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Call und Trade wird bei extra Rs 20 pro ausgeführter Bestellung berechnet. Physische Vertragsnotizen Rs 20 pro Kontrakt Hinweis Kuriergebühren 247 Kundenservice ist nicht verfügbar. Die Anlage in IPOs ist nicht verfügbar. Gibt keinen täglichen Marktbericht, kostenlose Tipps, News Alerts und technische Analysen. 3-in-1-Konten sind nicht verfügbar, da das Unternehmen keine Bankdienstleistungen erbringt. Nützliche Artikel: Handel Smart Online vs RKSV Vs Zerodha Vs Compositedge - Vergleich von Maklergebühren, Gebühren und Steuern für Eigenkapital, Rohstoff Devisenhandel. Erfahren Sie mehr über Flat Fee Share Broker in Indien (auch als Budget Broker oder Discount Broker bekannt) Special: 50 off auf neue Konto Eröffnungsgebühren Eröffnen Sie ein Konto mit Trade Smart Online im Juli 2016 und erhalten Sie eine Wohnung 50 auf neue Konto Eröffnungsgebühren. Bestehende Kunden Verweisen Sie Ihre Freunde im Juli 2016 und verdienen Sie 25 auf Brokerage, die sie für die nächsten 30 Tage nach der Kontoeröffnung generieren, und danach weiterhin 10 für das Leben zu verdienen. Lassen Sie einfach Ihre Kontaktinformationen mit uns und Trade Smart Online-Vertreter werden Sie anrufen. Beeilen Sie sich Angebot endet am 31. Mai 2016.Super Motor Company Produkte atmen das Aussehen und das Gefühl von gestern. Aber Super ist definitiv modern. Unsere Produkte sind aus modernen Materialien gefertigt und für den täglichen Gebrauch konstruiert. Weve hielt das Aussehen aber verbessert auf die Qualität. Super Motor Company bietet 3 verschiedene Modelle an. Ein voll automatischer 4-Takt-50ccm-Moped, der in 2 Farben kommt: Der Super 25 (kein Helm mit einer Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 25 kmh) Verstärker Der Super 50 (mit Helmgesetz und Höchstgeschwindigkeit 45 kmh) Die Motorradversion Super 120 kommt Als halbautomatische 4 Geschwindigkeit mit einer Motorleistung von 120ccm (Leichtmotorrad mit einer Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 95 KMH). Sie kommen alle mit 17 Zoll Aluminiumfelgen und verwenden nur 1 Liter Kraftstoff im Durchschnitt 70 Kilometer. Das hängt natürlich von Ihrem Fahrstil ab. ÜBER AMP FINDEN US Super Motor Company wurde Anfang 2009 von zwei Benzin-Veneed Cousins gegründet. Beide hatten Liebesbeziehungen in der Vergangenheit mit klassischen Motorrädern und anschließend schnellen Motorrädern. Aber auch viele nahen Todeserfahrungen Rennen oder Abstürzen sie. Nach dem Aufwachsen ein wenig die Schlussfolgerung war einfach: War da und getan. Inhärent suchten sie nach einer anderen Art von Transport. Weniger kostspielig (wenn du ihn zerbröckelt), schnell genug, stilvoll, nicht wahrscheinlich zu brechen, einfach und billig zu pflegen und man konnte sie auch mit gesunden Enthusiasten verkaufen. Fuzy Logic Guru Dr. Bernadette BOUCHON-MEUNIER, Direktor der Forschung Emeritus, Das nationale Zentrum für wissenschaftliche Forschung, Frankreich Das Wachstum der Daten, die sowohl strukturiert als auch unstrukturiert sind, wird in den kommenden Jahren sowohl Herausforderungen als auch Chancen für Branchen und Hochschulen darstellen. Mit dem explosionsartigen Wachstum der Datenmengen ist es unerlässlich, dass Echtzeitinformationen, die für das Unternehmen von Nutzen sind, extrahiert werden können, um bessere Einblicke in die Entscheidungsträger zu geben, komplexe Muster zu verstehen usw. Computational Intelligence Tools bieten adaptive Mechanismen, die das Verständnis ermöglichen Von Daten in komplexen und wechselnden Umgebungen. Die wichtigsten Bausteine der rechnerischen Intelligenz beinhalten die rechnerische Modellierung von biologischen und natürlichen intelligenten Systemen, Multi-Agenten-Systemen, hybriden intelligenten Systemen usw. Die Konferenz bietet den Forschern die Möglichkeit, die neuesten Lösungen, wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse und Methoden zur Lösung zu diskutieren und zu diskutieren Faszinierende Probleme in den Bereichen Big Data Analytics, Intelligent Agents und Computational Intelligence. Das Konferenzprogramm umfasst Workshops, spezielle Sessions und Tutorials, zusammen mit prominenten Keynote-Referenten und regelmäßigen Papier-Präsentationen in parallelen Tracks. Das Ziel von BDACI821717 ist es, als Forum für aktuelle und zukünftige Arbeit sowie für den Austausch von Forschungsideen in diesem Bereich zu dienen. Wichtige Termine Papiereinreichung Fällig 15. Februar 2017 Aufforderung zur Einreichung von Vorschlägen Auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse der Forschung und Entwicklungen werden originale Beiträge erhoben. Interessierte Autoren werden gebeten, ihre Papiere in nicht mehr als 6 Seiten einzureichen, die im 2-Spalten-IEEE-Format erstellt wurden. Alle angenommenen und präsentierten Papiere werden in Form von e-Verfahren in USB veröffentlicht. BDACI821717 nimmt das Plagiat sehr ernst und betrachtet das Plagiat als professionelles Fehlverhalten. Papiere werden auf Plagiate untersucht und bei der Identifizierung wird das Papier abgelehnt. Darüber hinaus werden alle Autoren des Papiers der Konferenz verweigert und andere Papiere von diesen Autoren werden auch abgelehnt. Wenn Papier akzeptiert, BDACI821717 don8217t ermutigen Abhebungen bedeutet, dass es nicht mit der Absicht eingereicht werden sollte, um die Bewertungen durch die TPC zu bekommen. BDACI821717 lädt die Autoren ein, ihre ursprüngliche und unveröffentlichte Arbeit vorzustellen, die aktuelle Forschung mit großen Datenanalysen, Computational Intelligence und anderen intelligenten Rechentechniken und ihren Anwendungen in Wissenschaft, Technik, Wirtschaft und Handel demonstriert. Computational Intelligence Fuzzy Logic Nicht-Standard Fuzzy-Sets Granular Computing Computing mit Worten Aggregation Fusion Fuzzy-Sets und Statistiken Ungewissheit Entscheidungsfindung Allgemeine theoretische Fragen Generalisierung im neuronalen, unscharfen und evolutionären Lernen Fuzzy Logik und Fuzzy-Set-Theorie Gittertheorie und mehrwertige Logik Ungefähre Argumentation Typ -2 Fuzzy-Logik Grobe Sätze und zufällige Sätze Fuzzy-Mathematik Fuzzy-Maß und Integral Möglichkeitstheorie und ungenaue Wahrscheinlichkeit Neuronale Netze und andere maschinelle Lerntechniken Neuronale Berechnung Selbstorganisierende Karten Wiederkehrende Netzwerke Multilayer-Perceptrons Rekursive deterministische Perzeptoren Evolutionäre neuronale Netzwerke Neuronale Netze zur Mustererkennung Neuronale Netwoks Zur Vorhersage und Optimierung Neuronale Netze für die Hauptkomponentenanalyse Allgemeine Regression Neuronale Netze Neuronale Netze und Fuzzy-Systeme Radiale Basisfunktionen Lerntheorie Verstärkungslabor Generalisierung in neuronalen Netzwerken Evolutionäre Berechnung Theoretische Grundlagen der bio-inspirierten Heuristik Exakte und Approximations-Laufzeitanalyse Fixe Budgetberechnungen Black Box Komplexität Selbstadaption Populationsdynamik Fitnesslandschaft und Problem Schwierigkeitsanalyse Keine Free Lunch Theorems Statistische Ansätze zum Verständnis des Verhaltens von bio-inspirierten Heuristiken Computationales Studium der Grundlagen. Big Data Analytics Big Data Models, Algorithmen und Architekturen Grundlagenmodelle für Big Data Algorithmen und Programmierungstechniken für die Big Data Processing Big Data Analytics und Metriken Neue Theoretische Modelle für Big Data Neue Computational Models für große Daten Daten und Informationen Qualität für Big Data Neue Datenstandards Cloud Computing Techniken für große Daten Big Data als Service Big Data Open Plattformen Daten Stream Algorithmen Randomisierte Algorithmen für Matrizen und Daten Algorithmische Techniken für große Datenanalyse Modelle der Berechnung für massive Daten Die moderne Algorithmische Toolbox Große Datenspeicherarchitektur GEOSS Clearinghouse Distributed und Parallel Computing Big Data Management Big Data Persistenz und Konservierung Big Data Qualität und Provenienz Control Big Data Storage und Retrieval Suche und Mining von verschiedenen Daten einschließlich Wissenschaft und Technik, soziale, SensorIoTIoE und Multimedia-Daten Algorithmen und Systeme für Big Data Search Distributed und Peer - To-peer Suche Big Data Search Architekturen, Skalierbarkeit und Effizienz Datenerfassung, Integration, Reinigung und Best Practices Visualisierung Analytik für Big Data Computational Modellierung und Datenintegration Großflächige Empfehlungssysteme und Social Media Systeme CloudGridStream Data Mining - Big Velocity Data Link und Graph Mining Semantic-basierte Data Mining und Daten Pre-Processing Mobilität und Big Data Multimedia und Multi-strukturierte Daten-Big Variety Daten Big Data Security, Datenschutz und Vertrauen Big Data System Sicherheit und Integrität Big Data Information Sicherheit Datenschutz Erhaltung Big Data Analytics Usable Security Und Privatsphäre für Big Data Intrusion Detection für Gigabit Networks Anomalie und APT Erkennung in sehr großen Skalensystemen Hochleistungskryptographie Visualisierung großer Skala Sicherheitsdaten Threat Detection mit Big Data Analytics Datenschutz Bedrohungen von Big Data Privacy Erhaltung großer DatenerfassungAnalytics HCI Herausforderungen für große Datensicherheit Datenschutz User Studies für irgendwelche der oben genannten soziologischen Aspekte des Big Data Privacy Trust Managements in IoT und anderen Big Data Systems Big Data Search, Mining und Visualisierung Algorithmen und Systeme für Big Data Search Distributed und Peer-to-Peer Search Machine Lernen basiert auf Big Data Visualization Analytics für Big Data Social Web Search und Mining Web Search Algorithmen und Systeme für Big Data Search Distributed und Peer-to-Peer Suche Big Data Search Architekturen, Skalierbarkeit und Effizienz Datenerfassung, Integration, Reinigung und Best Practices Visualisierung Analytics Für Big Data Computational Modellierung und Datenintegration Großflächige Empfehlungssysteme und Social Media Systeme CloudGridStreamData Mining - Big Velocity Daten Link und Graph Mining Semantisch basierte Data Mining und Daten Vorbearbeitung Mobilität und Big Data Multimedia und Multi-strukturierte Daten-Big Variety Daten Vielfältige und aufgabenorientierte Suche Personalisierte Suche und Ranking Daten-, Entity-, Event - und Relationship Extraction Datenintegration und Datenreinigung Opinion Mining und Stimmungsanalyse Big Data Applications Big Data für Enterprise, Government und Society Fallstudien der Big Data Value Creation Big Daten für Wissenschafts - und Ingenieurwissenschaften Forschung Komplexe Datenverarbeitung in Wissenschaft, Ingenieurwesen, Medizin, Gesundheitswesen, Finanzen, Wirtschaft, Recht, Bildung, Transport, Einzelhandel, Telekommunikation Big Data Analytics in Kleinunternehmen (KMU) Big Data Analytics in Government, Public Sector Und Gesellschaft im Allgemeinen Real-Life-Fallstudien der Wertschöpfung durch Big Data Analytics Big Data als Service Big Data Industry Standards Erfahrungen mit Big Data Project Implementierungen Big Data Analytics in Unternehmen Große Daten in eGovernment Große Daten in mobilen Apps Große Daten in intelligenten Städten Große Daten in der Fertigung Große Daten in Sicherheit und Privatsphäre Große Daten im E-Commerce Große Daten in der Biomedizin Große Daten in der Regulierten Industrie Große Daten in der Klinik und im Gesundheitswesen Finanzielle Aspekte der Big Data Industry Aktuelle und zukünftige Szenarien der Big Data Market Große Daten in der Reisebranche Big Data Trends im Einzelhandel Große Daten in der öffentlichen Verwaltung Big Data Infrastructure CloudGridStream Computing für Big Data HochleistungsParallel Computing Plattformen für Big Data Autonomic Computing und Cyber-Infrastruktur, Systemarchitekturen, Design und Implementierung Energieeffizientes Computing für Big Data Programmierung von Modellen und Umgebungen für Cluster, Cloud - und Grid-Computing zur Unterstützung großer Daten-Software-Techniken undArchitekturen in CloudGridStream Computing Big Data Open-Plattformen Neue Programmiermodelle für Big Data jenseits von HadoopMapReduce, STORM Software-Systeme zur Unterstützung von Big Data Computing-Einreichungen Zukünftige Autoren sind eingeladen, Manuskripte zu unterzeichnen, die die ursprüngliche unveröffentlichte Forschung und die jüngsten berichten Entwicklungen in den Themen der Konferenz. Es ist erforderlich, dass das Manuskript dem Standard-IEEE-Kamera-Ready-Format folgt (IEEE-Standardformat, Doppelspalte, 10-Punkt-Schriftart). Einreichungen müssen Titel, Abstract, Schlüsselwörter, Autor und Zugehörigkeit zu E-Mail-Adresse enthalten. Bitte überprüfen Sie das Papierformat in Ihrem Seiten-Setup, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie das Briefformat-Format (8,5 Zoll x 11 Zoll) verwenden. Das Papier sollte keine Seitenzahlen oder spezielle Kopf - oder Fußzeilen enthalten. Alle Papiere, die den Einreichungsrichtlinien entsprechen, werden auf der Grundlage der Originalität, der technischen und der Forschungsinhalte, der Korrektheit, der Relevanz für die Konferenz, der Beiträge und der Lesbarkeit überprüft und bewertet. Die Annahme von Papieren wird den Autoren per E-Mail mitgeteilt. Die Autoren der angenommenen Papiere dürfen nach den Vorschlägen der Gutachter Korrekturen vornehmen und innerhalb der vereinbarten Frist endgültige kamerafreite Papiere einreichen. Die