio companies. Prior to H. I.G. Todd was an investment professional at Parthenon Capital Partners, GTCR, and The Halifax Group. He began his career as an investment banker at Lazard Frres, specializing in mergers acquisitions advisory services. Todd graduated with Bronze Tablet honors from the University of Illinois with a B. S. in Accountancy (CPA) and received an M. B.A. with honors from Columbia Business School. Vania Panizza Vania Antonio Panizza is a Director in our Milan office. Prior to joining H. I.G. Vania was a Director with AlixPartners where he worked on profitability improvement initiatives and restructuring cases for industrial and consumer goods companies. Previously, he was an Associate Director with 3i Private Equity, where he participated to midmarket transactions in Italy, Spain and France and was a member of the firms general industrial practice. Prior to that, he was with Bain amp Company. Vania started his career as an operations engineer at Pirelli in Italy and in the United States. Vania holds an MBA from INSEAD and a Master of Science in engineering from Politecnico di Milano and ICAI in Madrid. He speaks fluent Italian, English, and Spanish. Keval Patel Keval is a Managing Director in H. I.G. Capitals Miami office. Keval is responsible for all aspects of the investment process including sourcing, transaction structuring, financing, and execution of post-closing growth and operational strategies. He has more than eleven years of experience in middle market private equity and has led investments across a wide range of industries including chemicals, industrials, building products, technology, and business services. Keval currently serves on the boards of several H. I.G. portfolio companies including Cornerstone Chemical Company, Harrison Gypsum, Infogix and TestAmerica. Prior to joining H. I.G. in 2007, Keval worked for Graham Partners, a middle market private equity firm based in suburban Philadelphia focused on manufacturing, building products and packaging businesses. Prior to Graham, Keval also worked in the Mergers and Acquisitions Group at Salomon Smith BarneyCitigroup. Keval received his Bachelors of Economics from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Jordan Peer Jordan serves as a Managing Director and Global Head of H. I.G. s Capital Formation Group. Based in New York, Jordan is responsible for overseeing all capital raising and investor relations activities globally across the firms private equity, growth equity, real estate, credit and life sciences strategies. Prior to joining H. I.G. Jordan was with Blackstones credit business, GSO Capital Partners, focused on investor relations and business development. Before joining GSO Capital, she worked in the Leveraged Finance and Investment Banking Groups at fx Capital and Lehman Brothers. Jordan began her career at Goldman, Sachs amp Co. Jordan received her BA in Public Policy from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) and her MBA from UNCs Kenan-Flagler Business School. Fraser Preston Fraser is a Managing Director of H. I.G. Capital with over fifteen years of private equity and investing experience. Since joining H. I.G. in 2008, he has been involved in all aspects of the investment process and currently serves on the boards of several H. I.G. Capital portfolio companies. Located in the San Francisco office, Fraser has worked with companies in a variety of industries, with a focus on Business Services, Consumer Products, and Technology, Media and Telecommunications. Prior to joining H. I.G. Fraser was a principal at Nautic Partners, a leading middle market private equity firm, where he focused on late stage buyouts and recapitalizations. Fraser received his undergraduate degree from Yale University and earned a J. D with distinction from Stanford Law School and an M. B.A. from Stanford Graduate School of Business. Duncan Priston Duncan is a Managing Director of Bayside Capital and leads the firms European non-control distressed corporate debt activities. Duncan has over twenty years of investment banking and distressed debt experience across a broad range of industries across Europe. Prior to joining Bayside, Duncan was at Strategic Value Partners, a special situations and distressed debt hedge fund, for six years where he was a Managing Director and Head of European trading. Prior to this, Duncan was at Houlihan Lokey, a leading financial restructuring advisory firm, for four years, where he was a Senior Vice President. Prior to Houlihan Lokey, Duncan spent six years working in European mergers and acquisitions at Lazard and Morgan Stanley. Duncan holds a Bachelor in Science in Economics and Accounting from Bristol University. Gina Provenzale Gina is a Principal in WhiteHorse Capitals New York office, where she focuses on providing senior debt, second lien debt, and unitranche debt (for LBOs, MBOs, dividend recapitalizations, refinancing, and restructurings) to middle market companies across a range of industries. Gina is involved in all aspects of the investment process, including sourcing, transaction structuring, and financing. Gina has more than a decade of experience in leverage finance. Prior to joining WhiteHorse Capital in 2016, Gina worked for GE Antares Capital for 15 years, where she originated asset based and cash flow debt opportunities from private equity clients. Her work included due diligence, structuring, and legal documentation. Gina earned an M. B.A. from Fordham University and a B. S. in Industrial Engineering from the State University of New York at Buffalo. Miriam Rafiqi Miriam is a Principal based in H. I.G. Capitals New York office. She is responsible for all aspects of the investment process including origination, transaction structuring, financing, and execution of post-closing growth strategies. Miriam has private equity investing experience across a wide range of industries including industrials, consumer, healthcare and energy. She currently serves on the board of directors of several H. I.G. portfolio companies. Prior to joining H. I.G. in 2012, Miriam worked in private equity at DLJ Merchant Banking Partners. Miriam began her career in the Energy Investment Banking group at Credit Suisse. Miriam earned her M. B.A. from Harvard Business School and her undergraduate degree from the George Washington University. Jorge Ramirez Jorge Ramirez is a Vice President at H. I.G. BioHealth Partners and focuses on development stage and growth investments in the healthcare sector. Previously, Jorge was with ProQuest Investments, a healthcare focused private equity firm. During his eight years with ProQuest, the firm raised and fully invested two funds totaling 625 million. Jorge represented ProQuest as an observer or board member in several successful companies including: Eagle Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: EGRX) Mevion Medical Systems Revision Optics and MethylGene (now, Mirati Pharmaceutics: NASDAQ: MRTX). He currently serves on the advisory board of the Commercialization Center for Innovative Technologies, a life sciences incubator funded by the NJ Economic Development Authority. Jorge has also held operating roles in healthcare companies. He was the General Manager of Neurology Products at Cyberkinetics Neurotechnology Systems. He led the regulatory and clinical development teams for an epilepsy monitoring device and had PL responsibility for Cyberkinetics research products. Previously, Jorge was a management consultant at Monitor Company. Jorge earned degrees in Neuroscience and Spanish literature from Amherst College, where he graduated magna cum laude. He earned an M. B.A. from Harvard Business School, where he was a Pfizer Scholar and Social Enterprise Fellow. Parashar Ranade Parashar is a Principal based in H. I.G. Capitalaposs Miami office. He is involved in all aspects of the investment process including sourcing, transaction structuring, financing, and execution of post-closing growth and operational strategies, including add-on acquisitions. Parashar has participated in investments across a wide range of industries including business services, transportation amp logistics, and energy services. He currently serves on the board of several H. I.G. portfolio companies. Parashar has more than ten years of experience in private equity and investment banking. Prior to re-joining H. I.G. in 2011, he worked with Tower Three Partners, a middle market private equity firm based in Greenwich, CT. Parashar started his career as an Analyst in the Mergers amp Acquisitions group at JPMorgan. Parashar earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from Dartmouth College and his M. B.A. from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Leopoldo Reao Leopoldo Reao, Principal, Spain. Leo focuses on growth, LBO and distressed investments in the Iberian Peninsula. Before joining H. I.G. he was an Investment Director and, subsequently a Partner at Gala Capital Partners, a leading Spanish Mid Market Private Equity firm. During his 7-year tenure at Gala Capital Partners, he also acted as Chief Executive Officer of Ncleo de Comunicaciones y Control, S. L. for 2 years. Previously, he was a Vice President at Credit Suisse where he advised European small and mid cap companies on Corporate Finance and MampA transactions. Leopoldo is a CFA Charterholer, holds a B. A. in Economics from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Klaas Reineke Dr. Klaas Reineke is a Principal in the Hamburg office of H. I.G. Prior to joining H. I.G. he was as a Director with KPMGs Restructuring Advisory Services in Munich where he advised management and owners of numerous mid-sized companies in crisis situations he also supported a number of Private Equity transactions, both on the buy and sell side. Before KPMG, Klaas worked as an Engagement Manager with McKinsey amp Company in Berlin and Singapore. He led numerous consulting projects for large corporations as well as for financial investors and their portfolio companies in the areas of strategy development and operational performance improvement. Klaas holds a master-equivalent degree in Business Administration as well as a diploma in Journalism from the University of Fribourg (Switzerland), where he also obtained a PhD in Business Administration. He is fluent in English and French. Justin Reyna Justin is a Principal based in H. I.G. aposs San Francisco office. He has over ten years of middle market private equity experience and has led investments across a wide range of industries including consumer products and services, retail, healthcare, and business services. Justin is involved in all aspects of the investment process including deal sourcing, transaction negotiation and execution, and portfolio company oversight. Justin currently serves on the board of California Forensic Medical Group, Empire Today, Progrexion and Quicken. Prior to joining H. I.G. in 2010, Justin was with Fox Paine and Golden Gate Capital, private equity firms based in the Bay Area. He most recently served on the boards of WireCo WorldGroup, a leading global manufacturer of specialty wire rope and United America Indemnity, a specialty insurance company. Previously, Justin was with DB Capital Partners, the predecessor firm to MidOcean Partners. He began his career as a financial analyst in the investment banking division at Donaldson, Lufkin amp Jenrette. Justin earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics, cum laude from Princeton University. Roberto Rittes Roberto is a Principal based in H. I.G. Capitals Rio de Janeiro office. Roberto is responsible for value creation, supporting portfolio companys oversight and strategy setting. Roberto has more than a decade of C-level experience in functional areas such as finance, sales and marketing, operations and general management across services businesses ranging from telecommunications to financial services. He began his career as an investment banker at UBS New York office, specializing in mergers acquisitions advisory services. Roberto earned an M. B.A. from Harvard Business School and undergraduate degree in business from Fundao Getlio Vargas (EAESP-FGV). Born in Brazil, Roberto is fluent in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Bruce Robertson As Co-head and Managing Director of H. I.G. Bio Health Partners, Bruce focuses on investment opportunities in the life sciences sector, including biopharmaceuticals, medical devices, and diagnostics. Bruce currently serves on the boards of Apollo Endosurgery, Calhoun Vision, CardioFocus, Cerephex, Clarus Therapeutics, Intersection Medical and Iconic Therapeutics. Bruce has been active in the life sciences sector for more than 20 years. Prior to joining H. I.G. Bruce served most recently as Managing Director at Toucan Capital, an early-stage venture capital fund focusing on life science investments. While at Toucan, Bruce invested in leading drug and device companies throughout the U. S. Prior to Toucan, Bruce was a General Partner at GIV Venture Partners, a venture capital firm focused on early stage investments in the US, India, and China. Prior to his venture capital career, Bruce was Director of Business Development at IGEN International, where he was responsible for formulating and implementing IGENs partnering and MA strategies. Bruce started his career as a Research Manager at W. R. Grace Co. focusing on medical devices. Bruce is on the boards of the Mid-Atlantic Venture Association, Adventist Healthcare, the University of Delaware Research Foundation, and the BioLife Fund of Virginias Center for Innovative Technology. Bruce holds a BSE in Chemical Engineering and BA in Mathematics from the University of Pennsylvania, a PhD in ChemicalBiomedical Engineering from the University of Delaware, and an MBA with High Distinction from Harvard Business School. Matthew Robinson Matthew is a Principal at H. I.G. Capital with over a decade of investing