Tagungsunterlagen werden während der Konferenz unter den Teilnehmern verteilt. Oversight Committee Patron-in-Chief Herr K. Naga Malleswara Rao. Präsident, G. S.R T. S.R Bildungsgesellschaft Herr P. Sambasiva Rao. Vizepräsident, G. S.R T. S.R Bildungsgesellschaft Er. K. Ravi Kumar Sekretärin, G. S.R T. S.R Bildungsgesellschaft Er. T. Ashok Kumar Gemeinsamer Sekretär, G. S.R T. S.R Bildungsgesellschaft Er. P. Sunil Kumar Schatzmeister, G. S.R T. S.R Bildungsgesellschaft Dr. K. Raghavendra Rao. Gemeinsamer Sekretär, G. S.R T. S.R Bildungsgesellschaft Smt. K. Nagaveni Exekutivmitglied, G. S.R T. S.R Bildungsgesellschaft Generaldirektor (e) Prof. Dr. Syed Kamaluddin. Principal, Chirala Engineering College, Chirala Prof. Dr. S K Niranjan. Prof. Head, Abteilung M. C.A, SJCE, Mysore Prof. Dr. Daniel Thalmann. Gründer des Virtual Reality Lab (VRLAB) bei EPFL, Schweiz Organisatorischer Stuhl Herr M. Venkata Rao. Kopf 8211 Institut für Informatik, C. E.C Herr Kolla Bhanu Prakash. Fakultät, Institut für Informatik Ingenieurwissenschaften, CEC Lenkungsausschuss Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Amir Hussain, Universität Stirling, Schottland, UK Persönlicher Lehrstuhl für Cognitive Computation Director, COSIPRA Labor Direktor: PhD Programme IEEE UK RI Vorsitzender, IEEE UK RI IAS Kapitel Herr N. Suresh Babu. Kopf 8211 Abteilung für Elektronik Kommunikationstechnik, C. E.C Herr P. Gopi Chand. Leiter 8211 Institut für Bauingenieurwesen, C. E.C Herr V. Venkata Rao. Kopf 8211 Abteilung M. B.A, C. E.C Frau M. Anitha. Kopf 8211 Abteilung von S H, C. E.C Herr Y. T. Sameer. Fakultät, Fachbereich Elektronik Kommunikationstechnik, C. E.C Fachausschuss Lehrstuhl Prof. Alex James. Nazarbayev Universität, Astana, Republik Kasachstan Dr. Ch. Sukesh Babu Leiter 8211 Institut für Maschinenbau, C. E.C Herr P. Balanagu. Kopf 8211 Institut für Elektronik Elektrotechnik, C. E.C Frau M. Rajyalakshmi. Fakultät, Institut für Informatik, C. E.C Frau R. Kavitha Lakshmi. Fakultät, Institut für Informatik, C. E.C Dr. B. Koteswara Rao. Chirala Ingenieurbüro, Chirala Dr. B. Ravi Kumar. Chirala Ingenieurbüro, Chirala Dr. K. Ravindranadh. Chirala Engineering College, Chirala Herr M. Jayakumar Jacob. Chirala Engineering College, Chirala Herr H. Raghunadha Rao. Chirala Engineering College, Chirala Publikationsausschuss Prof. Dr. V. P. Thinagaran Universität Putra Malaysia, Malaysia (Vorsitzender) Dr. D. Suresh Samson. Trainingsleiter, C. E.C Herr T. Kameswara Rao. Fakultät, Institut für Informatik, C. E.C Herr A. Atchyut Kumar Reddy. Fakultät, Institut für Informatik, C. E.C Herr V. Siva Nagaraju. Fakultät, Fachbereich Elektronik Elektrotechnik, C. E.C Herr K. Srikanth. Fakultät, Institut für Informatik, C. E.C Konferenzkoordinatoren Herr S. Uma Maheswara Rao. Fakultät, Institut für Informatik, C. E.C Herr S. Suman. Fakultät, Abteilung für Elektronik Kommunikationstechnik, C. E.C Herr M. Ram Prasad. Fakultät, Institut für Informatik, C. E.C Konferenz Co-Koordinatoren Frau SK. Mowna Fakultät, Abteilung für Computeranwendungen, C. E.C Herr V. Srinivasa Rao. Fakultät, Institut für Informatik, C. E.C Herr K. Hari Krishna. Fakultät, Abteilung für Elektronik Kommunikationstechnik, C. E.C Registrierungsausschuss Herr Y. Prakash Babu. Fakultät, Institut für Informatik, C. E.C Frau Subhashini. Fakultät, Institut für Informatik, C. E.C Herr P. Anvesh. Fakultät, Abteilung für Computeranwendungen, C. E.C Frau P. Bharathi Devi. Fakultät, Institut für Informatik, C. E.C Frau A. Vijaya Lakshmi. Fakultät, Abteilung für E. C.E, C. E.C Sponsorship Committee Herr Raghavaiah. Fakultät, Abteilung für Elektronik Kommunikationstechnik, C. E.C Herr Ch. Masthan Chowdary. Fakultät, Institut für Informatik, C. E.C Herr S. Amarnath. Fakultät, Institut für Informatik, C. E.C Frau V. Leela Sarada. Fakultät, Fachbereich Maschinenbau, C. E.C Finanzausschuss Herr Y. Venu Babu. Fakultät, Fachbereich Maschinenbau, C. E.C Herr K. Sravan Kumar. Fakultät, Institut für Informatik, C. E.C Herr L. V. Kiran Fakultät, Abteilung für Computeranwendungen, CEC International Advisory Board Angelo Cangelosi, Universität Plymouth, Großbritannien Alana Abdool, Zaref Engineering Ltd. Indien El-Sayed El Alfy, König Fahd Universität für Erdöl und Mineralien (KFUPM), Saudi-Arabien Arrchana Muruganantham, Nationale Universität Singapur, Singapur Cristian Rodriguez Rivero, Universidad Nacional de C243rdoba, Argentinien Daniela L243pez De Luise, CI2S Laborleiterin, Argentinien Dipti Srinivasan, Nationale Universität Singapur, Singapur De-Shuang Huang, Tongji Universität, China Friedhelm Schwenker, Universität Ulm , Deutschland Hao Ying, Wayne State University, USA Huanhuan Chen, Universität für Wissenschaft und Technologie von China (USTC), China Ivo Bukovsky, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan Jacek M. Zurada, Universität Louisville, USA Janusz Kacprzyk, Intelligent Systems Laboratory, Polen James C Bezdek, University of West Florida, USA Jose M. Merigo, Universität Manchester, Großbritannien Jude Hemanth, Karunya Universität, Indien Rudolf Kruse, Otto-von-Guericke-Universit228t Magdeburg, Deutschland Leif E. Peterson, Cornell Universität, USA Longbing Cao, University of Technology Sydney, Auatralia Francesco Masulli, Universität Genova, ITALIEN Philip Yu, Universität Hongkong. China Paul S. Pang, Fakultät für kreative Industrien und Wirtschaft, Neuseeland Roman Slowinski, Poznan University of Technology, Polen Athanasios V. Vasilakos, Lulea University of Technology Schweden, Schweden Xin-She Yang, Middlesex University, Großbritannien Xiao-Jun Zeng, Universität von Manchester, Großbritannien Xin Xu, Nationale Universität für Verteidigungstechnologie (NUDT), China Alvaro Orjuela Ca241on, Antonio Nari241o Universität, Bogota, Kolumbien, USA Wojciech Ziarko, Universität von Regina, Kanada Chin-Teng Lin. National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan Julian Antonio Pucheta, Nationale Universität von Cordoba, Argentinien Lenkungsausschuss Lenkungsausschuss Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. M. G. Michael. Universität Wollongong, Australien Herr N. Suresh Babu. Kopf 8211 Abteilung für Elektronik Kommunikationstechnik, C. E.C Herr P. Gopi Chand. Leiter 8211 Institut für Bauingenieurwesen, C. E.C Herr V. Venkata Rao. Kopf 8211 Abteilung M. B.A, C. E.C Frau M. Anitha. Kopf 8211 Abteilung von S H, C. E.C Herr Y. T. Sameer. Fakultät, Abteilung für Elektronik Kommunikationstechnik, C. E.C Mitglieder A. Rama Mohan Rao, CSIR-SERC, Chennai Abduladhem Abdulkareem Ali, Senior Mitglied der IEEE, Universität Basrah, Irak Ahmad Kamil Mahmood, Universiti Teknologi, Petronas Ajinkya Deshmukh, Uurmi System Pvt. Ltd, Indien Alex P James, IEEE Senior Mitglied, Nazarbayev Universität, Astana Alvaro Rocha, Mitglied der IEEE SMC, Universität von Coimbra, Portugal Anamika Ahirwar, MPCT, Gwalior, Indien Angelo Genovese, Universit224 Degli Studi Di Milano, Italien Ankur Gupta, IEEE Mitglied des IEEE ComSoc, unabhängiger Direktor, Scanpoint Geomatics Ltd. Indien Asharaf S, indisches Institut für Informationstechnologie und Management, Indien Ashoka K. BIET Davangere, Karnataka, Indien Assass Schuster, Mitglied des IEEE ComSoc, Technion - Israel Institut für Technologie, Israel Atreyi Kankanhalli, Mitglied der IEEE ComSoc, Nationale Universität Singapur, Singapur Bhushan Trivedi, GLS (Shailesh R. Parish) Institut für Computertechnik, Indien Chen Hsiao Hwa, Mitglied der IEEE ComSoc, National Cheng Kung Universität, Taiwan Chew Lim TAN, IEEE Senior Member, National University of Singapore, Singapur Daniel Thalmann, Nanyang Technological University, Singapur Deepak Garg, Patiala Universität Dhiya Al-Jumeily, IEEE Mitglied, Liverpool John Moores University, Großbritannien Edy Portmann, IEEE Mitglied, Universität Bern, Schweiz Francesco Masulli, Robotica e Ingegneria dei Sistemi Universita di Genova, Italien GF Ali Ahammed, VTU PG Zentrum, Mysore, Indien HB Prajapati, Dharmsinh Desai Universität - Nadiad, Gujarat , Indien Hareesh KS Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal University, Manipal, Indien Hemanth Kumar G, Universität von Mysore, Indien Himanshu Monga, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, Indien I. Goswami, INFO Institut für Ingenieurwesen, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, Indien Ignacio Enrique Zald237var Huerta, Mitglied der IEEE ComSoc, Instituto Nacional de Astrof237sica 211ptica y Electr243nica, M233xico Indrajit Saha, Nationales Institut für Technische Lehrer Ausbildung Forschung, Kolkata, Indien J. Karthikeyan, SSM Institut für Ingenieurwesen und Technologie, Dindigul, Indien Jalel Ben - Othman, Mitglied des IEEE ComSoc, Universität Paris 13, Frankreich Jan Platos, Technische Universität Ostrava, Tschechische Republik Jangala. Sahi Kiran, Vidya Vikas Institut für Technologie, Hyderabad, Indien Jemal Abawajy, Deakin Universität, Australien Jeng-Shyang Pan, Mitglied der IEEE SMC, National Kaohsiung Fachhochschule, Taiwan Jerzy Grzymala-Busse, Mitglied der IEEE SMC, Universität Kansas , USA Jitendra Agrawal, Mitglied der IEEE CIS, Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Indien Joyanta Kumar Roy, MCKV Institut für Ingenieurwesen, Howrah, Indien KS Shivaprakasha, NDRK Institut für Technologie, Hassan, Indien K. Chidananda Gowda, Kuvempu Universität, Indien Kapila Chandika Wavegedara, Mitglied der IEEE ComSoc, Univ. Von Peradeniya, Sri Lanka Kin Leung, Mitglied von IEEE ComSoc, Imperial College London, Großbritannien Koduri Srinivas, Vorsitzender, IEEE Hyderabad Section, Indien LM Patnaik, Indisches Institut für Wissenschaft, Bangalore Lei Zhang, Ostchina Normal University, China Leif Peterson, Weill Cornell Medical College der Cornell University, USA Lipo Wang, AdCom Mitglied der IEEE CIS, Nanyang Technological University, Singapur MA Dorai Rangaswamy, Sathyabama Universität M. Lakshmi, Sathyabama Universität M. Senthil Kumar, Ranganathan Engineering College, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, Indien Mahadeva Prasanna , SR Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Indien Mallikarjun. S. Holi, Universität B. D.T. Hochschule für Technik, Davangere, Indien Manjunath S, Zentrale Universität von Kerala, Kasargod, Indien Manu Malek, Stevens Institut für Technologie, USA Maulika S Patel, IEEE Mitglied, GH Patel College von Engg Tech, Indien Mohammed El Mohajir, Mitglied von IEEE ComSoc , Universit233 Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Marokko Mohan Kankanhalli, Mitglied der IEEE ComSoc, National University of Singapore, Singapur Mojtaba Ahmadieh, IEEE Mitglied, Universität von Toosi Iran Muthukumar Subramanyam, Anna Universität, Indien Nasimuddin, Institut für Infocomm Forschung (I2R) , ASTAR, Singapur Nikhil Bhargava, Vorsitzender des Industrie-Outreach-Komitees, IEEE Computer Society Indien Rat, Indien Nirmala CR, Bapuji Institut für Engg Tech, Davangere, Indien Nirmala Shenoy, Mitglied der IEEE ComSoc, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA P. Kuppusamy, Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal, Indien Pallav Kumar Baruah, Sri Sathya Sai Institut für Höhere Lernen, Indien Pascal Lorenz, IEEE Senior Mitglied, Universität Haute Elsass, Frankreich Patrick Siarry, Universit233 Paris-Est Cr233teil Val-de-Marne, Frankreich Periklis Chapelimisios, Mitglied von IEEE ComSoc, Alexander TEI von Thessaloniki, Griechenland Pethuru Raj, IBM Global Cloud Center of Excellence, Indien Philip Branch, Swinburne University of Technology, Australien Pietro Ducange, Universität Pisa, Italien Ponnambalam G, IEEE Computer Society of India Life-Mitglied, Monash University Sunway Campus, Malaysia Prabhakar CJ, Kuvempu Universität, Indien Prabir Bhattacharya, Concordia Universität, Kanada Preeta Sharan, Mitglied der IEEE Bangalore Sektion, The Oxford College of Engineering, Indien Premasudha BG Siddaganga Institut für Technologie, Karnataka, Indien Pullela , Aditya College of Engineering, Surampalem, Indien Quoc Bao, Swinburne University, Australien R. Rath Vannithamby, Mitglied der IEEE ComSoc, Intel Corporation, USA RV Venkatesha Prasad, Mitglied der IEEE ComSoc, Delft University of Technology, Niederlande Rajesh Ingle, Pune Institut Der Computertechnologie, Indien Rajesh K Shukla, Sagar Institut für Forschung und Technologie, Bhopal, Indien Rajkumar Buyya, Universität von Melbourne, Australien Ramalatha Marimuthu, KCT, Coimbatore IEEE-WIE Stuhl Ravibabu Mulaveesala, indisches Institut für Technologie Ropar, Indien Roopa GM, BIET, Davangere, Indien Russell Hsing, Mitglied von ComSoc, Telcordia Technologies, USA S. Jagannathan, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA SM Altaf Hossain, Mitglied von IEEE ComSoc, Bangladesch Software Testing Board, Bangladesch S. Ram, IIT Kharagpur S Selvaperumal, Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram, Tamil Nadu, Indien SKRamesh, California State University, USA Sanjay Chaudhary, Mitglied von IEEE ComSoc, Dhirubhai Ambani Institut für Informations - und Kommunikationstechnologie, Indien Sanjay Sharma, Roorkee Engineering Management Institut Shamli (UP ), Indien Sansanee Auephanwiriyakul, IEEE Senior Mitglied, Mitglied von Fuzzy System TC-IEEE CIS, Mitglied der Bioinformatik und Bioingenieurwesen TC-IEEE ComS, Thailand Saravanan