and consulting experience. He leads all aspects of the investment process and currently serves on the boards of several H. I.G. Capital portfolio companies. Based in San Francisco, Matt has worked with companies in a variety of industries, with a focus on Business Services, Industrials, and Healthcare. Prior to joining H. I.G. in 2012, Matthew worked at Goldman Sachs in their Investment Banking Division. While at Goldman he worked with companies in the Consumer Retail sectors. He started his career in management and operations consulting. Matthew earned an M. B.A with honors and distinction from Columbia University and a B. S. in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University. Rick Rosen Rick is an Executive Managing Director of H. I.G. Capital with over twenty years of private equity and MampA experience. Since joining H. I.G. in 1998, he has been involved in all aspects of the investment process and has held leadership positions in several of the firms funds. He currently co-heads the firms Middle Market Fund and remains active in its lower middle market buyout fund. Located in the Miami office, Rick currently serves on the Board of numerous H. I.G. Capital portfolio companies. He has worked with companies in a variety of industries, with a focus on healthcare, business services, specialty chemicals, and niche manufacturing. Prior to joining H. I.G. Rick worked at General Electric Company and GE Capital. As part of their Corporate Mergers amp Acquisitions teams, he coordinated a variety of strategic acquisitions in the financial services, plastics, medical systems, electronics, and aerospace industries. Before joining the MampA group, Rick was a member of the GE Corporate Finance Staff, where he helped design and implement improved business strategies and operating processes for GE Capital business units. Rick received his undergraduate degree from Stanford University and earned his M. B.A. from Harvard Business School. Alok Sanghvi Alok is a Managing Director in H. I.G. Capitals New York office, where he focuses on making LBO investments in the healthcare and business services sectors. He is responsible for all aspects of the investment process including origination, transaction structuring, financing, and portfolio management. Alok has more than 15 years of experience in private equity and MampA. Prior to joining H. I.G. Alok led corporate development at MultiPlan Inc. a large healthcare company where he was responsible for corporate strategy and MampA activity including the sale of MultiPlan in a 4.4B LBO. Before MultiPlan, Alok spent 8 years at Warburg Pincus where he focused on healthcare investments. He began his career at The Boston Consulting Group. Alok received his undergraduate degree from Harvard College and his M. B.A. from Harvard Business School. Adam Schimel Adam is a Managing Director of Bayside Capital. Since joining Bayside, Adam has been involved in all aspects of the investment process, including sourcing, transaction structuring, negotiation and portfolio company oversight. He has led numerous successful Bayside Capital transactions and currently serves on the board of several Bayside Capital portfolio companies. Adam has more than ten years of private equity, credit and investment banking experience working with middle market companies across a broad range of industries. Before joining Bayside, Adam was an Associate at Lindsay Goldberg, a middle market private equity investment firm. In this role, he was responsible for investment analysis and working closely with the management of portfolio companies to execute strategic initiatives. Prior to Lindsay Goldberg, Adam worked in the leveraged finance group at Goldman Sachs. Adam received a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Economics from Duke University and an M. B.A. from Northwestern Universitys Kellogg School of Management. Brian Schwartz Brian joined H. I.G. Capital in 1994 and has served as an Executive Managing Director since 2008. He currently co-heads the firms Middle Market Fund where he is responsible for all the day to day activities. Prior to this role, Brian held a number of leadership positions at the firm, as well as having led the acquisition of over 25 platform investments in a variety of industries. Prior to joining H. I.G. Brian worked in PepsiCos strategic planning group. His responsibilities included managing strategic acquisitions for PepsiCo and evaluating new business opportunities. Brian began his career with the investment banking firm of Dillon, Read and Co. where he split his time between the corporate finance group and the private equity funds, Saratoga Partners and Yorktown Partners. Brian earned his M. B.A. from Harvard Business School and his B. S. with honors from the University of Pennsylvania. Nick Scola Nick Scola focuses on healthcare investments for H. I.G. Growth Partners and is responsible for sourcing, executing and monitoring transactions. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of Community Intervention Services, Inc. a provider of diversified behavioral healthcare services. Prior to joining H. I.G. Growth Partners, Nick spent seven years at Capital Resource Partners (CRP), a Boston-based private equity firm that specializes in hybrid debt and equity growth financing solutions for lower middle-market companies. Most recently, Nick was a Partner at CRP and was responsible for leading the firms investment efforts in the healthcare and consumer verticals. In this role, Nick sourced, executed and managed multiple investments across the healthcare services, healthcare IT, medical device and branded consumer products sectors. He served on the board of a number of portfolio companies, including MedMark Services, Revenue Cycle Solutions, Gamma Medica, Ganeden Biotech, Solis Womens Health and The Art of Shaving. Previously, Nick spent three years at Broadview International, a boutique investment bank focused on mergers and acquisitions across all sectors of technology. While there, he completed numerous MampA transactions across a range of industries and was a founding member of the firms healthcare technology practice group. Nick received his B. A. in Economics from Tufts University. Andrew Scotland Andrew Scotland is a Managing Director of Bayside Capital in the London office. Andrew is focused on European non-control distressed corporate debt situations, and is involved in all aspects of the investment process from origination and research to structuring and execution. Andrew has seventeen years of investment banking and distressed investment experience. He previously worked as a Managing Director in RBSs Special Situations Group for more than six years, where he was the senior analyst focused on European distressed investments. Before RBS, Andrew was a Director in the Equity Research department of ABN AMRO and prior to that was in the top ranked Institutional Investor research teams at Citigroup and Credit Suisse. Andrew is a CFA charter holder and a graduate of Oxford University. Ken Senior Ken Senior is a Principal in the New York office of H. I.G. Realty Partners. He is responsible for all aspects of the investment process, including sourcing, structuring, financing, and post-closing execution. He has led the acquisition of several investments for H. I.G. Realtys first real estate fund. Ken has more than 10 years of real estate experience. Prior to joining H. I.G. in 2007, Ken worked in the acquisitions group with Sterling American Property, a New York-based, value-add, real estate fund with over 4.5 billion in total investments to date. Previously, he worked at InsigniaESG (now CBRE) where he focused on large-scale commercial leasing assignments, representing both tenants and landlords in New York City. Ken received a Bachelor of Arts from Princeton University and an M. B.A. from Columbia University. Sensu Serpen Sensu is a Managing Director of Bayside Capital. She is one of the founding members of Baysides European platform. Sensu is responsible for identifying, sourcing and trading distressed and performing credits in primary and secondary markets. Sensu has over eighteen years of experience in distressed debt work-out, sourcing and trading. Prior to joining Bayside, Sensu worked as a Director in fx Capital and Bank of America DistressedSpecial Situations teams. She was responsible for sourcing and trading European and Asian stressed, distressed loans and high yield bonds as well as selling distressed loans to hedge and private equity funds. Sensu began her career at Credit du Nord, London work-out team. Sensu has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Industrial Engineering from METU University. As a Managing Director at H. I.G. Growth Partners, Nik focuses primarily on investments in the business services, technology, media, and Internet industries. He serves on the board of several H. I.G. portfolio companies across all industries. Prior to joining H. I.G. Nik was with Landmark Growth Capital Partners in Boston, a private equity firm focused on buyouts and growth equity investments in business services, manufacturing and consumer companies. At Landmark, he was responsible for deal sourcing, due diligence and assisting management as a board director and observer of several portfolio companies. Previously, Nik was at AH Ventures, a growth equity investment firm in Boston. He joined AH Ventures at the firms inception and participated in the firms creation and fundraising and also participated in all aspects of the investment process, including deal sourcing, diligence and management. Nik began his career as an Investment Banker at Adams, Harkness amp Hill, where he executed high tech IPOs and MampA transactions. Additionally, Nik was a consultant to several startup companies, assisting management on growth, operational and financial initiatives. Nik received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Biochemistry with honors from Harvard University and an M. B.A. from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth. Anish Sheth Mr. Sheth focuses on lower middle market and growth equity investment opportunities for H. I.G. Growth Partners, and is responsible for sourcing, executing, and monitoring investments. He has evaluated and completed investments across technology-enabled services, managed IT services, telecommunications and broadband infrastructure, and businessindustrial services. Prior to joining H. I.G. Growth Partners, Mr. Sheth spent approximately eight years at Altpoint Capital Partners (fka Stone Tower Capital), a New York-based lower middle market private equity firm focused on buyouts and platform buy and build investments. Most recently, Mr. Sheth was responsible for leading all aspects of the firms investment efforts around telecommunicationsbroadband infrastructure and technology-enabled services, including not only sourcing and executing investments but also serving on portfolio company Boards and working closely with the management teams of TowerCo, ByteGrid, AmQuip Crane Rental, and VAZATA. Previously, Mr. Sheth was a Director at AlixPartners, a leading turnaround management advisory firm where he focused on operational turnarounds and performance improvement. Mr. Sheth also spent several years with GE Capital, L. E.K. Consulting, and Arthur D. Little where his work spanned strategy, operations management and improvement, transaction due diligence, and business development across a broad range of industry verticals. Mr. Sheth received a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with Honors from the Universiy of Michigan, and an M. B.A. from The Wharton School at The University of Pennsylvania. Bobby Sheth Bobby is a Principal based in H. I.G. Capitals Boston office. Bobby is involved in all aspects of the investment process including sourcing, transaction structuring, financing, and execution of post-closing growth and operational strategies. He has more than ten years of experience in middle market private equity, investment banking and consulting and has participated in investments across a wide range of industries including building products, business services and manufacturing. Bobby currently serves on the boards of several H. I.G. portfolio companies. Prior to joining H. I.G. in 2008, Bobby was with Alvarez amp Marsal (AampM), a leading turnaround and restructuring consulting firm. While at AampM, Bobby advised a variety of clients across a range of industries including business services, consumer products, financial services, and manufacturing. Prior to AampM, Bobby was an Investment Banking Analyst with Salomon Smith Barney. Bobby earned an M. B.A. from Harvard Business School, earned his undergraduate degree in Finance from the University of Toronto and also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation. Richard Siegel Rich has been General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer of H. I.G. Capital since 2005. He is responsible for all of the firms legal, regulatory and compliance matters worldwide. Prior to joining H. I.G. Rich was Vice President and Deputy General Counsel of Ryder System, a Fortune 350 global transportation and logistics company, and General Counsel of a private investment firm headquartered in Denver, Colorado. Rich began his legal career in the New York and Melbourne, Australia offices of Sullivan Cromwell and served as a Judicial Clerk for Andrew G. T. Moore II, of the Delaware Supreme Court. Rich received his J. D. from Georgetown University Law Center and earned a B. S. in Finance from the University of Maryland. Fredrik Steinum Fredrik is a Director of H. I.G. Realty based in London. He is focused on European real estate transactions and real-estate backed NPLs, involving all aspects of the investment process from origination and negotiation to structuring and execution. Prior to joining H. I.G. Fredrik worked for Sabal Financial, an