Chandran, Nationales Institut für Technologie, Durgapur, Westbengalen, Indien Sargur N. Srihari, Universität Bei Buffalo, USA Sarmistha Neogy, Jadavpur Universität, Indien Sasi Prabha, Sathyabama Universität Sathyanarayana SV, JNN College of Engg. Shimoga, Indien Sergey Mosin, Vladimir State University, Russland Sheela Rani, Sathyabama Universität Shekhappa G. Ankaliki, SDM Hochschule für Technik, Dharwad, Indien Shishir K. Shandilya, BANSAL Institut für Forschung Technologie, Indien Siby Abraham, TC Mitglied von IEEE SMC , Universität von Mumbai, Indien Siddesha S, Sri Jayachamarajendra Hochschule für Technik SJCE, Mysuru, Indien SK Hafizul Islam, BITS Pilani, Rajasthan, Indien Sotiris Kotsiantis, Universität von Patras, Griechenland, Griechenland Sriram Veeriah Perumal, Kalasalingam Universität, Indien Subir Saha, Mitglied der IEEE ComSoc, Motorola Research Labs, USA Subramanian K, VIT Universität, Vellore, Indien Sudhir Kumar Barai, IIT Kharagpur Suma. V, Dayananda Sagar Institutionen, Bangalore, Indien Sumana Gupta, indisches Institut für Technologie, Kanpur, Indien Sumathy Eswaran, Dr. M.G. R. Bildungsforschungsinstitut, Chennai Sunil Kumar BS, GM Institut für Technologie, Davangere, Indien Surekha Mariam Varghese, MA College of Engineering, Kerala, Indien Suresh GR, Easwari Engineering College, Chennai, Indien Swati V. Chande, IEEE SMCS TC Mitglied, International Schule für Informatik und Management, Jaipur, Indien TS Rangarajan, IEEE Madras Abschnitt Thinagaran Perumal, Vorsitz, IEEE Consumer Electronics Society Malaysia Kapitel, Malaysia, Malaysia Thippeswamy K, VTU, Indien Umapada Pal, indisches Statistisches Institut, Kolkata, Indien VCM Leung (Victor ), Mitglied des IEEE ComSoc, der Universität von British Columbia, Kanada V. Cyril Raj, Dr. MGR Pädagogisches Forschungsinstitut, Chennai VE Nethaji Mariappan, Sathyabama Universität, Chennai, Indien V. Ganesan, IIT Madras V. Vijaya Kumar, Anurag Gruppe von Institutionen (Autonome), Andra Pradesh, Indien Venu Govindaraju, Universität in Buffalo, USA Venugopal KR, Bangalore Universität Vikas Saxena, Jaypee Institut für Informationstechnologie, Indien Vinay S, PESITM, Shivamogga, Indien Vinit Kumar Gunjan, Schatzmeister-IEEE Computer Gesellschaft Young Professionals Gemeinschaft, IEEE Hyderabad Abschnitt, Indien Vivek S Deshpande, MIT College of Engineering, Pune, Indien XZ Gao, Aalto University, Finland Y. C Kiran, BNM Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India Zhensheng Zhang, Member of IEEE ComSoc, USA Technical Program Committee Technical Program Chair(s) Prof. Alex James . Nazarbayev University, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan Dr. Ch. Sukesh Babu . Head 8211 Department of Mechanical Engineering, C. E.C Mr. P. Balanagu . Head 8211 Department of Electronics Electrical Engineering, C. E.C Mrs. M. Rajyalakshmi . Faculty, Department of Computer Science Engineering, C. E.C Technical Program Committee Co-Chair(s) Mrs. R. Kavitha Lakshmi . Faculty, Department of Computer Science Engineering, C. E.C Dr. B. Koteswara Rao . Chirala Engineering College, Chirala Dr. B. Ravi Kumar . Chirala Engineering College, Chirala Dr. K. Ravindranadh . Chirala Engineering College, Chirala Mr. M. Jayakumar Jacob . Chirala Engineering College, Chirala Mr. H. Raghunadha Rao . Chirala Engineering College, Chirala A. Anil Macwan, Member of IEEE ComSoc, Alcatel-Lucent, USA Abhay Bansal, ASET, AUUP, India Abzetdin Adamov, IEEE Computer Society Azerbaijan Chapter, Qafqaz University, Azerbaijan Adel M. Alimi, Member of IEEE SMC, University of Sfax, Tunisia Akira Namatame, National Defense Academy, Japan Alain Pruski, Universiteacute Lorraine, France Alamelu N. R. Member of IEEE ComSoc, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, India Alexander Gelbukh, Center for Computing Research of the National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico Alexandru Ciprian Zavoianu, Member of IEEE SMC, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria Alfredo Cuzzocrea, Member of IEEE SMC, ICAR-CNR and University of Calabria, Italy Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Malaysia Ami Marowka, Bar-Ilan University, Israel Andrew Ortony, Northwestern University, USA Anil Kumar, Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, India Aniruddha Bhattacharjya, CSE Department Guru Nanak Institute of Technology (GNIT), India Anju Sharma, Thapar University, India Ankit Chaudhary, IEEE Member and The University of Iowa, USA Ankur Gupta, Model Institute of Engineering and Technology, India Anna Paulson, Member of IEEE ComSoc, Arun Somani, Iowa State University, USA Ashraf Darwish, Member of IEEE SMC, Helwan University, Egypt Ashraf Elnagar, Sharjah University, UAE, UAE Ashutosh Dutta, Member of IEEE ComSoc, University of Virginia, USA Asif Ekbal, IIT Patna, India Asoke Nath, St. Xaviers College, India Atul Negi, Member of IEEE SMC, University of Hyderabad, India Axel Sikora, Hochschule Offenburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany Ayman Assra, McGill University, Canada Azah Kamilah Muda, Member of IEEE SMC, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia B. S. Chowdhry, Member of IEEE ComSoc, University of Southampton, UK B. S. Daya Sagar, Indian Statistical Institute - Bangalore Centre, India B. Sundar Rajan, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India Bane Vasic, Member of IEEE ComSoc, University of Arizona, USA Bao Zong Yuan, Member of IEEE ComSoc, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China Baskaran R, Anna University, India Bellaachia Abdelghani, The George Washington University, USA Bhushan Trivedi, GLS Institute Of Computer Technology, India Binod Kumar, Jayawant Technical Campus, India Bjoumlern Schuller, Technische Universitaumlt Muumlnchen, Germany Brijendra Joshi, Military College of Telecommunication Engineering, India C. Chung-Sheng Li, Member of IEEE ComSoc, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA Carlos Calafate, Universidad Politeacutecnica de Valencia, Spain Chang Wu Yu, Chung Hua University, Taiwan Carlos A. Astudillo Trujillo, Member of IEEE ComSoc, State University of Campinas, Brazil Chengcheng Hu, University of California, USA Chew Lim TAN, IEEE Senior Member, Ching-Hsien Hsu, Chung Hua University, Taiwan Chin-Pan Huang, Ming Chuan University, Taiwan Chin-Teng Lin, Member of IEEE SMC, National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan Chu Yang, Member of IEEE ComSoc, National Kaohsiung University, Taiwan Cicero Garrozi, Member of IEEE SMC, University of Pernambuco, Brazil Costas Stasopoulos, Member of IEEE ComSoc, IEEE Region 8 Director-Elect 2015-2016, Debashis Sen, National University of Singapore, Singapore Debasis Giri, Haldia Institute of Technology, India Debu Nayak, Huawei Telecom, India Deepak Garg, Chair, IEEE Computer Society Council, India Deepti Mehrotra, ASCS, Noida, India Demetrios G Sampson, University of Piraeus Center for Research and Technology - Hellas, Greece Dennis Pfisterer, University of Luebeck, Germany Detlef Seese, Member of IEEE SMC, Universitaet Karlsruhe, Germany Ding-Zhu Du, University of Texas, USA Donald Schilling, Member of IEEE ComSoc, Dongkyun Kim, Kyungpook National University, Korea E. George Dharma Prakash Raj, Bharathidasan University, Trichy, India Ekram Khan, Aligarh Muslim University, India Farzam Farbiz, National University of Singapore, Singapore Feng Liu, Member of IEEE ComSoc, Wuhan University, China, China Fernando R De Sousa, Member of IEEE ComSoc, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil Fernando Velez, University of Beira Interior, portugal Gao Xiaozhi, Member of IEEE SMC, Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering, Finland, Finland Geetha, Anna University, India George Karagiannidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Gerard Parr, Member of IEEE ComSoc, University of Ulser, Northern Ireland, Norther Ireland Girijesh Prasad, Member of IEEE SMC, University of Ulster, UK Giuseppe Araniti, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy Gopalasamy Athithan, SMC Bangalore Chapter Chair, India Graham Leedham, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Gregg T. Vesonder, Member of IEEE SMC, ATT Labs - Research University of Pennsylvania, USA Gregorio Martinez Perez, University of Murcia, Spain Guuchang Yang, Member of IEEE ComSoc, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan H T Kung, Harvard University, USA Hao Che, University of Texas at Arlington, USA Hao Ying, Wayne State University, USA Hideyuki Takagi, Member of IEEE SMC, Kyushu University, Japan Hirosato Seki, Member of IEEE SMC, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan Houcem Gazzah, University of Sharjah, UAE, UAE Houcine Hassan, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain Imre Jozsef Rudas, Member of IEEE SMC, Oacutebuda University, Hungary, Hungery Iti Saha Misra, Member of IEEE ComSoc, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India J. Buford (John), Member of IEEE ComSoc, Avaya Labs, USA Jacob Baal-Schem, IEEE Region 8 LM Coordinator, Israel Jaidhar C, National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK), India Jaime Lloret Mauri, IEEE Senior, IARIA Fellow, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain James, A. P. IEEE Member and Nazarbayev University, Kazakhastan Janos Abonyi, Member of IEEE SMC, University of Pannonia, Hungery Jayanta Mukhopadhyay, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India Jean-Claude Martin, University Paris 8, France Jeng-Shyang Pan, Member of IEEE SMC, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan Jethro Shell, Member of IEEE SMC, De Montfort University, UK Jie Li, University of Tsukuba, Japan Jinjun Chen, Member of IEEE ComSoc, University of Technology, Australia Joberto Seacutergio Barbosa Martins, Member of IEEE ComSoc, Salvador University (UNIFACS), Brazil John Strassne, DENSoft Corporation, Chicago, USA Jorge Saacute Silva, Member of IEEE ComSoc, University of Coimbra, portugal Jose M. Merigo, Member of IEEE SMC, University of Barcelona, Spain Josip Lorincz, University of Split, Croatia, Croatia Joyati Debnath, Winona State University, USA Jun Suzuki, University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA Junpei Kawamoto, Kyushu University, Japan K Thangavel, Periyar University, Salem, India K M Soni, ASET, AUUP, India Ka Lok Man, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China Kaf Hassan, Member of IEEE ComSoc, Network Development Lab, USA Kamesh Namuduri, University of North Texas, USA Kamran Arshad, University of Greenwich, UK Kandarpa Sarma, Gauhati University, India Klaus David, University of Kassel, Germany Klaus Moessner, University of Surrey, UK Koichi Asatani, Member of IEEE ComSoc, Kogakuin University, Japan Krishnaiyan Thulasiraman, University of Oklahoma, USA Kumar Padmanabh, Corporate Research, Robert Bosch GMBH, India Lalit Awasthi, National Institute of Technology, India Leonardo Franco, Universidad De Malaga, Europe, Europe Liansheng Tan, Central China Normal University, China Lingfeng Wang, University of Toledo, USA Liu Honghai, University of Portsmouth, UK Liu Li, National University of Singapore, Singapore Luisa Gargano, University of Salerno, Italy Luiz Olavo Bonino da Silva Santos, BiZZdesign, The Netherlands, Netherlands Lukas Kencl, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, Czech republic Lukas Ruf, Consecom AG, Switzarland M Ayoub Khan, IEEE Member and Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, India M. Fatih Tasgetiren, Yasar University, Turkey, Turkey M. Manjunatha, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India M. Tariq Banday, University of Kashmir, India Ma Maode, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Madhukar Pitke, Member of IEEE ComSoc, Manoj Sharma, Bharati Vidyapeethas College of Engineering, India Mariofanna Milanova, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA Maytham Safar, Kuwait University, Kuwait, Kuwait Michael Lauer, Vanille-Media, Germany Michael Nicolaidis, Member of IEEE ComSoc, Chair of TTTC, TIMA Laboratory, France Michal Wozniak, Member of IEEE SMC, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland Ming Xia, Ericsson Research US, USA Mohamed Rawidean Mohd Kassim, Member of IEEE ComSoc, Technology Park Malaysia, Malaysia Mojtaba Ahmadieh, Member of IEEE SMC, University of Semnan, Iran Mokhtar Beldjehem, Member of IEEE SMC, Sainte-Annes University, Canada Nargiza Usmanova, Member of IEEE ComSoc, Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Uzbekistan Nakjung Choi, Bell-Labs, Alcatel-Lucent, Korea Nazeeruddin Mohammad, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, Saudi Arabia Neeli Prasad, Member of IEEE ComSoc, Standard Liaison, Communications Information Security, Technical Communities, Noor Akhmad Setiawan, Member of IEEE SMC, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia P. Peter Leuthold, Member of IEEE ComSoc, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Communication Technology Laboratory, Switzarland Palaniappan Ramaswamy, University of Wolverhampton, UK Paramartha Dutta, Visva-Bharati University, India Pascal Lorenz, Member of IEEE ComSoc, University of Haute Alsace, France Patrick Siarry, Member of IEEE SMC, University Paris 12 (LiSSi), France Paulo Novais, Member of IEEE SMC, University of Minho, portugal Pethuru Raj, Wipro Technologies, Bangalore, India Philip Branch, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia Pietro Ducange, University of Pisa, Italy Pitoyo Hartono, Member of IEEE SMC, Future University Hakodate, Japan Prabhakar C, Kuvempu University, India Prabu Dorairaj, NetApp Inc, India Pradip Srimani, Clemson University, USA Pramode Verma, Member of IEEE ComSoc, The University of Oklahoma, Tulsa Punam Bedi, Member of IEEE SMC, University of Delhi, India R Goudar, Graphic Era University, India Radu-Codrut David, Member of IEEE SMC, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Rommania Rahul Khanna, Intel, USA Raj Jain, Washington University in St. Louis, USA Rajendra Boppana, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA Rajib Ghosh, National Institute of Technology Patna India, India Rajkumar Buyya, The University of Melbourne, Australia Rameshwar Kawitkar, Electronics Engineering, India Rami Haddad, Georgia Southern University, USA Ramjee Prasad, Member of IEEE ComSoc, Aalborg University, Denmark R. Venkata Siva Reddy, Member of IEEE ComSoc, Bangalore Session, Reva Institute of Technology and Management, Karnataka, India Robert G. Reynolds, Member of IEEE SMC, Wayne State University, USA Ronald R. Yager, Iona College, New Rochelle, USA Robert T. F. Ah King, Member of IEEE SMC, University of Mauritius, Mauritius Ruhul Sarker, University of New South Wales, Australia Samir Sadhukhan, Member of IEEE ComSoc, IIM Calcutta, India Sanjay S. Pawar, Member of IEEE ComSoc, S. N.D. T. Womens University, India Sattar Bader Sadkhan, Member of IEEE ComSoc, University of Babylon, Iraq Seshan Srirangarajan, Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland Shubhalaxmi Kher, Member of IEEE SMC, Arkansas State University, USA Shu-Ching Chen, Member of IEEE ComSoc, Florida International University, USA Shu-Heng Chen, National Chengchi University, Taiwan Shyam Diwakar, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham ( Amrita University), India Siby Abraham, Guru Nanak Khalsa College, India Snehanshu Saha, PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore South Campus, India Soura Dasgupta, The University of Iowa, Iowa, Iowa Srinivasan Alavandar, Member of IEEE SMC, CK College of Engineering and Technology, India Sriparna Saha, IIT Patna, India Sriraam, M. S. Ramaiah Institute Of Technology, India Stefano Ferretti, University of Bologna, Italy Stephen G. Matthews, Member of IEEE SMC, University of Bristol, UK Sudip Misra, IIT Campus, Kharagpur, India Sundaram Suresh, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Sung-Bae Cho, Yonsei University, Korea Surekha Varghese, M. A. College of Engineering, Kothamngalam, India Suresh Mehrotra, Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, India Sushanta Karmakar, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India Swagatam Das, Jadavpur University, India Swati Chande, Member of IEEE SMC, IIS University, India, India Syed Ali, Ajman University of Science Technology, UAE, UAE T. Vasudev, PES College of Engineering, Karnataka, India Tamaghna Acharya, Bengal Engineering Science University Shibpur, India Tathagat Varma, , Tariq Durrani, Member of IEEE ComSoc, University of Strathclyde, UK Terry Bossomaier, Charles Sturt University, Australia Thanh-Do Tran, Member of IEEE SMC, Inria Research Center, Lille - Nord Europe, France, France Thienne Johnson, University of Arizona, USA Thomas Hobbins, Member of IEEE ComSoc, Tony Thomas, Indian Institute of Information Technology and Mangement - Kerala, India Tribeniprasad Banerjee, Dr. B. C.Roy Engineering College, India Tuhina Samanta, Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, India Tulika Mitra, Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Uday Chakraborty, University of Missouri, USA Valentina Balas, Member of IEEE SMC, University Aurel Vlaicu Arad, Romania Vana Kalogeraki, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece Veena Bhat, Bangalore University, India Vikas Saxena, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, India Vivek Deshpande, MIT College of Engineering, India Vladimir Brusic, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, USA Wael El-Medany, University Of Bahrain, Bahrain, Bahrain Waqas Haider Bangyal, Member of IEEE SMC, Iqra University Islamabad, Pakistan Witold Pedrycz, University of Alberta, Canada Xavier Gandibleux, Member of IEEE SMC, University of Nantes, France Yacine Atif, UAE University, UAE, UAE Yan Pei, Member of IEEE SMC, The University of Aizu, Japan You-Chiun Wang, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan Yuan-Cheng Lai, Information Management, NTUST, Taiwan Yuh-Ren Tsai, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan Yusuke Nojima, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan Sujatha B R, Malnad College Of Engineering, India Kishor P Patil, Sinhgad Academy of Engineering, India J. Sasi Kiran, Vidya Vikas Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India M Basavanna, Govt. College (Autonomous), India Saravanan Chandran, , John Walsh, Shinawatra University, Thailand K. Thippeswamy, VTU, India Muthukumar Subramanyam, Indian Institute of Information Technology, India Indrajit Goswami, INFO Institute of Engineering, India Kunal Gaurav, ICBM - SCHOOL OF BUSINESS EXCELLENCE, India Sanat Sorangi, Indian Institute of Technology, India Gopikrishnan Sundaram, , Supha Lakshmi, Paavai engineering College, India Mahesh Bundele, Poornima College of Engineering Jaipur, India Rajesh Prasad, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, India Shashank Joshi, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, India T. Abdul Razak, Jamal Mohamed College, India Vishwa Nath Maurya, The University of Fiji, Fiji G. Alex Rajesh, , Nethaji Mariappan Velu Ethirajan, Sathyabama University, India Shivaprakasha K. S, NDRK Institute of Technology, India Dong Hwan Lee, , Rana Ahmed, Alrafidain University College, Iraq Shivanand S Gornale, University of pune. India Sorab Sadri, Manipal University, India Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Kalyani Government Engineering College, India Ankur Gupta, MIET, India Thyagharajan K. K. RMD Engineering College, India Nalini Chidambaram, B. I. S. T. (Bharath University), India Evon Abu-Taieh, , Shah Jahan Wani, Sri Pratap College, India Anamika Ahirwar, MPCT, India P. B. Beulahbel Bency, ST. JOSEPH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, India Padmanabhan Krishnan, VIT University, India Rong Zhang, Nishinippon Institute of Technology, Japan Sanjay Sharma, Roorkee Engineering Management Institute Shamli (U. P), India Debajyoti Mukhopadhyay, Maharashtra Institute of Technology, India Sivarama Krishnan R, SSN College of Engineering, India Pullela S V V S R Kumar, Aditya College of Engineering, India M. Senthil Kumar, Ranganathan Engineering College, India S Balaji, , Subramanian Kulandhaivelu, VIT University, India Raj Kulkarni, WIT, India Shailendra Gupta, , R. C. Singh, Sharda University, India Sangeet Vashishtha, , Vani Laturkar, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, India Punitha Valli, Sri Ramakrihna college of arts and science for women, India Suma V, Dayananda Sagar Institutions, India Kiran Y C, BNM Institute of Technology, India Shekhappa G Ankaliki, SDM College of Engineering Technology, India Viswanathan P, VIT University, India S P Garg, , Sasidhar Babu Suvanam, Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering, India Sandeep Kumar, Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies, India Kapileswar Mishra, Synergy Institute of Technology, India Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan, Vel Tech University, India Selvaperumal Sundaramoorthy, Syed Ammal Engineering College, India Ramakrishna Kolikipogu, Sridevi Womens Engineering College, India R. Krishnan, CMRIT, India Prasad M, , Poornachandra S, SNS College of Engineering, India Chetana Prakash, B. I.E. T, India K. S. Shreedhara, University BDT College of Engg, India G. R.Sinha, Shri Shankaracharya Technical Campus, India Anita Goel, Dyal Singh College, India Vinay Shivasubramanyan, NMAMIT, India Srinivasan Subramanian, P. B. College of Engineering, India K Sreenivasa Reddy, BVRIT HYDERABAD COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING FOR WOMEN, India Siddesha S, , Sriram Veeriah Perumal, Kalasalingam University, India Sridharan Vallioor, SSSIHL, India T Devi, Bharathiar University, India Dharma Raj Cheruku, GITAM University, India P Narahari Sastry, Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, India Prof A Prabakaran, Vinayaka missions univerity, India Anand S, College of Banking and Financial Studies, India Rajneesh Talwar, RIMT-IET, India Mehraz Boolaky, , Neeraj Marwaha, HIET, India Shivani Arora, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, India Syed Rizwan, Caledonian College of Engineering, India A. K. Malik, B. K. Birla Institute of Engineering Technology. India S. Ramachandran, AMET University, India Ali Ahammed. G, VTU Post Graduate Centre, India B. K. Mishra, , S. V Sathyanarayana, JNN College of Engg, India A. P Jagadeesh Chandra, Adichunchanagiri Institute of Technology, India R Dhanasekaran, SYED AMMAL ENGINEERING COLLEGE, India Neeta Baporikar, Namibia University of Science and Technology, India P. Kuppusamy, Gnanamani College of Technology, India Venkat Yalla, GIET Engineering College, India D P Acharjya, VIT University, India Bommanna Raja Kanakaraj, KPR Institute of Engg and Tech, India Padma, PES College of Engineering, India Murtaza Rizvi, National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, India Sunmeet Banerjee, Kristu Jayanti College, India Harshad Prajapati, Dharmsinh Desai University, India Ashok K. BIET, India Rana Mukherji, The ICFAI University, India Geetha Mohan, Jerusalem College Of Engineering, India Ramachandran Manikandan, SASTRA University, India Manish Prateek, UPES, India Santhi V, VIT University, India Rajeev Kumar, Teerthanker Mahaveer University, India B G Premsudha, Siddaganga Institute of Technology, India Usha, R. V. College of Engineering, India Karthikeyan J, SSM Institute of Engineering and Technology, India Mallikarjun S Holi, University B. D.T. College of Engineering, India Harish K S, Manipal Institute of Technology, India Roopa G. M. BIET, India Pushpa Kotipalli, Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women, India Rajini Kanth T V, Sreenidhi Institute of Science Technology, India R. C. Chhipa, , Mohit Verma, Amity University, India Vinay Kandpal, , Pradeep Kumar Singh, Jaypee University of Information Technology, India Madhu Viswanatham V, VIT University, India Godfrey Winster Sathianesan, Saveetha Engineering College, India M. V Vijayakumar, Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, India Prof Sunil Kumar B S, GM Institute of Technology, India Rakesh L, Jain Institute of Technology, India Arvind K Sharma, , Jayavardhana Gubbi, , Umesh Kumar, Vishveshwarya Group of Institutions, India Srinivasan Arulanandam, MNM Jain Engineering College, India Sasirekha V, Sri Sairam Institute Of Management Studies, India Ravinder Chandok, , Ajay Somkuwar, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, India Vandana Tandon Khanna, K. J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, India Lakshminarayana Vemuri, Mohamed Sathak Engg. College, India Asha Ambhaikar, Rungta College of Engineering Technology, India Vinutha H P, BIET, India Brahm Sharma, AIMS Institute of Higher Education, India Akhil Khare, MVSR Engineering College, India Thirumaran J, Rathinam College of Arts and Science, India Velmurugan T, D. G.Vaishnav College, India Mohan, BGS health Education CITY, India Ikhtiar Ghumro V. R. Sarma Dhulipala Special Sessions ICBDACI 2017 invites a proposal to organize a special session. Below is the list of special session you may wish to choose or if you have something new to propose, please send email to: chairicbdaci-conference. org. Computational Intelligence in Feature Analysis, Selection, and Learning in Image and Pattern Recognition Neural networks for feature analysis Fuzzy systems for feature analysis Hybridization of evolutionary computation and neural networks, and fuzzy systems for feature selection and construction Hybridization of evolutionary computation and machine learning, information theory, statistics, mathematical modelling, etc. for feature analysis Feature analysis in classification, clustering, regression, image analysis, signal processing, and other tasks Feature rankingweighting Feature selection Feature constructionextraction Multi-objective feature selection, construction or extraction Feature analysis on high-dimensional and large-scale data Analysis on computational intelligence for feature selection and constructionextraction algorithms Evolutionary computation for feature analysis Intelligence in Vehicles and Transportation Systems Automated driving and driverless car Learning and adaptive Control Object recognitions such as pedestrian detection, traffic sign detection and recognition Route guidance systems Trip modeling and driver speed prediction Vehicle energy management and optimization in hybrid vehicles Advanced transportation