affiliate of Oaktree Capital Management, where he focused on real-estate backed NPLs. Previously, he was with Lone Star Funds in London concentrating on corporate NPLs and financial institutions. Fredrik started his career at Societe Generale CIB in London. Fredrik is a graduate of the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration and Bocconi University. Nate Stinchcomb Nate is a Principal at WhiteHorse Capital. Based in Dallas, Nate is involved in the investment process through underwriting, structuring and closing new credit investments, as well as monitoring existing investments and assisting in portfolio management activities. Nate has over eighteen years of credit investing and investment banking experience in a broad range of industries, including retail, power generation and gaming. Prior to joining the WhiteHorse team in 2004, Nate held investment banking and corporate lending positions at Credit Lyonnais, Sanwa Bank and Wells Fargo. Nate received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Arkansas and also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation. Richard Stokes Ricky Stokes is a Managing Director of H. I.G. Capital. Ricky is responsible for all aspects of the investment process including sourcing, transaction structuring, financing, and execution of post-closing growth and operational strategies. He has more than 15 years of experience in middle market private equity and has led investments across a wide range of industries including consumer products, building products, business services, manufacturing, and distribution. Ricky currently serves on the boards of several H. I.G. portfolio companies. Prior to joining H. I.G. in 2000, Ricky was a member of the Mergers and Acquisitions Group at Salomon Smith Barney. In this role, he worked on a variety of buyside and sellside advisory assignments for companies across a wide range of industries. Ricky received his undergraduate degree from Cornell University. Sid Subramony Sid is a Vice President at H. I.G. Bio Health Partners and focuses on development stage and growth investments in the life sciences. Sid is responsible for all aspects of the investment process. Sid has over seven years of experience in the life sciences, across biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and medical devices. Prior to joining H. I.G. Sid was as a Consultant with The Boston Consulting Group, where he worked on merger and divestiture-related cases for large pharmaceutical clients. Sid earned an M. B.A. from Harvard Business School, a Ph. D. from Columbia University in biomedical engineering and undergraduate degrees, summa cum laude, in biomedical engineering and economics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Tony Tamer Tony Tamer is a Founder and Co-CEO of H. I.G. Capital. He has directed H. I.G. s development since its founding in 1993 and approves all capital commitments made by the firm. Tony has led a number of successful investments at H. I.G. in both the management buyouts and growth capital arenas. He has extensive experience working with, and coaching, early stage and middle-market companies. Tony is a board member of several H. I.G. portfolio companies. He currently also serves on the Deans Council of the Harvard University Kennedy School of Government. Prior to H. I.G. Tony was partner at Bain amp Company where he developed business unit and operating strategies, implemented productivity improvement initiatives, and led acquisition and divestiture activities for a number of Fortune 500 clients. Tony has extensive operating experience. He has held marketing, engineering and manufacturing positions at Hewlett-Packard and Sprint Corporation. Tony holds an M. B.A. degree from Harvard Business School, and a Masters degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. His undergraduate degree is from Rutgers University. Benjamin Taylor Ben is a Principal of Bayside Capital and focuses on all aspects of the investment process, including origination, due diligence, transaction structuring, financing, and portfolio company oversight. Ben has over ten years of investing and investment banking experience across a broad range of industries, including business services, consumerretail, financial services, industrials and transportationlogistics. Before joining Bayside, Ben was an investment banker with Pali Capital, a hedge fund focused securities firm, and Morgan Joseph, a leading middle market investment bank. Ben earned a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Duke University. Eric Tencer Eric Tencer is a Principal in the Boston Office. Mr. Tencer focuses on lower middle market and growth equity investment opportunities for H. I.G. Growth Partners, where he is responsible for sourcing, executing, and monitoring investments. While at H. I.G. he has evaluated and completed numerous investments in digital media, business services and healthcare sectors. Prior to joining H. I.G. Eric was a Principal with The Mustang Group, a Boston-based private equity firm focused on leveraged buyouts and growth equity investments in business services, interactive media, consumer and manufacturing companies. Eric began his career in investing at Arcadia Partners, a venture capital firm focused on education and training related business service companies. Eric began his career at Bain amp Company where he helped lead initiatives for consumer, retail, healthcare and manufacturing businesses evaluating new product introductions, analyzing pricing programs, creating business unit growth plans, developing supply chain strategies and conducting due diligence for acquisitions. Eric received his Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from Duke University and received an M. B.A. from Harvard Business School. Stelios Theodosiou Stelios is a Director of H. I.G. Realty based in London. He has more than ten years of real estate principal investment experience, employing both equity and credit opportunistic strategies across a broad spectrum of real estate asset classes across Europe. His experience includes turn-arounds, distressed acquisitions (e. g. NPLs and REOs), specialty financing platforms, corporate restructurings, portfolio break-ups, property developments and forward acquisitions. Prior to H. I.G. Stelios was a Director with Deutsche Banks European credit structuring trading teams and served as a senior originator to the Direct Lending business with a focus on special situations. Prior to that, he was a member of Deutsche Banks Alternative Real Assets opportunistic investment team based in London. Stelios holds an undergraduate degree in Operational Research Marketing from Athens University of Economics Business and a Master in Business Administration from INSEAD. Aaron Tolson Aaron is a Principal in the Middle Market Fund of H. I.G. Capital. Based in San Francisco, Aaron is responsible for all aspects of the investment process including sourcing, financing, and executing investments as well as helping portfolio companies with their growth and operational improvement efforts. Aaron serves on the boards of TLC Vision and HelpSystems and focuses on investments in the Technology, Media, and Telecom sectors. Prior to joining H. I.G. Aaron was a Vice President at Summit Partners and American Securities and served on the boards of Unison Site Management, Presidio Holdings, Robertson Aviation, and Stride and Associates. Aaron was also previously the co-founder and CEO of a mobile enterprise software company. Earlier in his career, Aaron was an Armor Officer in the U. S. Army and served in Iraq, Bosnia, and Korea. Aaron received his undergraduate degree from West Point and earned an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business. Mark Tricolli Mark is a Managing Director at H. I.G. Growth Partners based in the Boston office. He joined H. I.G. in 2012 and is responsible for sourcing, executing and monitoring transactions. Before joining H. I.G. Mark was a partner at Enhanced Equity Fund, a lower middle market private equity firm where he was responsible for investments in the healthcare industry. Previously he was with J. W. Childs where he focused on investments in the healthcare, consumer, retail and business service industries. He was on the board of a number of companies including Sheridan Healthcare, Equinox Fitness, Joseph Abboud and CHG Healthcare. Mark began his private equity career at William Blair Capital Partners and was also previously a member of the Principal Investment Area at Goldman Sachs. He began his career in the healthcare group of Chemical Securities, Inc. Mark received his Bachelor of Arts from Cornell University and an M. B.A. from the The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Tenno Tsai Tenno is a Managing Director in the New York office of H. I.G. Capital. Tenno has more than fifteen years of private equity experience investing across a number of industries in both mid-cap and large-cap companies. He is responsible for all aspects of the investment process including origination, transaction structuring, financing, and portfolio management. Tenno currently serves on the boards of several H. I.G. portfolio companies. Prior to joining H. I.G. in 2010, Tenno was a Principal at Warburg Pincus. Previously, Tenno was an Associate with AEA Investors and he began his career as a consultant with McKinsey amp Company. Tenno received his undergraduate degree from Williams College and his M. B.A. from Harvard Business School. Ethan Underwood Ethan is a Managing Director of WhiteHorse Capital. He is responsible for all aspects of the investment process, including sourcing, structuring, post-close strategies, as well as portfolio management. Prior to WhiteHorse Capital, Ethan was a founding partner of WhiteHorse Capital Partners, L. P. a leading credit investor and manager of Collateralized Loan Obligations. At WhiteHorse Capital Partners, he co-managed portfolios of par and distressed loans across numerous industries and sectors through a variety of market cycles. Prior to founding WhiteHorse Capital Partners, Ethan was with Highland Capital Management and began his career at PricewaterhouseCoopers. Ethan earned a B. B.A. from the University of Texas at Austin, and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation. Andrey Vakhovskiy Andrey is a Principal based in H. I.G. Capitals San Francisco office where he is responsible for all aspects of the investment process including deal origination, structuring, execution, financing and post-close operational improvements and growth strategies. Andrey has over ten years of public and private market investing experience across a variety of sectors including healthcare, IT services and business services. Prior to joining H. I.G. in 2013, Andrey worked at Charlesbank Capital Partners and the Boston Consulting Group. Andrey earned a B. A. in Economics from Dartmouth College and an M. B.A. from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Kevin Van Culin Kevin is a Principal based in H. I.G. Capitals San Francisco office. He is involved in all aspects of the investment process including sourcing, transaction structuring, financing, and execution of post-closing growth and operational strategies, including add-on acquisitions. Kevin has participated in and is focused on investments in the healthcare, technology, and industrial sectors. He has completed multiple corporate divestitures and he has served on the board of several H. I.G. portfolio companies. Kevin has more than ten years of experience in private equity and management consulting. Prior to joining H. I.G. in 2008, he was a Consultant at Bain amp Company, where he advised Fortune 500 companies in the healthcare, financial, and automotive industries across North America and Europe. While at Bain, Kevin also worked in the dedicated private equity practice focusing on market, company, and competitive due diligence for global private equity funds. Kevin earned his M. B.A. from The Kellogg School of Management, and he graduated from Northwestern University with a Bachelor of Science dual degree in Industrial Engineering and Economics, cum laude. Naveen Vennam Naveen Vennam is a Principal of H. I.G. Realty Partners. Since joining H. I.G. in 2007, Naveen has been involved in all aspects of the investment process, including sourcing, transaction structuring, financing, and post-closing execution. He has over ten years of experience in real estate private equity investing. Naveen is located in H. I.G. s New York office. Before joining H. I.G. Naveen was based in California with Holualoa Companies, a private investment firm focused on opportunistic and distressed real estate investments across the United States and Europe. While at Holualoa, he led numerous European investments and was involved in the acquisition and asset management of various real estate assets throughout the U. S. Naveen graduated with honors from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Science in Economics. Rahul Vinnakota Rahul is a Principal in H. I.G. Capitals New York office. He is responsible for all aspects of the investment process including origination, transaction structuring, financing, and execution of post-closing growth strategies. Rahul has more than ten years of experience investing in and advising middle market companies and has executed transactions in several industries including paperpackaging, general industrials, telecom infrastructure, environmentaloilfield services and business services. Prior to joining H. I.G. in 2012, Rahul worked in middle private equity as a Principal with Tailwind Capital and a Senior Associate with First Atlantic Capital. Rahul began his career in middle market mergers and acquisitions with J. P. Morgan and Brown Brothers Harriman. Rahul received his undergraduate degree, with honors, from Duke University and his M. B.A. from Harvard Business School. He