information and communication systems Cloud computing and big data in transportation and vehicle systems Multimodal intelligent transport systems and services Personalized driver and traveler support systems Simulation and forecasting models Connected vehicles of the future. Air, Road, and Rail Traffic Management Advanced Transportation Management Collision detection and avoidance vehicle communications and connectivity Driver state detection and monitoring Driver assistance and automation systems Vehicle fault diagnostics and health monitoring Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering amp Economics Big Data Finance amp Economics Intelligent Trading Agents Trading Room Simulation Time Series Analysis Financial Data Mining Rules and XBRL for Financial Engineering Applications Semantic Web and Linked Data for Computer amp Engineering Applications amp Models Risk Management Pricing of Structured Securities Asset Allocation Trading Systems Forecasting Risk Arbitrage Behavioral Finance Exotic Options Portfolio Optimization FrontBack Office Operations Agent-based Computational Economics Computational Intelligence and Data Mining Text mining Link and graph mining Social media mining Collaborative filtering Security, privacy and social impact of data mining Data mining applications Evolutionary algorithms for data mining Fuzzy sets for data mining Data mining with soft computing Foundations of data mining Mining with big data Classification Clustering Regression Association Multimedia data mining Computational Intelligence in Cyber Security Sensor network security, web security, wireless security Cyber fraud and illicit behavior detection Digital forensics, security information visualization Sensor fusion and decision support in computer security Security applications and cyber infrastructure protection Modeling criteria of serious games in internet security Information assurance, cyber fraud and crime detection Security of storage systems, operating systems, and networks Intrusion detection, prediction, classification, and response Models for survivable, resilient, and self-healing systems Computational Intelligence for Communication Systems and Networks Computer networks design and optimization Networking protocols, services, and management Design of Future Internet Optical communication systems and networks Bio-inspired and artificial networks Nature-inspired approaches for the design of communications systems and networks Multi-objective optimization of network resources Simplified and cost-efficient communication architectures Design of wireless networks and wireless sensor networks Dynamic and reconfigurable antenna systems Passive and active microwave technologies Signal processing Autonomic networks and networking Nano and molecular networks Social and green networking Computational Intelligence in Healthcare and e-health Human-Machine Interfaces Design and development methodologies for Healthcare IT Mobile technologies for Healthcare applications (m-Health) Evaluation and use of Healthcare IT Health Knowledge Management Pattern recognition and Machine Learning Practice-based Research Methods for Healthcare InformaticsIT e-Health for Public Health Integrating genetics with e-health Ontology Driven Knowledge Management Decision Support Systems Telemedicine Medical research using Grids Interoperability Medical and Nursing Informatics Confidentiality and Data Security Wearable Health Informatics Semantic Interoperability Therapeutic Systems and Technologies Cognitive Informatics Healthcare Management and Information Systems Electronic Health Records and Standards Software Systems in Medicine Pervasive Health Systems and Services Clinical problems and applications Data Mining and Visualization Consumer Health Informatics Virtual Healthcare Teams Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning Neuroscience and biologically inspired control Finite-sample analysis Applications of ADP and RL RL and ADP-based control Statistical learning Function approximation and value function representation Complexity issues in RL and ADP Policy gradient and actor-critic methods Direct policy search Planning and receding-horizon methods Monte-Carlo tree search and other Monte-Carlo methods Adaptive feature discovery Learning rules and architectures Bayesian RL and exploration Partially observable Markov decision processes ADP and RL for multiplayer games and multiagent systems Distributed intelligent systems Transfer learning Convergence and performance analysis Computational Intelligence Applications in Smart Grid Optimization Markets and economics Communication and control Demand side management Distributed energy resources Dynamic equivalents Emissions Algorithms for modeling, control and optimization Methods and algorithms for real-time analysis Planning, operation and control Plug-in vehicles Renewable energy Smart micro-grids Smart grid education Cyber security Visualizations for control centers Smart sensing Wide area monitoring, control and protection Computational Intelligence in Big Data Big data in public services Big data in social media Big data and cloud computing Big data in intelligent robotics Big data driven new business Big data in healthcare Big data in industrial internet of things Big data in future media Big data in finance and economy Big data visualization and visual data analytics Deep learning of big data New information infrastructure for big data Semantic technologies for big data Scalable learning techniques for big data Optimization of complex systems involving big data Data governance and management in big data Human-computer interaction and collaboration in big data Integrative analytics of diverse data resources Integration of structured and unstructured data Extracting understanding from distributed, diverse and large-scale data resources Extracting understanding from real-time large-scale data streams Predictive analytics and in-memory analytics Applications of big data, such as industrial processes. business intelligence, healthcare, bioinformatics and security OLAP technologies Data Storage and Access OLAP Operations OLAP Architecture OLAP tools and internet Functional requirements of OLAP systems Limitation of spread sheets and SQL ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) ETL Basics in Data Warehousing ETL Tools for Data Warehouses Logical Extraction Methods ETL data structures Cleaning and conforming Delivering dimension tables New visualization techniques Analysis data for visualization Scalar visualization techniques Frame work for flow visualization System aspects of visualization applications Future trends in scientific visualization Data Mining Novel Theoretical Models for Big Data New Computational Models for Big Data High performance data mining algorithms High performance data mining algorithms Methodologies on large-scale data mining Empirical study of data mining algorithms Competitive analysis of mining algorithms Computational Modeling and Data Integration Semantic-based Data Mining and Data Pre-processing Mining on data streams Graph and sub-graph mining Scalable data preprocessing and cleaning techniques Statistical Methods in Data Mining Social network analysis Networks and relations Development of social network analysis Analyzing relational data Dimensions and displays Positions, sets and clusters Data Mining Applications in Science, Engineering, Healthcare and Medicine Data mining systems in financial market analysis Application of data mining in education Data mining and processing in bioinformatics, genomics and biometrics Advanced Database and Web Application Medical Data Mining Data Mining in Healthcaredata Engineering data mining Data Mining in security Forecasting from Big Data Challenges for Forecasting with Big Data Applications of Statistical and Data Mining Techniques for Big Data Forecasting Forecasting the Michigan Confidence Index Forecasting targets and characteristics Data Warehousing Data Warehouse Architectures Case studies: Data Warehousing Systems Data warehousing in Business Intelligence Role of Hadoop in Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing Commercial applications of Data Warehousing Computational EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis) Techniques Complexity of algorithms Mathematical Preliminaries Recursive Algorithms The Network Flow Problem Algorithms in the Theory of Numbers NP-completeness Open data Open Science and Research Technology, Tools and Business Open Development and Sustainability Open Data, Government and Governance Quality of Big Data Services Big Data Service Performance Evaluation Big Data Service Reliability and Availability Real-Time Big Data Services Business analytics Emerging phenomena Technology drives and business analytics Capitalizing on a growing marketing opportunityMr. Vivek S. Deshpande . Dean, Research amp Development, MIT College of Engineering, holds Bachelors and Masters of Engineering in Electronics and Telecommunications from Pune University. Currently he is doing a research in Wireless Sensor Networks, embedded systems and High Performance Computer Networks. He is a Chair of IEEE Communication Society, Pune Chapter and Member of IEEE Computer Society, India Council. Specific topics of interest and Research: Wireless sensor networks, Body area networks, Quality of Service, AlgorithmProtocol development, Mobile Communications and mobility in WSN, Wireless Communications and networking in WSN, Information and Communications technologies in WSN, Simulation, Modeling and analysis and performance evaluations, Network management and services, Health care and home networking, Reviews and Applications: Social, health, sports, environmental, etc. The Rs.25 lacks of funded projects 8220Highway Traffic Monitoring Systems (HTMS)8221 phase-I is done under his guidance. He guided the 10 person8217s team of technical researchers. The innovation of palm tops based on Android ported on ARM is having great success of research project. Many industries achieve huge success in their research and development with the kind help of his technical consultancy. His 25 years of teaching and industrial experience is an asset to the organization. He is working as Associate Professor in Department of Information Technology, His expertise in the field of Wireless computer Networks and Distributed system helps in guidance to the PG students. Now-a-days Wireless Sensor Networks plays predominant role in the communication domain. The data to be disseminated from multiple sources to the destination base station or sink is having vital significance. There are many problems with which data can be conveyed up to the sink. The congestion, reliability, delay, fairness, etc. are of main concern. These can be treated as Quality of Service parameters that govern the performance of the WSN. Above all the Energy8217s consumption is the main constrain for WSN node. It is very difficult to obtain good QoS by keeping energy consumption low. Even if response of one of QoS parameter will depends on the many other QoS parameters. We have to take care of all QoS parameters to improve the performance of the wireless sensor networks. This Quality of Services may improve the application base of the WSN. With the QoS parameters the data dissemination along with energy optimization is get affected. We have to check the performance of the WSN against the QoS metrics for different data inputs. This may contain the periodic - non periodic data, event based data, transient or bursty data. For all these different types of inputs data we are checking the performance of QoS parameters like congestion, reliability and fairness. This may lead to new researcher to verify their results and excel their research work accordingly. This tutorial will will able the audience to design and develop the wireless sensor network. They must able to analyze the performance of sensor network and would possibly build an applications based on the WSN for national and social interested activities. Tutorial 2: Near Shannon Limit Channel Codes. Modified Turbo Codes Dr. Prakash D. Vyavahare , Senior Member IEEE, Professor and Head, Department of Electronics and Telecom. Engg. Shri G. S. Institute of Technology and Science, Indore (M. P.), India Dr. Prakash D. Vyavahare (SM-IEEE(USA), F-IETE(India), F-IE(India)) is Professor in Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engg. at S. G. S. Institute of Technology and Science, Indore, India. He received his M. Tech. and Ph. D. degrees from IIT Bombay in 1976 and 1995 respectively. He worked at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay as Communication Engineer from 1976 to 1982. He was Hindu-Hitachi scholar at Hitachi Ltd. Japan in 1981-82. He then joined SGSITS Indore (1982) and in past held various positions in the institute such as Dean (R D), Dean (Administration) and Head of the Department. He was associate of ICTP (UNESCO organization), Trieste, Italy during 1998 to 2005. He has 24 papers to his credit in international and national journals including IEEE Transactions in Communications, IEEE Transactions on Electronic Devices and IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. He has guided six Ph. D. students and four scholars are pursuing their research under his supervision. In the past, he has delivered seminars at various organizations including CERN (Geneva), Milan polytechnic Milan and INRIA Rocquencourt France. His areas of interests include channel coding, channel modeling, cross layer design issues and secure communication. Digital Communication techniques are widely used over the last few decades for transmission of voice, video and data. Error detecting and correcting codes (Channel codes) are employed in such systems to achieve reliable transmission of digital data. Such codes add controlled redundant information (parity bits) to the transmitted message for error recovery at the receiving end. Shannon8217s legendary 8220Channel capacity theorem8221 set milestones in theoretical limits on communication in presence of noise which, in turn, resulted in the evolution of Information Theory and Channel coding. Over the last six decades, many researchers have proposed and investigated numerous channel codes to achieve higher coding gains. Turbo codes are modern near Shannon limit codes which are used in modern wireless communication system standards. Recently, a class of low complexity hybrid turbo codes called as Low Complexity Hybrid Turbo codes (LCHTC) and Improved Low complexity Hybrid Turbo Codes (ILCHTC) are being proposed which have equivalent performance but lower complexity than that of Turbo codes. The seminar aims to cover a panoramic view of various channel codes with emphasis on recent developments in the area of Turbo Codes, Modified Turbo Codes and their variants with their salient features and applications and future areas of research in this field. Abstract The Cloud paradigm is on the fast track these days as it has the exemplary potential to emerge as a boon for the sagging and struggling IT industry to bring in the much-needed business agility, acceleration and automation. The cloud idea is the culmination of the cool convergence of several enterprise-class technologies. In other words, the cloud concept is a kind of technology cluster. Virtualization, service oriented architecture (SOA), scores of matured computing models (utility, cluster, grid, autonomic, etc.), a bevy of automation tools for job scheduling, capacity planning, resource provisioning and management, load balancing, and security, performance engineering and enhancement, etc. are the principal hallmarks of the powerful cloud discipline. Thus the cloud journey has started on a strong note and it is being projected that the cloud idea is to blossom and become the core, central and cognitive environment for hosting all kinds of applications and platforms. In this short course, we are to learn the beginning, the journey thus far, the trends emanating in this field, the future, etc. An Introduction to the Cloud Computing What is Cloud Computing Why it matters Traditional IT Infrastructures Vs Cloud Infrastructures Cloud Infrastructure and Cloud Advantages The Virtualization Paradigm Cloud Computing - All the Background Information (the beginning, the formalization, the noteworthy milestones, the accomplishments thus far, etc.) The IT Transformation, Optimization, Simplification and Standardization via the Cloud Concepts The Elasticity and Economy of Clouds The Lean and Green Computing through Clouds The Key Drivers and Motivations for the Grand Success of the Cloud Paradigm The Cloud Journey (Cloud 1.0 Cloud 2.0) The Use, Technical and Business Cases The Cloud Realization Technologies The Prevailing Challenges and Risks A Demo of how a Cloud environment functions The Cloud Paradigm for the Real-world Things The Cloud Management Frameworks (OpenStack) The Cloud Delivery Deployment Models The Generic as well as Specific Clouds The Cloud Networking and Storage Aspects The Cloud Load balancing, Security, Active Directory (AD) LDAP, etc. The Industry Verticals Profitably leveraging the Cloud Innovations Clouds as the Core, Central, and Cognitive Platform for the Smarter Planet The Role of Cloud in the Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber Physical System (CPS) and Smarter Environments The Prominent Application Domains wherein the Cloud Field started to bear fruits A Demo on Device, Sensor and Mobile Clouds Cloud Platforms, Tools, Tips and Techniques The Auto-Scaling Techniques Cloud Integration for Hybrid Clouds The Cloud Brokerage Services and the Platforms The Research Activities on Cloud Computing The Cloud Modernization and Migration Steps The Cloud Patterns Practices The Cloud Adoption Strategy-making Tips Cloud-Enablement and Cloud-Native Applications A Demo on Application Design, Development, Debugging, Deployment and Delivery The Emerging and Evolving Trends Software-defined Cloud Environments (Cloud 3.0) Software-defined Infrastructure (SDI) Software-defined Networking (SDN) Software-defined Storage (SDS) The Cloud Skills Matrix (Technology and Technical Competencies) A Demo on the future of Clouds Docker Containers on Cloud Infrastructures Cloud Configuration and Orchestration Platforms Who Should Attend This course is intended for business and information technology workers such as, Business Analysts IT Specialists - security - infrastructure - services - systems - testing Business Managers Business Process Owners Consultants Sales and Service Providers System Integrators Architects Developers. This short course will help the participants to: Define the common terminology used in cloud computing Identify the cloud computing and cloud services from a business perspective Explain the different deployment models in cloud computing Able to list the steps to successfully adopt cloud computing services Identify the organizational capabilities and the clud benefit List the impact and changes of cloud computing on IT service management and Identify the issues associated with integrating cloud environment into an organizations existing framework. Abstract Big data is data that surpasses the processing capacity of conventional database systems. The data is too big, moves too fast, or doesnt fit the limits of your database architectures. To process and get insights from this data, we must choose an alternative way to process it. The hot IT catchphrase, big data has become feasible as cost-effective approaches have now emerged to tame massive data. Within this data lies valuable information, previously hidden because of the amount of work required to extract them. To leading corporations, such as Walmart or Google, this power has been in reach for some time, but at fantastic cost. Todays commodity hardware, cloud architectures and open source software bring big data processing into the reach of the less resourced. Big data processing is eminently feasible for even the small garage startups, who can cheaply rent server time in the cloud. The value of big data to an organization falls into two categories: analytical use and enabling new products. Big data analytics can reveal insights hidden previously by data too costly to process. The past decades successful web startups are prime examples of big data used as an enabler of new products and services. This short course will focus on the concept of big data technologies and business analytics with its strategic importance to any organization. Participants will be introduced to the concept of business analytics with big data technologies: Hadoop, Hive and HBase. Introduction to Big Data Analytics What is Big Data Characteristics of big data Traditional data management systems and their limitations Big Data Analytics What is Hadoop Why is Hadoop used The Hadoop eco-system Big DataHadoop use cases Hadoop - HDFS HDFS Architecture HDFS internals and use cases HDFS Daemons Basic Hadoop commands Hands-on exercise Hive Understanding Hive Using Hive command line interface Basic DDL operations Hands-on examples HBase HBase overview HBase architecture HBase data access Overview of Zookeeper Hands-on exercise Who Should Attend This course is designed for anyone who: wants to understand big data landscape wants to analyze enormous amounts of data wants to work in Hadoop and its eco-system components, and have a programming background and want to take career to next level. CHIRALA ENGINEERING COLLEGE. CHIRALA, AP The Chirala Engineering College was established in academic year 2001 by GSR amp TSR Educational society with a clear objective of providing quality technical education in tune with international standards and contemporary global requirements. The college is approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), affiliated to the JNTU Kakinada and recognised as the Jawahar Knowledge Centre (JKC) by the government of A. P. It is the first engineering college in Prakasam district to attain ISO: 9001:2000 certifications. College is NAAC accredited and A graded by APSCHE. The managements commitment to excellence and relevance in technical education is reflected in the marvellous infrastructure that is comparable to the finest institution of its type in the country. The imposing multi-storied buildings housing state-of-the-art laboratories, spacious classrooms, workshops, computer centre with server room, a well-stocked library, wide and well lit clean corridors and a large canteen has set new standards in providing facilities at an international level. The 31 acre sprawling campus with lawns, gardens, playgrounds and a parking lot ensures the right academic ambience essential for a centre of higher education. Application of modern technology in teaching - learning process and effective day-to-day governance of the college makes CEC unique. Thus, within just 11 years of its existence, CEC has carved out a niche for itself as one of the leading engineering colleges in A. P. Our College seeks to develop wisdom in students that translates academic achievement into responsible citizenship, sincere professional service and a deep respect for life and beauty in Gods creation. Our mission is to further the college in imparting technical education for students, while maintaining our traditions and culture. All staff shall inculcate in themselves humbleness, simplicity, honesty and uphold dignity towards higher learning and serving the mankind. The college shall strive to its best in producing excellent engineers and managers who will be appreciated by industry and other sectors. OBJECTIVES OF THE COLLEGE: To achieve academic excellence in professional education and emerge as a centre of excellence. To strengthen the collegesociety in all academic aspects. To encourage and support collaborative and cross program initiatives. To include high moral, ethical and professional standards among our students and improve their overall personality. To improve the communication skills of rural students by arranging special training programmes. CHIRALA ENGINEERING COLLEGE strongly believes that quality meets success. Hence we constantly endeavour to provide the best quality education by student centred teaching, learning and training process, to equip the institute with latest cutting edge technology labs comparable to the best in the industry, and to modernize them, to tap the resources of best minds as faculty and visiting faculty and to encourage them to upgrade their skills and knowledge and to develop strong relationships and linkage with industry. More precisely, the college will strive hard towards providingestablishing: A practice of quality assurance to regularly address, monitor and evaluate the quality of education offered to students, and promoting effective teaching-learning methods for the benefit of both students and teachers and making the institution a place for excellent temple of knowledge in engineering science and technology. Best standards and practices of good governance, shall be put in place to bring in transparency of operations and improve credibility at all levels. Skills among students are developed through Interactive Teaching - Learning Process, Corporate exposure by Industry Internship and project work and thus make them ready to get into industry soon after the completion of their course. Research work among staff members shall be encouraged in-order to update their knowledge. Well equipped Laboratory facilities are provided in all the departments. Reputed Industries are invited for campus placements. Please note that Conference Attendee Listener registration fee includes the full conference kit, including the certificate. For Student AuthorsAttendees Students from overseas will get subsidized accommodation either in the college campus (hostel) or at the designated accommodation in place. Ca. ( 50 participants sharing basis) available on first-come first-serve basis. The registration fee, includes: Participation in all sessions Conference Kit Program Book Conference e-Proceedings in USB Thumb Drive Buffet lunch and teacoffee breaks Conference Banquet For Student Registration, student status verification is required either by a letter from the Institution or a scanned copy of the student card. IMPORTANT TO NOTE: (a) All banking charges MUST BE borne by the participants. (b) Please ensure that the Remitters (ParticipantAuthor) name, Paper-ID and the Purpose of remittance (Registration Fees) is clearly