is a member of the Duke Annual Fund Executive Committee. Herman Vocking Herman Vocking is a Principal in the London office of H. I.G. WhiteHorse and focuses on the direct lending activities of the firm in the Benelux region. Herman has over eighteen years of investment banking experience in North Western Europe both in corporate and leveraged finance markets. Prior to joining H. I.G. WhiteHorse, Herman was at NIBC Bank, a regional merchant bank active in the mid-market, where he worked in a variety of roles including leading the Industries and Manufacturing team responsible for origination and structuring of transactions. Before that he was heading NIBCs Financial Sponsors Team, advising on a variety of private equity transactions. Herman started his career at ABN AMRO Bank. Herman holds an LLM degree in civil and corporate law from Erasmus University Rotterdam. John Von Bargen John is a Managing Director in H. I.G. Capitals Boston office. John is responsible for all aspects of the investment process including origination, transaction structuring, due diligence, financing and execution of post-closing growth and operational strategies. Since joining H. I.G. Capitals LBO group in 2004, John has led investments in a number of industries including printing, manufacturing, building products, consumer products, business services, digital media and outsourced human capital management. He currently serves on the board of directors of several H. I.G. Capital portfolio companies. John brings over fifteen years of investment, management and operating experience across a variety of industries. Prior to joining H. I.G. Capital in 2004, John was a senior associate with several leading consulting firms, working with private and public middle market and large-cap companies to develop and implement financial, operational and strategic plans. John began his career in the Corporate Finance Group at PricewaterhouseCoopers. John earned his undergraduate degree, summa cum laude, from Babson College. Michael Wasserman As a Managing Director at H. I.G. Bio Health Partners, Michael Wasserman focuses on investment opportunities in the life sciences sector, including biopharmaceuticals and medical devices. Michael currently represents H. I.G. on the boards of: HyperBranch Medical Technology, Clarus Therapeutics, CardioFocus and NeuWave Medical. Prior to joining H. I.G. Michael was with Innovations Foundation, where he focused on the creation, financing and development of high technology companies in the life sciences, information technology and engineering sectors. At Innovations Foundation, Michael was instrumental in building multiple high growth companies derived from academic or federally sponsored research programs. Michael has also held prominent operating roles in several entrepreneurial and venture-backed life sciences efforts. Michael was a Founder of CELLutions Biosystems (acquired by Cedarlane Laboratories), where he broadly managed business operations and was directly responsible for the successful negotiation of partnership, co-development and licensing agreements with industry leading pharmaceutical and biotechnology organizations. Michael also has extensive clinical research experience. As Director of Research at Advanced Therapeutics, Michael was involved in a series of seminal clinical studies involving biological approaches to treat rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune and inflammatory disorders. Earlier in his career, Michael worked directly for, or as a consultant to, several early stage life sciences businesses, and in the corporate finance, pharmaceutical and clinical research industries. Michael received his B. Sc. from McGill University and his Ph. D. in Pharmacology from the University of Toronto. Ira Weidhorn Ira Weidhorn is a Managing Director and co-head of H. I.G. Realty Partners. Ira has twenty-one years of experience in real estate investing across all property types. He is located in H. I.G. s New York office and is responsible for investment origination, transaction structuring and the oversight of the portfolio. Before joining H. I.G. Ira was a Managing Principal and head of the New York office for Lubert-Adler where he was responsible for new acquisitions and asset management. Previously, he was a Principal in Lehman Brothers Real Estate Partners and an Associate at Goldman Sachs, working in acquisitions for the Whitehall Street Real Estate Funds. Ira earned an M. B.A. from the Wharton School and is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Science in Economics and a Bachelor of Arts in History. Jeff Wells Mr. Wells is a Principal with WhiteHorse Capital. Based in Dallas, Mr. Wells is responsible for sourcing and executing middle market debt financings for non-sponsored situations and private equity sponsored transactions. As a senior business development officer, Mr. Wells has primary responsibility for managing key relationships throughout the Southwest region. Mr. Wells has over twelve years of experience in principal investing across a broad range of industries including energy services, industrial, consumer products and consumer services, distribution, business services, healthcare, and specialty finance. Mr. Wells previously held positions with UBS, Philip Morris Capital, Altria Group, and ORIX USA. Prior to joining WhiteHorse Capital, Mr. Wells spent nine years at ORIX Leveraged Finance, a Dallas-based middle market focused leveraged finance firm. As a Director with ORIX Leveraged Finance, Mr. Wells was responsible for the origination and execution of debt and equity investments to support growth financings, recapitalizations, and leveraged buyouts. Mr. Wells received a Bachelor of Business Administration from Baylor University. Jerry Wilson Jerry is a Principal in the London office of H. I.G. WhiteHorse and focuses on the direct lending activities of the firm in the UK and Ireland. He has a total of 24 years experience in structuring debt capital to support UK middle market companies across a broad spectrum of industry sectors. Jerry joined H. I.G. from Chenavari Investment Managers where he spent 5 years growing their direct lending capability in the UK. Jerry joined Chenavari when they purchased Palio Capital Partners, a start-up debt fund that Jerry founded. Previously, he worked in the leveraged finance business of The Royal Bank of Scotland, latterly as Managing Director and head of the mid-market team. Jerry received a Bachelor of Music honours degree from the University of Surrey. Rob Wolfson Rob is a Managing Director based in H. I.G. s San Francisco office. Rob is responsible for all key aspects of the investment process including sourcing, transaction structuring, financing, and post-closing growth strategies. Since joining H. I.G. Rob has led investments in a number of industries including technology, healthcare, business services and manufacturing, and is currently serving on the board of directors of