mentioned by the Remitter in the Funds Transfer Application. (c) Registration fees do not include accommodation and travel. Substitutions or cancellations should be made in writing on or before 6 July 2016. Refunds will be subjected to an administrative charge to be borne by the registrant. Bank charges that occur will also have to be borne by the registrant. Registrants wishing to cancel may send someone to take their place without penalty if they send a written request with the replacement persons name to secretariat at least two weeks prior to the event start date. No refunds will be made for cancellation or no-show after 6 July 2016. About Andhra Pradesh Situated in the southeastern coast of India, Andhra Pradesh is the 4th largest State of India. The capital of the state was Hyderabad which is also the largest city here. However, due to the announcement of the recently formed Telangana State, Hyderabad will be a part and capital of Telangana from the 2nd of June 2014. The State of Hyderabad will continue to function as the State Capital of Andhra Pradesh for a period not exceeding 10 years till a new capital is determined. The state of Andhra Pradesh is mentioned since 800 BC in the Sanskrit Epics like Aitareya Brahmana and Mahabharata. The native language 8216Telugu8217 is often associated with the Early Cholas. Andhra Pradesh also came under the rule of the Maurya Empire, the Ikshvaku Dynasty, Pallava, Rashtrakutas, Chalukyas and Later Cholas. When it comes to geography, Andhra covers most of the eastern part of the Deccan plateau and the eastern plains of the Eastern Ghats. The Eastern Ghats being a mineral rich area is covered with thick vegetation and the two regions are connected by patch of sparse vegetation. The State of Andhra Pradesh is well promoted by their tourism department and is well known for its rich natural resources, temples and rivers. The state of Andhra also shares a part of the coastal areas of the Bay of Bengal. The rich cultural heritage, ancient architecture and historical importance have made Andhra Pradesh one of the top tourist destinations in India. We shall discuss in brief the top 15 places to visit in the State of Andhra Pradesh. Tourist places in Andhra Pradesh Situated in the southeastern coast of India, Andhra Pradesh is the 4th largest State of India. The capital of the state was Hyderabad which is also the largest city here. However, due to the announcement of the recently formed Telangana State, Hyderabad will be a part and capital of Telangana from the 2nd of June 2014. The State of Hyderabad will continue to function as the State Capital of Andhra Pradesh for a period not exceeding 10 years till a new capital is determined. The state of Andhra Pradesh is mentioned since 800 BC in the Sanskrit Epics like Aitareya Brahmana and Mahabharata. The native language 8216 Telugu 8217 is often associated with the Early Cholas. Andhra Pradesh also came under the rule of the Maurya Empire, the Ikshvaku Dynasty, Pallava, Rashtrakutas, Chalukyas and Later Cholas. When it comes to geography, Andhra covers most of the eastern part of the Deccan plateau and the eastern plains of the Eastern Ghats. The Eastern Ghats being a mineral rich area is covered with thick vegetation and the two regions are connected by patch of sparse vegetation. The State of Andhra Pradesh is well promoted by their tourism department and is well known for its rich natural resources, temples and rivers. The state of Andhra also shares a part of the coastal areas of the Bay of Bengal. The rich cultural heritage, ancient architecture and historical importance have made Andhra Pradesh one of the top tourist destinations in India. We shall discuss in brief the top 15 places to visit in the State of Andhra Pradesh . Visakhapatnam was the second largest city in Andhra Pradesh and a major sea port of India. However, with the recently announced Telangana State, Vishakhapatnam will now be the largest city of Andhra Pradesh and a probable Capital of the future state of Andhra Pradesh. The climate is tropical and humidity is high throughout the year. The city has all the necessary attractions and resources to make it one of the top tourist destinations in India. Its various beaches, hilltops and a wildlife sanctuary attract a major tourist crowd. The place is the major port of the Indian National Army and is the deepest ports of India. There are various valleys like the Araku Valley, which is a picturesque location for picnics and is a hill station that has some really great trekking hotspots. The various beaches like Yarada and Rishikonda are situated in some of most picturesque locations and are relatively clean and are frequented by many tourists. Given below are the major tourist attractions of Visakhapatnam: Borra Caves Araku Valley Yarada Beach Rishikonda Beach Katiki Waterfalls Indira Gandhi Zoological Park Kailasagiri Hill Park VUDA Park Tirupati is one of the Major cultural and religious pilgrimage spots in India. The city is located at the southern part of Andhra Pradesh and is situated at the foothills of the Eastern Ghats in the Chittor district. Although the major language spoken here is Telugu, the word Tirupati is a Tamil word as saint Ramanujacharya who was a Tamil Vaishnava saint was responsible for founding this city. The town is famous for its temple dedicated to 8216Balaji8217, a form of Lord Vishnu. The temples foundation history is unknown and it was expanded over the centuries by various kingdoms and dynasties including the Chola, Pallava and the Vijaynagar Empire. The temple is one of the major pilgrimage spots in India and especially in the southern India. Apart from the temples, there are various other attractions like parks and zoos. Here are some of the major tourist attractions of Tirupati: Sri Venkateswara Temple Talakona Waterfalls TTD Gardens Deer Park Sri Vari Museum Sri Govindarajaswami Temple Srikalahasti Kanipakam Vijayawada . being the third largest city of Andhra Prades is number 3 on this list. The city is an agriculturally rich state and has been recognized as the Global city of the future by McKinsey. The former name of the city was Bezawada and has been under the rule of various ancient kingdoms of the South and has been one of the places the Chinese pilgrim Hieun Tsang stayed at. The River Krishna runs through the city and is located at the hills of the Eastern Ghats. The city8217s location is unique as well as to its west lays the deep jungles of the Kondapalli Reserve Forests which is known to house leopards, jackals, wolves, wild boar and wild dogs. The city itself is a cultural and religious center with its various temples, religious monuments, rivers, ancient caves and many more. Do not forget to buy the famous Kondapalli Toys as souvenirs. Some popular tourist places in Vijayawada are: Undavalli Caves Mogalarajapuram Caves Prakasam Barrage Bhavani Island Victoria Museum Kondapalli Fort Kolleru Lake Gandhi Hill The name 8216 Nellore 8217 literally means 8216Paddy Place8217 and is thus one of the primary agricultural cities in Andhra Pradesh. The vast paddy fields of Damaramadugu are one of the prime sources of rice in the state and in the country. The town is split in two by the Pennar River and is thus located at both the banks of the river. Towards the east of the city is the Bay of Bengal and thus Nellore is at a unique and strategic geographical location. The city has seen various ancient dynasties like the Mauryas, Chola, Pallava and Vijaynagar etc. Nellore is also famous for its ancient temples which are amazing owing to their stunning architecture and the cultural history associated with them. Nellore also has the Nelapattu bird sanctuary which is a great spot for the photography enthusiasts and professionals alike. The various lakes, temples, forts in the ancient agricultural town of Nellore are sure to keep you enchanted. Here are some important tourist destinations in Nellore: Udayagiri Fort Venkatagiri Fort Nellapattu Bird Sanctuary Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple Penchalakona Jonnawada Mypad Beach Pulicat Lake The city of Chittoor lies at the banks of the Ponnai River and is thus an important agricultural town in Andhra Pradesh. The town8217s major source of economy is its crops and agricultural products like grain, sugarcane, mango and Peanuts. The town has a unique climate which is high in the Eastern areas and low in the western areas because of the change in the altitude. The place is considered to be a backward district as far as the economy is concerned nevertheless it is a great place to visit and an undiscovered gem for a tourist. The town with its various hills, rivers, temples, forts and a rich collection of flora and fauna is a must visit. A personal recommendation would be to spend more time at the western areas near the Horsley Hills and simply relax. While most attractions in Chittoor can be covered in a day, it is more of a place to relax and rejuvenate. Some major tourist places in Chittoor are given below: Horsley Hills Kaundinya Wildlife Sanctuary Kalavagunta Gurramkonda Fort Nagari Hills Sri Venkateswara Temple Mogili Ramagiri The Largest of all the districts in Andhra Pradesh, Anantapur is famous for diamond mining and agricultural produce like rice, cotton, maize, chillies etc. The town is located near the bordering State of Karnataka and has 6 rivers that flow through the district. The town is an undiscovered tourist location with a number of monuments that exemplify the ancient reign of the Vijaynagar Kingdom and is famous for its ancient temples as well. The old ruins of the hilltop forts, its hidden waterfalls make it an amazing tourist attraction. The town of Anantapur is also famous for housing the mighty banyan tree of 8216Thimmamma Marrimanu8217 which is one of the largest trees in the world. Its branches are spread in an area covering around 2.5 acres and a canopy that is spread around 19,107 sq meters. Anantapur is a definitive visit for all people visiting Andhra Pradesh. Given below are major places to visit in Anantpur: Penukonda Ravadurg Gooty Fort Thimmamma Marrimanu Dharmavaram Hemavathi Aluru Kona Lepakshi Raidurga Fort Kurnool is known for being the erstwhile capital of the State of Andhra Pradesh. The town is one of the oldest cities and based on the rock paintings of Ketavaram, the town has seen humans since the Paleolithic era. The ancient caves and fort ruins in Kurnool date back pretty far in history and are a marvel to behold. The town is surrounded by the parallel running mountain ranges from north to south. The various temples and pilgrimage sites in this ancient town are not only significant when it comes to their cultural history but are also important architectural heritage of the city. The Rollapadu Bird Sanctuary is one of the prime reasons one must visit this town as it is a great place for both nature lovers and the shutterbugs. Some major attractions of Kurnool are given below: Kurnool Fort Belum Caves Nallamala Forest Rollapadu Bird Sanctuary Adoni Fort Mahanandi Kurnool Museum Mantralayam Kadapa literally means a 8220Gateway8221. This name owes to its special location which acts as a gateway to the pilgrim spot of the Tirumala Hills. The town was a part of the various ancient kingdoms of the South and it8217s famous for its various temples and forts that exemplify a marvelous Dravidian style architecture and prowess of the artisans when it comes to stone carving. The Bellum Caves are few of the longest caves in the Indian subcontinent and a spot that one shouldn8217t miss. The town got its economic boom when the large deposits of natural Uranium were discovered here and is one of the world8217s top 20 reserves of the nuclear fuel. The Shree venkateshwara wildlife sanctuary located here is also a great spot worth visiting and is rich with flora, fauna and some breathtaking views. Major tourist places in Kadapa include: Belum Caves Gandikota Fort Sidhout Fort Bhagvan Mahavir Government Museum Sri Venkateswara Wildlife Sanctuary Pushpagiri Ontimitta Ameen Peer Dargah Located on the banks of the Swarnamukhi River, Srikalahasti is located near the pilgrim city of Tirupati. The name of the town comes from the native names of three animals (spider, snake and elephant) which are said to have received salvation owing to their worship of Lord Shiva. Many different spots of this sacred town have been mentioned in the ancient texts and epics like Mahabharata. The town being a holy spot for the Hindu pilgrims boasts of its various temples which are architectural marvels and are located in few of the most picturesque locations between the surrounding hillocks. The town8217s major sources of economy are agriculture and tourism so the visitors can expect good food and hospitality. Here are some major tourist places to visit in Srikalahasti: Sri Kalahasti Temple Talakona Waterfalls Veyilingala Kona Waterfalls Ubbalamadugu Falls Gudimallam Sahasra Linga Temple Bharadwaja Tirtham Durgambika Temple Ongole is an ancient town that came under the reign of the ancient southern Indian kingdoms like Mauryas and Sathavahanas and the Pallava Ruler Krishna Deva Raya. Due to this ancient history behind the town8217s origin, it is famous for its Hindu