several H. I.G. companies. Rob brings over eighteen years of investment, financial services, and operating experience across many industries. Prior to H. I.G. Rob was Vice President of Sales and Business Development for IPWireless (IPW), a wireless infrastructure provider. Rob helped IPW grow annual sales from zero to over fifty million. Rob began his career as a consultant with LEK Consulting, a leading world wide strategy consulting firm where he worked with Fortune 500 companies, private equity firms and private equity portfolio companies. Rob earned his undergraduate degree from Northwestern University, Cum Laude, and his M. B.A. from Harvard Business School. Jarred Worley Jarred is a Managing Director of WhiteHorse Capital. He is responsible for all aspects of the investment process, including sourcing, structuring, post-close strategies, as well as portfolio management and structuring of funds. Prior to WhiteHorse Capital, Jarred was a founding partner of WhiteHorse Capital Partners, L. P. a leading credit investor and manager of Collateralized Loan Obligations. At WhiteHorse Capital Partners, he co-managed portfolios of par and distressed loans across numerous industries and sectors through a variety of market cycles. Prior to founding WhiteHorse Capital Partners, Jarred was with Highland Capital Management and began his career at Bank One. Jarred earned a B. B.A. from the University of Texas at Austin, and is a Certified Public Accountant. John Yeager John is a Principal in WhiteHorse Capitals Chicago office. He is responsible for all aspects of the investment process including sourcing, transaction structuring and execution of post-closing operational strategies. John has more than a decade of experience in middle market private equity, investment banking and lending. He has executed investments across a wide range of industries including healthcare, specialty finance, financial services, transportation, business services and manufacturing and distribution. Prior to joining WhiteHorse Capital in 2012, John was a senior professional with Patriot Capital, where he executed and managed numerous debt and equity investments. John earned an M. B.A. from The Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University with distinction and an undergraduate degree, magna cum laude, in accounting from the Towson University. John also holds his Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designation. Jeff Zanarini Jeff has twenty years of MampAadvisory experience, working with firms ranging from mid-market, privately-held organizations to multi-national public organizations. He is responsible for investment origination, transaction negotiation, and portfolio company oversight. Jeff currently serves on the board of directors of several H. I.G. companies, and has led numerous LBO transactions with a focus on oilfieldbusiness services, manufacturing and commodity-based enterprises. Prior to joining H. I.G. Jeff was with Bain amp Company, a leading management consulting firm. While at Bain, Jeff devised corporate growth strategies and directed diligence efforts for leading private equity investors, helping to improve investment returns. He also has significant experience in the successful implementation of operational improvement strategies with private equity portfolio companies. Previously, Jeff also worked in investment banking at Goldman Sachs. Jeff earned his Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts degrees from Southern Methodist University and an M. B.A. from Harvard Business School. Alex Zisson Alex focuses on investments in the biopharmaceuticals industry, especially in pharmaceuticals, generics, drug delivery and specialty pharma and biotechnology. He joined H. I.G. BioHealth Partners as a Managing Director in January 2016. He currently serves on the board of directors for Clarus Therapeutics. Prior to H. I.G. Alex spent 13 years making similar investments at Thomas, McNerney Partners. Previous board seats included Quinnova (sold to Amneal) and Tranzyme (merged with Ocera). Prior to Thomas, McNerney, Alex spent 11 years in the research department at Hambrecht Quist (and its successor firms Chase HQ and JPMorgan). During his tenure at HQ, Alex led research teams covering the biotechnology, specialty pharmaceuticals, large-cap pharmaceuticals, drug delivery and diagnostics industries. After the merger of Chase HQ and JPMorgan, Alex became the firms healthcare strategist. He was named twice in The Wall Street Journal All-Star Analysts Survey, including his last year at JPMorgan in which he placed in all three categories: stock picking (1 in pharmaceuticals), earnings estimate accuracy (tied for 2), and home run hitting (8 across all industries). Alex is the co-chair of the Industry Advisory Board of the Childrens Tumor Foundation, an advisor for the Partnership Fund of NYC, which manages a bioaccelarator to advance local healthcare research, and is on the Life Sciences Council for Springboard Enterprises, a group that assists women entrepreneurs. He is also a board member for the Greenwich Council of the Boy Scouts of America. He graduated magna cum laude from Brown University, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Chris Zlatarev Chris Zlatarev is a Principal of H. I.G. Realty Partners based in London and is responsible for investing and monitoring real estate investments across Europe. Chris has over ten years of principal investing experience across value added, opportunistic and distressed real estate strategies and has completed transactions for H. I.G. in both direct acquisitions and non-performing loans across multiple real estate sectors and geographies. Previously, Chris was a Partner at Kildare Partners and also held investment roles at Varde Partners and AIG Global Real Estate. Chris holds a Master of Business Administration from INSEAD and a Bachelor of Science in Finance from Drexel University. Joe is a Principal based in the Miami office of H. I.G. Capital. He is responsible for all aspects of the investment process including sourcing, transaction structuring, financing and executing post-closing growth and operational strategies. Joe has private equity investing experience across a wide range of industries including business services, consumer, energy and manufacturing. Prior to joining H. I.G. in 2011, Joe was a Vice President with Nautic Partners, a leading middle market private equity firm, where he focused on late stage buyouts and recapitalizations. Prior to that, Joe was a member of the Global Energy and Utilities Group of the investment banking division of Morgan Stanley where he worked on a variety of debt, equity and advisory assignments. Joe earned his B. B.A. in Finance from the University of Notre Dame, summa cum laude, and M. B.A. from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where he was a Palmer Scholar. Senior Members of H. I.G. Team

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