temples which date back to the 17th century. The town8217s major produce is tobacco and is famous for its various small scale industries. Ongole is famous for its small beaches which are often devoid of huge crowds and has various water sport facilities. The sands are grainy and golden and the waters are clean. The hidden waterfalls of Bhairavakona are also not to be missed and you8217re sure to get lost in the breathtaking and relaxing surroundings. Here are the major tourist attractions of Ongole: Kothapatnam Beach Vodarevu Beach Chennakesava Swamy Temple Kashi Visweswara Swamy Temple Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Mandir Tangutur Chandavaram Bhairavakona The significance of Puttaparthi rose to fame due to it being one of the major religious centers of 8216Satya Sai Baba8217. The various temples and sociocultural centers in the town attracted a majority of the tourist population and pilgrims. The town houses a no. of religious sites and temples popularized by Satya Sai. The Chitravathi River is also referred as being the new Ganges and was used a cleansing spot for the pilgrims who visit here. One of the most distinctive places to visit here would be the Chaitanya Jyoti Museum which is a modern architectural marvel. The museum combines a mix of Chinese, Thai, Japanese and Gothic style architecture into a single monument. The Satya Sai Space Theater and planetarium is also worth visiting. Here are some major places to visit in Puttaparthi: Sai Kulwant Hall Chaitanya Jyoti Museum Sri Sathya Sai Space Theatre Sri Sathya Sai Hill View Stadium Gopuram Anjaneya Hanuman Swamy Temple Village Mosque Chitravathi River The city is known to be the cultural capital of Andhra Pradesh and is notable for its ancient Vedic culture. The city was said to have been founded by the Chalukyas in the 11th century. However it has been disputed by many historians and archeologists who claim that the town existed before the rule of the Chalukyas. Rajahmundry is also known to be the birth place of the Telugu language. The river Godavari is the major attraction in this town and various parks and ghats are located by its banks. The boat cruises on the river are also an activity that shouldn8217t be missed. The town being an ancient one is also famous for its ancient Dravidian Hindu temples that are frequented by tourists from all around. Some of the most popular places in Rajahmundry is given below: Papi Hills Kadiyapulanka Godavari Boat Travels Kotilingeswara TempleRallabandi Subbarao Government Museum Pattiseema Markandeya Temple Dowleswaram Barrage The town is famous for bearing the nickname 8216The twin city of Hyderabad8217. Secunderabad was founded in 1806 AD as a British cantonment the city differs in major ways from the city of Hyderabad. The town developed under the direct rule of the British as opposed to the Nizam ruled princely state of Hyderabad. Secunderabad is also one of the largest cantonment areas of India. The town is distinct from the other places in Andhra Pradesh due to the majority of its population being Anglo-Indian and Parsis. The town8217s various forts and the famous hussain sagar lake are a must visit. Here are the main places to visit in Secunderabad: Golconda Fort Hussain Sagar Lake Konaseema Birla Mandir Trimulgherry Fort Birla Planetarium Saidanimba Tomb All Saints Church A small town which is mainly known for its agricultural produce of coconuts and rice, Amalapuram has a rich Vedic culture and is known for its various temples. While there isn8217t much to see in this town the main places to visit are the Appanapalli Temple, Ainavilli Siddhi Vinayaka Temple and Sree Veereswara Swamy Temple. The town also lies at the head of the Konaseema Delta which is formed by the Godavari River. The town is also a hub of financial and education institutes in the Konaseema region. Major tourist attractions in Amalapuram include: Appanapalli Temple Ainavilli Siddhi Vinayaka Temple Sree Veereswara Swamy Temple, Muramulla The town of Srikakulam is located at the banks of the Krishna River and is placed on the northeast corner of Andhra Pradesh. This town came under the kalinga region of ancient India and is known for its various ancient temples. The town has one of the longest coastlines in the state of Andhra Pradesh and its various beaches are also worth visiting. Srikakulam is also a major producer of Khadi products. The various historic temples, monuments and beaches are deserving of a definitive visit. Being a part of the ancient kingdoms of the southern India, Andhra Pradesh is one of the major sources of Dravidian culture and history. With numerous tourist places in Andhra Pradesh . vast natural resources, varied climatic conditions and numerous ancient temples is a great location which will definitely make you look into the history books. Tourist places in Telangana The State of Telangana is to be a newly christened state of India on the 2nd of June 2014. The region was a part of the Indian State of Andhra Pradesh. It contains 10 districts . many of which are important towns of Andhra Pradesh including its very own capital, Hyderabad. The Main Language spoken is Telugu, and the word Telangana itself was meant to distinguish Telugu speaking region from the Marathawada region. The state is rich with historic and cultural heritage and the climate is hot n dry. The place has a majority of historic monuments and temples which were once a part of the State of Andhra Pradesh. One of the oldest dynasties in India the Sathavahanas were the dominant power here. The rule was followed by the reign of prominent royal dynasties like the Vakataka, Chalukyas, Rashtrakutas but the golden age of the Telangana region came under the reign of the Kakatiya dynasty which is attributed for most of the ancient architecture in this State. In the 14th century the city of Hyderabad came under the Delhi sultanate and the Nizams of Hyderabad which led to it becoming a princely State. In this article we shall discuss in brief the different cities of the upcoming State of Telangana. Hyderabad the capital and the largest city of the State of Telangana and also the capital of the State of Andhra Pradesh till the next capital is determined. The place is rich with historic and urban structures. The city is also a home to the 8216Telugu Film Industry8217 or 8216Tollywood8217, which is the second largest producer of motion pictures in India. Monuments like Charminar, marketplaces, cuisines, the town of Hyderabad is a must visit. The district lies not very far from the Capital city of Hyderabad and is one of the largest cities in Telangana. Warangal enshrines a huge number of ancient temples and monuments. The Pakhal lake is a must visit. The thousand pillar temple here is a historic marvel to behold and will ensure you note it down in your bucket lists for this city. Located by the River Godavari, Nizamabad is also a major city in the State of Telangana. The town is famous for its various temples and historical monuments. The Pocharam Wildlife Sanctuary is located next to the Pocharam Lake in Nizamabad and contains a rich flora and fauna. The Nizamabad fort is also a great place to visit. Karimnagar is located by a tributary of the Godavari River and is located at an approximate distance of 165 kilometers. The city is famous for its various historical forts owing to it being under the Nizam8217s reign. The Elgandal fort is a great place to visit due to its great location. The town is also famous for its various pilgrimage spots with some really amazing temples. The city is the 4th most populated city in the State of Telangana. The city8217s name 8216 Khammam 8217 owes to the local derivation of the name of hill located in this area. The Godavari River covers an area of 250 kilometers in this area from the Warangal district. This is also rich in coal minerals and called the 8216Coal Town of South India8217. The town is famous for its lakes, forts, temples and hot springs. The Kinnerasani Wildlife Sanctuary is a great place to visit which houses animals like tigers, pythons, jackals etc. Adilabad is the second largest city in Telangana and is known for its handicrafts. The area is distinguished from the Karimnagar and Nizamabad districts by the River Godavari. The Kawal wildlife sanctuary is a home to wildlife species like the tiger, panther, crocodiles etc. The town is also known for its various waterfalls and parks. A great place to visit would be the Basar Saraswati Temple which is situated at the banks of the Godavari River. Located at a distance of around 100 kilometers from the capital Hyderabad, Mahbubnagar was the core of the Sathavahanas and the Chalukya Dynasties8217 reign and was also a part of the Princely state of Hyderabad. The town is famous for various palaces and ancient temples. A major tourist attraction is the 8216Peerlamarri8217 which is a 800 years old banyan tree and its underlings are spread across 3 acres of land. Medak is famous for its rock paintings that date back to the Neolithic era. The Narsapur Forest is a great place to visit especially for the wildlife enthusiasts. The Devnoor Village is a beautiful village which is located by the Manjira River and is a great place to visit. The Manjira Wildlife Sanctuary is also a great place to visit and is a home to a variety of migratory birds and crocodiles. The Medak cathedral is a monolithic church of the Methodist Christian sect and the second largest Diocese in the world. The gothic styled architecture is a marvel to behold. The city of Nalgonda is located between two hills and is known for its various hill forts. The rivers Krishna, Musi River, Aleru, Peddavagu, Dindi and Paleru flow through the city and enrich it with various natural resources. The World8217s largest masonry dam, Nagarjuna Sagar is located in this city and is a major source of irrigation in the region. The town is also famous for its old temples and monuments. Rangareddy was form in 1978 when it split from the Hyderabad district. The town is basically a rural district and is famous for its temples. Ananta Padmanabhaswamy Temple is a major tourist attraction here. The Osman Sagar Lake is also a great place to visit. The town however has fewer attractions than the rest of the cities in Telangana and due it being close to Hyderabad can be covered in a day. Even though Telangana is a newly christened state, we might see many more additions to the huge list of tourist places to visit in the future. The cultural heritage and the historic significance of Telangana has certainly made it a must visit place in India. Software industry in Telangana Telangana has a significant amount of Software export in India. While the majority of the Industry is concentrated in Hyderabad. other cities are also becoming significant IT destinations in the state. Hyderabad8217s IT exports exceeded 7 billion in 2014. There have been extensive investments in digital infrastructure. In Hyderabad, the central region of the business happens in HITEC City. in the Madhapur suburb. Development of HITEC City prompted several IT and ITES companies to set up operations in the city, and has led civic boosters to call their city quotCyberabadquot. Software Companies Hotel Chaya is a budget class hotel in Vijayawada near Railway Station and Bus Stand. It has 18 rooms. Alankar Inn, Vijayawada is a wonderful hotel that caters upright business hospitality. Featuring an outstanding contemporary architecture with classy interiors offers an ideal stay to their guests. The hotel brings 3 star The hotel has 60 Double - Bed Rooms including 14 suits. There are special rooms for families with larger numbers. All the rooms are aesthetically decorated having good 3 star Fortune Murali Park offers the best of services to the business travelers in the beautiful city of Vijaywada. The close proximity to the airport and railway station makes it a comfortable hotel Haailand Resorts amp Theme Park, Chinnakakani Haailand Resorts and Theme Park, Vijayawada is a phenomenal retreat with eye-catching infrastructure. Elegantly designed rooms with contemporary amenities keep visitors comfortable all through their stay. Guests can experience the warm hospitality, convenient setting and a welcoming atmosphere throughout their stay. Mandatory Photo Ids required for Married Couples and if found invalid then the booking will be cancelled and entire amount will be charged Hotel Executive Inn, Vijayawada, is synonymous with heart-warming Hotels in Guntur Grand Nagarjuna Hotel is a mark of architectures innovation, blended with the novel vision of the promoters. Situated in the heart of Guntur, which is 0.5 K. M. drive away from centre Hotel Geetha Regency, located in the commercial area of Guntur, offers a panorama of contemporary amenities coupled with restful accommodation and delightful cuisine. Situated at a prime area, Hotel New Central Inn is a comfortable and luxurious accommodation in Guntur. The property is located at a walking distance from Guntur railway station. Hotel Sindoori, Guntur, welcomes you to experience the best in class hospitality and mouth watering dishes prepared with utmost case. The hotel is located at a distance of 1km from centre
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